Chapter 4

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(Part 4)
In the bathroom~~

Jayson-*walks out*
Aaliyah- I have to go to my locker.
Jayson- For what?
Aaliyah- Because I have to get my book bag.
Jayson- Hurry up the bell gonna ring.
Aaliyah- Ok *walks away*
???-*walks up to jayson*
Jayson - Da fuck you want?
???- I see you in a relationship with Aaliyah now.
Jayson- And...
???- *smirks and try to walk away*
Jayson- Danie I swear if you come 5 feet close to aaliyah that's gonna be my foot in yo ass.
Danie- Then that's gone be you single.
Jayson- Nah that's gone be you in the hospital.
Aaliyah-*walks up to jayson* Ready?
Jayson- Yea.*opens the door for her*
Aaliyah-*walks out*
Jayson-*walks out and unlocks the door and opens the car door for her*
Aaliyah-*gets in*
Jayson-*closes the door*
Aaliyah-*puts her seat belt on*
Jayson- Where you wanna eat at?
Aaliyah- I'm not hungry.
Jayson- Aaliyah you ain't all day today.
Aaliyah- I'm ok.
Jayson- Ok.*starts the car up*
-Later that Night Jayson house

Jayson-*gets up and changes into a back jeans with a a black shirt with God hands on it then he putz his black timbs on with his chain and his watch*
Aaliyah-Where are you going?
Jayson- I told you.
Aaliyah- Oh so you don't want me to talk to you.
Jayson- Baby I'll be right back.
Aaliyah- Don't talk to me.
Jayson- Stay here.
Aaliyah- Where am I gonna go?
Jayson- *grabs his keys* Give me a kiss.
Aaliyah- you ok.
Jayson- I'll be back in like an hour.
Aaliyah-*rolls her eyes*
Jayson- Stop... I'll be back and we can chill
Aaliyah- OK *lays back down*
At the Party~~

When they walked it was very loud crowded..all you can hear is music blasting and some people talking and all you could see is lights flashing people going up stairs into a bed room and of course people dancing and drinking everywhere.
3 hours later.
Clock : 2:57 A.M

???- Yo stay away from my girl
Jacob- Man fuck yo girl it felt like she had a dick anyway
???-*pulls a gun out* What nigga?
Jayson- *punches him in his face*
???-*falls on the floor*
Robert- Let's go

Jayson-*gets in the back seat behind the driver seat*
Jacob-*gets in the driver seat*
Robert-*sits in the middle*
Matt-*sits in the passenger seat and puts his feet on the dashboard*
Tyrone-*sits behind Matt*
Jacob-*starts driving*
Jayson- Bruh where we going.
Jacob- Just relax,Tyrone past me a beer
Tyrone-*pass him a beer*
Jacob-*gets on the high way and grabs the beer and gulps it down*
Next thing you know every one drinking execpt jayson but besdies that ever one drinking and laughing and the car is swirling and turning and people kept beeping there horn...but the boys thought it was funny...every one was drunk expect Jayson.

Jacob-*loosing control of the wheel*
Jayson- Bruhh what the!!!!(GCO)

Ya...I messed up again...sorry

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