Chapter 13.

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(Part 13)
(Ashanti and Aaliyah at top)
Aaliyah P.O.V

I woke up this morning at 8 from my phone ringing and I don't got class till 11- 12 then 1-2:10 Then my Last class 3- 3:40

Phone convo-

???- Hello?
Aaliyah- Who this?

I ain't got time for this bull shit I'm extremely sleepy.

China- It's China
Aaliyah- Oh Hey
China- Hey I was wondering i can make an appointment today around 11
Aaliyah- Can't got class
China- Is 4 good?
Aaliyah- Yea I'll text you the address
China- Great! Thank you so much!
Aaliyah- mhm

China P.O.V

I can't wait to this freaking photo shoot these pictures finna be the bomb! Specially the way she edits it and her ideas yess!! Like 5 minutes later she text me the address and I got even more exited!! I had to go to the other room and wake august up...We live together but in different rooms...well be in the same room in a week or two.

China- Baby!!
August- *sleep*
China- August!! The house is on fire!
August-*still sleep*
China- Bae I'm real horny.
August-*wakes up*


China- I want you to come to the photo shoot with me.
August- What time China?

He sounded irritated

China-5 but I wasn't lieing
August- Wasn't lieing about what?

I had to give him what he wanted

China-*kisses him then tugs at his pants*

Aaliyah P.O.V

I had to get up and my routine and I just threw on a outfit that turned out to be cute af don't feel like explaining but yea I went downstairs and seen my brother and sister playing I grabbed my strawberry milk out the refrigerator and left


I pulled up at MY place that my dad rent for me so I can take people pictures and I had my crew there too including Ashanti, When I say crew I mean Makeup and shit

Clock: 4:05 P.M

Ashanti- Liyah look at you you look cute.
Aaliyah- Thanks *sits in the director chair and crosses her legs*
Ashanti- Oh here they come

Soon as they said that Joyner texted me causing me to giggle

China- Hey...
Ashanti- I'm Ashanti That's Aaliyah A.K.A my best friend so try Her (GCO)
August- Shanti chill
Ashanti- Well hello august

I was still texting not paying attention to them

August- Sup Shanti
China- Yall know each other?
August- Yea from High school China- And Aaliyah?
August-*looks at aaliyah smiling and typing on her phone* Yea.

When I got finish texting I stoop up and looked at August China and Ashanti Looking at me

Aaliyah- What?
Ashanti- Nothing
Aaliyah- Ight Can someone get 3 Chairs?

Some one bough three chairs and they sat down And we talked about her theme she wanted of course love She wanted rose petals Sex outfits Bull shit like that.

Aaliyah- Ok Rose Petals
China- Mhm
Aaliyah- You want to look sexy
China- Right

Soon as she said that I had an idea of what we gone do


So I had everything out for her she signed some papers and Went to do makeup while they was doing make up I had people bring so much rose petals and they swept it into a heart then I told her to get naked and all the males left the rooms because august told them to Ugh! Anyways I had get in the middle of the heart and they covered her up with more rose petals then she started to pose and I started to take pictures.

Aaliyah- Head up
China-*lifts her head up*
Aaliyah-*Starts to take pictures*

Clock: 5:52 P.M

Aaliyah- Shanti I don' her hair like that
Ashanti- What you mean?
Aaliyah- I want it curled and fluffy
Ashanti- Ight *goes and curls her hair while she's still on the floor and fluffs it up* How's that?
Aaliyah- Perfect

20 minutes later I had everything I needed but the whole time I was working I felt august staring at me. annoying as shit Then a man walked in to the room.

August- What the fuck he doing in here?
Aaliyah- Yo! She's covered up with a billion rose petals shut the fuck up!
Ashanti-*hands China a robe*
China-*puts it on*
Man- Joyner is here
Aaliyah-*sighs loud*
Aaliyah- Shanti shut up and bring him in.
Ashanti- You mad or nah?
Aaliyah-*sticks her middle finger up*
Joyner-*walks in with a bag if food*
Aaliyah-*sits down in her seat*
Joyner- *looks at August*
August-*looks at him*
Aaliyah-*snappes her finger* What you want I'm working!
Joyner- Chill out Liyah I brought you food
Aaliyah- What you brought me?
Joyner- Wendy's
Aaliyah- Thanks *takes the bag away from him*
Joyner- No problem.
Aaliyah- Ight I got to get to work.
Joyner- Can I have a kiss?
Aaliyah-*kisses his check*
August- *laughs quietly*

I heard that nigga laugh.

Aaliyah- Joyner I gotta get to work like now.
Joyner-*sucks his teeth then leaves*
Ashanti- Why you do him like that?
Aaliyah- Shut the hell up ms . single
Ashant- He will put it in work then you will be so fast to give him a kiss...
Aaliyah-*starts to blush*
China- Can we pick up tomorrow?
Aaliyah- Yea
China- I'm tired
Ashanti- Your cloths in the changing room
China-*goes and change*
August- *walks over to Aaliyah*
Aaliyah-*looking at the photos she took*
August-*turnes her around and kisses her*
Ashant- *mouth drops*
Aaliyah-*pushes him off*What's wrong with yoh?
August- We had this discussion.
Aaliyah- Here we go.
August- *whispers*Me and China had Sex this morning and it was nothing like me and you.
Aaliyah- I don't care
August- You gone care
Aaliyah- W (GCO)

I got cut off from his tongue down my throat and his hands on my ass it felt so good as I just kissed him back we were tongue kissing for like 5 minutes then I pulled away.

Aaliyah- China should be coming out in a couple minutes.
August - I don't care.
Aaliyah- Well I do *moves away from him and wipes her lips*
China-*walks out holding her robe* OK thanks and Tommrow at 4?
Aaliyah- Yea
China- I want to ask you a huge favor Tommrow.
August- Go ahead ma I got to talk to Liyah for a sec

China P.O.V

When he said that....I felt exited because I knew my birthday was coming and he likes showering me with presents and what I did to him this morning yesss!! So I just left and stood outside

August P.O.V

Aaliyah- August I d(GCO)
August-*kissed her again*

I had to whisper some Rated R shit in her ear and squeeze her ass so I can make a river in her panties and so she can know i wasent finished with her and i know i did becuase i heard little moans in my ear while I whispered in hers and plus Shanti was right there shocked then I smacked her ass and left

Ashanti P.O.V

Ashanti- What the fuck?

Sorry for errors❤

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