Chapter 16

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(Part 16)

Ashanti P.O.V

our door was craked so I seen aaliyah open the door to August and China kissing.

Aaliyah P.O.V
When I walked in I seen then kissing and august pull back hell a fast and when I felt my heart break again I just wanted to cry but I can't do that I'm with Joyner and he's with China...But I don't want to share August like at all...but I think I choose who I want... and no regreats

Ashanti- Li-li!
Aaliyah- Whhhaaat?
Ashanti- C'mere
Aaliyah- ight..
China- You ok?
Aaliyah-*looks at China* Yea I'm Gucci

I lied

Aaliyah- I just walked to the wrong room*leaves and closing the door behind her*

When I got to Me and Shanti room we talked and I told her who I wanted ï she wanted to get our mind off of things so she went down stairs to get two bottles of henny and some weed she got from August...I don't know how and why so don't ask.
40 Min later.

By now we were both high and Drunk and bumping to meek mill on the corner while jumping on the bed.

Ashanti- Damn aaliyah puff puff past...
Aaliyah-*blows out smoke and passes it to Ashanti* sorry I just needed that bad..
Ashanti- You said that already like 100 times
Aaliyah- I know *drinks some henny*
*Nock Nock*

Ashanti-*passes it to aaliyah and coughing* who is it?
???- August.
Aaliyah-*turns the music down blowing out more smoke*
Ashanti- Who?
August- Open the Damn door.
Ashanti- *slips off the bed and opens the door* What?
August- *looks at her eyes* Nigga is you high?
Ashanti- And drunk.
August- Where aa (GCO)
Aaliyah-*falls off the bed* I'm OK!
Ashanti-*bust out laughing*
August- Is sh (GCO)
Aaliyah- Ouch Shanti my lip bleeding!!!
August- *walks in*
Ashanti- *walks over to her* Let me see
China-*walks in* Damn, it smell like Weed.
Aaliyah- *gets up trying to catch her balance*
Ashanti-*takes the weed from aaliyah and finish the rest*
Aaliyah-*wipes her lips with her shirt*
China- Aaliyah you ok?
Aaliyah- Do I look like I'm Ok?
China- I w (GCO)
Aaliyah- Yea Yea I don't give a fuck *walks in the bathroom drinking from her cup*
China- *looks at Ashanti* Its ight I know she(GCO)
Ashanti- I didn't say sorry.
August- Yo chill out.
Ashanti- "yo chill out" how about yall get the fuck out.
China-*Throws Her Hands Up In Defense And Walks Out*
Ashanti- You too Nigga bye... August- Tell aaliyah to text me.
Aaliyah-*walks out of the bathroom pouring more henny in her cup*
August- That's enough
Aaliyah-*stops pouring then looks at August then lifts her eyebrows up*
Ashanti- Oh shit.
Aaliyah- Who are you? I'm grown.
August- I don't give a fuck if yous a old lada' I said that's enough *takes the bottle from her*
Aaliyah-*drinks from her cup* Fuck you and get the fuck out my room.
August- Who y (GCO)
Aaliyah- August Motha' Fuckin' Alsina .
August- *takes the cup away from her*
Aaliyah- *takes the bottle away from him*
Ashanti- August get out.
August- Shanti shut you high ass up.

Ashanti P.O.V

Me and Aaliyah was both getting sick of him so she took her cup away from him and I started hitting him with pillow pushing him towards the door then so did aaliyah then we locked the door... then we both were tired and fell asleep.

Aaliyah P.OV Next Morning.

I woke up with a killer head ache and a swollen lip rembering everything that happen yesterday...Shanti was still sleep so I decided to take a cold shower and take some advill Shanti brought. When I got out I decided to call Joyner. Our conversation was getting bigger and bigger so I went in the other room where I was gonna stay in and sat in the spinning chair and he was yelling and screaming.

Joyner- Aaliyah Your sleeping with him!
Aaliyah- He's in a relationship with China.
Joyner- So why did I hear him in your room?!!
Aaliyah- That was Shanti
Joyner- Aaliyah I swear if I find out that you lieing and you sleeping with him I ain't gonna have shit to do with you.

I started crying a little bit because I hate breaking people hart unless I'm being real mean then I don't give a fuck but stuff like this...I'm gonna cry

August P.O.V

When I got up to go check on aaliyah I heard her crying in her room where she was a post to sleep at so I crept in there and she didn't even notice me but I heard him yelling at her threw the phone.

Aaliyah-*sniffs her nose* Joyner I just said(GCO)
Joyner- Aaliyah I know what you said! But how do I know that you ain't lieing?
Aaliyah- Because you gotta trust me! That's what you post to have in a relationship.*more tears drops down her face*
Joyner- I think i should (GCO)
Aaliyah- Joyner if you say that I swear...if you don't want to be in this relationship tell me now because I don't got time for little ass boys*sniffs her nose again*
Joyner- *sighs*
Aaliyah- I can't hear you.
Joyner- I'll hit you up later
Aaliyah- Yes or no?
Joyner- I don't know.
Aaliyah- Ughh!! *whipes her eyes*
August- He don't deserve you baby girl.
Aaliyah- Neither do you.
August- I know.
Aaliyah- *gets up and makes her way to the door*
August-*pulls her back and sits in the chair* what about us?
Aaliyah- What you mean?
August- I want you to be my girl.
Aaliyah- ...I made a choice you have to too..Me or China everytime you and China fuck up you can't run to me and eveytime me and you fuck up and you can't run to her.
August- You Already know who I want with no hesitation.
Aaliyah-*sighs* August,I'm scared what if you run into one of your ex's and you want to be in a relationship with them?
August- Babeh trust and belive I don't want no one but you. You just gotta tell me to let ha go
Aaliyah- but(GCO)
August- Tell me you don't want me.
Aaliyah- Ii...

Sorry for errors❤

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