Chapter 35

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(Part 35)

August P.O.V

I was waking into my homeboy Quan house. Me and him use to be on the coner selling these rocks when I was in a streets then I moved back to my home town. This nigga got away with like 10 kill and the cops ain't catch him still. He also know how to do other things too...

August-*nocking on the door*
Quan- Who the fu!!(stops)
August- Damn nigga
Quan- Young'n! My nigga!
August- Wuddup Wuddup Wuddup!*slaps him up*
Quan- Come on in Crip.
August-*laughs then walks in*
Quan- How's life?
August- A living hell as usual.
We talked for about 4 hours and Aaliyah called me I declined it and kept talking. I finally told him what Aaliyah dad did and he already jumped a head of me.

Quan- I'm a kill this nigga dog!
August- Yo chill...Don't kill him that's my girl dad and my daughter grandfather.
Quan- so what yo (stops) ohhh....yea boy! Just give me his number and I got you Brody I got you!!!
August-*pulls his phone out and gives Andrew number to Quan*
???-*walks out from the back* Daddy I want you.
Quan- Bitch get yo ass back to bed...I'm handling business.
???- *starring at August* Oh yooouuurr auu (GCO)
Quan- Bitch what I say?
???-*runs back to the room*
August- Damn man...
Quan- Anyways back to this conversation.
August- much you want?
Quan- Nothing nigga you fam!
August- *laughs* ight man I'll hit you up later.*stands up*
Quan- Ight Brody!

Quan P.O.V

My homeboy was driving me to this nigga house while some of my other home boys was in the back.When we got there I picked the locks waking my gloves then walks in turning the System off. My boy got the code to that shit! We walked upstairs to see this Biggs wrapping the towel around his waist.

Andrew- Now who the fuck are you?
Quan- Yo worst night mea'
Andrew- *punches his homeboy in the face*

Everyone stared to fight but Quan but his boys finally got him down on the grown. Then his homeboy put handcuffs to on Andrew and the attached it to the bed.

Quan- Ight I got it from hea'
Boys-*walks out*
Quan-*unzips his pants slowly and pulls his draws and pants down slowly*
Andrew- What are you doing my house?!?! (He couldn't see Quan)
Quan-*rolls a condom on* So you like touching little girls?
Andrew- what every I do doesn't (GCO)
Quan- You like raping them to?
Andrew- Tuh (GCO)
Quan- Let's see how much you like it *snatches his towel off of him going into his butt hard*
Andrew-*screaming to the top of his lungs*

August P.O.V

It was at least 10 o click. I came back from the studio with Chris and trey. We had a couple drinks and blunts and edit some songs only us though. I walks in the room seeing Aaliyah nocked out but the baby shows was on I smelled like weed straight up. So I opened in the shower and stayed in there for about 30 minutes came out smelling clean and good as fuck. I put on draws and got in the bed. I grabbed Aaliyah waist and she tensed up but then relaxed when she smelled me.

Aaliyah-*sleepy voice* I haven't seen you all day august.
August- I know ma I'm sorry.
Aaliyah- I hate you.
August- I love you to ma.
Aaliyah- You smell good.
August- I just got out the shower.
Aaliyah-*yawns* Oh otay I'm going back to sleep.
August- Gimmie a kiss first I ain't have one all day.
Aaliyah- Not my fault.
August- *lifts her chin up and kisses her sleepy lips*
Aaliyah- *lays down and closes her eyes*
August-*lays on his pillow going to sleep*
2 A.M

I woke up from aaliyah moving around and whining in her sleep. I sat up turned the light on by my bed and whipped my eyes.

August- *walks over to aaliyah side of the bed and sits on the edge then wakes her up.
Aaliyah- Auugust sttop I'm tiered (Whining)
August- What's wrong?
Aaliyah- My stomach hurts and I'm tired.
August- Did you eat today?
Aaliyah- Yea.
August- You beta not be lieing to me.
Aaliyah- I'm noot but my stomach hurts really bad august for real.
August- Calm down ma.
Aaliyah- Bu(GCO)
August- I know *picks her up bridal style taking her downstairs*
I put her on the counter and gave her a slushy of water out the freezer. Then she calmed down and put the water down wanting to be held, So I carry her upstairs with her waterbottle in one hand and my other hand carring her upstairs to my room and she layer back down looking for SpongeBob.

August-*puts the water bottle on her side of the dresser*
Aaliyah-*laying on his chest*
August-*rubbing her stomach* You love me?
Aaliyah-*cuts her eyes to him* No.
August- Let's see who take care of you tomorrow night.
Aaliyah- Shut up.

Clock: 8:14 A.M

Date: May 28

Zaire- So when can I see my niece?!?!?!
Aaliyah- When she is born.
Zaire- And when is she born?
Aaliyah- She is born in a couple days.
Kay- Really??
Aaliyah- Yea.
Zarie- Coo.

Andrew P.O.V

I woke up with a dick being slammed into my ass again this ain't the first day this shit happen. I looked back and seen it wasn't Quan it was someone bigger than him then started to grab my dick stocking it.

???- Yoh got some pretty ass eyes nigga.
Andrew- Ahhh!!!

August P.O.V

Date: May 30th

I was talking to a producer and he was telling me about the business and my phone strarted ringing guessing it was Aaliyah and that it had to be an emergency after I told her not to call me during this time

August- Excuse me *stands up leaving the room answering the phone*


Kay- Hai! Uncle august!
August- Hey baby where Aaliyah at?
Kay- Hospital! That's where me Zarie and grandma is at.
August- Why are you at the hospital?
Kay- Aaliyah peed on herself! I was like what the big deal? go change but grandma rushed us to the hospital with the baby stuff. Crazy right!
August- Ight hold on I'm coming ok?
Kay- Okay!
Convo Over:
Soon as I got off the phone I told the producer what was happing and we decided to re-secudual then I speed off to the hospital.


Sorry for errors❤

At least 10 updates for next update❤

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