Chapter 15

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(Part 15)

- Florida -
(Ashanti At the top)
August P.O.V

China- You seen August?
Izzy-(her best friend) At like 12 in the morning I heard him
leave your room ...go in Aaliyah and Shanti room to see if they seen him.
China- Ight thanks bestfran
Izzy-*laughs then goes in her room*
China-*nocks on Aaliyah and Shanti door*
August-*whispering* Oh shit
Aaliyah-*wakes up*
August-*whispers* China at the door ma.
Aaliyah- Shanti!
Ashanti- *sleep*
Aaliyah- Aaaasssshhhaannti!
Ashanti- What?*opens her eyes and looks at aaliyah*
Aaliyah- Get the doh'
Ashanti - ugh...*gets up and swings the door then crakes it* Heeeeyyy China sup?
China- I was wondering if you seen august.
China- I heard him go downstairs.
China- Thanks...*goes downstairs*
Ashanti-*closes the door*

China P.O.V

I went down Stairs to look for august....Why Aaliyah ain't get the door? I heard her call her name she was probably sleepy... I got back upstairs and found August taking all his cloths off looking sexy and making me horny

China-*closes the door* Hey baby.
August- Sup ma.
China- Where were you?
August- Outside smoking.
China- Oh ok *goes and wraps her arm around his neck* You know baby I ain't got a kiss in like days.
August- *kisses her check* I'm real tired ma.
China- But I'm horny babe and I'm serious.

I knew that would work

August- Ok I'm tired ma.
China- Bae what is wrong?
August- I'm tired as fuck.
China- But I'm horny as fuck can you just finish me off?
August- Ugh! China I said I'm sleepy!
China- What's wrong wit you?you never turn down pussy.
August- Newsflash I'm sleepy.*gets in bed*
China- So why did you go out and smoke?
August- Because I'm stressed and tired.
China- Ight well just finish me off baby
August- I ain't in the mood and you really starting to sound thirsty.
China- How if I'm your girl and I want some dick from my man?
August- If your gonna keep being Annoying tell me now so I can go some where else to sleep.
China- Nevermind August*turns the light off and gets in bed*

I'm still horny and I want some dick..

Clock: 3: 50 A.M

I let him sleep for awhile since he was tired then I got out of bed got naked and got back in bed and started to rub on him.

August-*moves a little*
China-*puts her hands down her pants and jerks him up and down slowly*
August-*wakes up aggravated *

August P.O.V

I woke up then got pissed/aggravated I moved her hand away quickly and seen she was naked in bed and the first thing came to me was Aaliyah and how she wasn't even gonna look at me I ain't tryin' to lose my baby

August-*gets out of bed and pute his cloths on*
China- What the fuck is wrong?

I was getting pissed the fuck off and the whole Fucking mansion can hear how angry I was. By now I was yelling at her and I never yell or scream at her. I was so tired my eyes wear red, it's hard work to be an artist.

August- I said I'm Stressed and tired!!!! And you still trying to have sex!!! What the fuck is wrong with you?!?!?

She Jumped every time I screamed and yelled.

China- Iiiiimm sorry august calm down.
August- No!You need to stop acting like you ain't never had dick before!! You gotta respect the fact that I'm tired and stressed and I'm going through a lot since...Nevermind*walks out the room*

Aaliyah & Ashanti room

When I got in there Aaliyah was wearing a tank top and some pajama shorts that huged her butt

August-*walks in the room*
Aaliyah-*on the phone* Hol..Hold on Joyner *puts the phone down* what's wrong?
Ashanti- Why the fuck you wake the whole house up?
August- China pissing me off *gets in bed and cuddles aaliyah*
Aaliyah-*lays on his chest and throws her legs on him*
August-*closes his eyes and started to stroke aaliyah legs*
Aaliyah-*puts the phone by her ear* Ok I'm back.
Joyner- I was saying that I'm sorry sounded like a man.
Aaliyah- Well you were wrong
Joyner- I know baby I'm sorry maybe when you come back I can s (GCO)
Convo Over
Aaliyah- Why august?
August- Good night Liyah.
Ashanti- Did you really just hang up on Joyner?
August- I sure did.
Aaliyah-*phone rings *
August- Get it and watch me pop ya ass...
Aaliyah-*rolls her eyes reaches for it*
Aaliyah- Ouch August!!
August- You want another one?
Aaliyah-*lays under him and starts to play with his ear*
August- Oh ok
Aaliyah- August tell Shanti to stop laughin' at me.
August- Shanti Stop laughing at my Baby.
Ashanti- ok ok ok I'm done.*trying to catch her breath*
August-*starts to rub her butt and whisper* You gone listin to me?
Aaliyah- No that shit hurt.
August-*squeezes her butt*I'm sorry Baby but(GCO)
Aaliyah-*phones rings again*
Ashanti- You gone get that Aaliyah?
Aaliyah- Shutt the fuck up.
August- *keeps rubbing her butt and whispering* I love you ma.
Aaliyah-*still playing with his ear* I love you to Aug.
Next Morning

Ashanti P.O.V

I woke up and it was raining hard I was getting scared so bad I wanted to get all cuddled up with august and Aaliyah everyone decided to work when It clears up.

Lights go out

Ok...I officially want to cuddle with Aaliyah and august.

Aaliyah- Shanti you scared?
Ashanti- Hell yea*pulls her over to her side*
August- *pulls her back* Yo what you doing?
Ashant- Trying to get my best fiend so she can cuddle with me.
Aaliyah- *laughs*
August-*Cuddles her tighter*

Aaliyah P.O.V

August cuddled me tighter...I felt protected safe warm...I was so comfortable in his arms I didn't want to share him with NO ONE but I want Joyner weird...It was no space between us until...

Shanti-*gets out of bed and pulls august out of bed*
August-*falls on the floor*
Aaliyah- Oh my go (GCO)
Shant-*locks her arm in Liyah arm*
August-*gets up and starts to hit Ashanti with the pillow*
Ashanti-*covers get face*
August-*picks up Aaliyah bridal style*
Ashanti- Ugh!! Aaliyah who do you want?
Aaliyah- *laughs* Can I have Both of yall?
Both- Nope.
Aaliyah- Shanti.
August- *puts her down* it's coo I'll cuddle with China she wants me so bad anyways.
Aaliyah-*pouts and get s in the bed with Ashanti and locks there arms*
It started thundering loud again.
20 minutes later.

Aaliyah- I want August.
Ashanti- Wow...but I feel ya
Aaliyah-*gets out of bed and creeps to their door*

August P.O.V

August-*tickling her* Give me my phone
China- Give me a kiss.
August-*tickels her laughing* China give me my phone.
China- I want a kiss.
August- *goes in and kisses but grabs his phone*
China-*kisses him slowly*
Aaliyah-*walks in*

Ashanti P.O.V

our door was craked so I seen aaliyah open the door to August and China kissing.

Aaliyah P.O.V

Sorry for errors❤

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