Chapter 39

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(Part 39)

(Princess at the top)

Next Day.

Ashanti P.O.V

Driving to Aaliyah house nervous as a bitch when I get to chief house. I don't even know is real name but I let him fuck me, that's sad as fuck. I pulled up and notice August car. I got out and unlocked the door and walked in locking it behind me I went to go check on Princess and she was in there sound asleep. I walked back to see Steam coming out of Aaliyah's bathroom but Aaliyah sleeping cuddled with a pillow. I went and shook her to wake her up she just turned over I sighed not wanting to play games with her. Then August came out the bathroom with his hair wait his tongue swiping his pink plump lips the drips of his check hitting his towel and him wrapping the towel around his body to make it tighter.I looked at his tattoos and understood why Aaliyah had a baby by him he is so fucking sexy I swear It felt like a water fall in my pa- what the fuck am I talking about? That's my best fiend baby daddy.

August- Did you lose some ova hea' nigga?
Ashanti- uuh nno. I was just waking Aaliyah up so we can leave.
August- You betta cut dat shit out Shanti she already been down that path.

Well behave yourself.

Ashanti- Don't yo(GCO)
Aaliyah- Can yall shut the fuck up?
Ashanti- C'mon liyah get dressed.
Aaliyah- fine fine fine damn *gets up going in the showing passing my august slapping his ass*
August- Stop with that gay shit.
Aaliyah- *putting her hair in a ponytail* shut up.


August P.O.V

Aaliyah- And when we get back were gonna go for a walk then to visit your aunti and uncle and gra (stops) Where the fuck did my dad go?
August- Stop cussin around my daughta'
Aaliyah- Oh wait oh yea he called.
August- And said what?
Aaliyah- He's on vacation...I wonder why he didn't come back though I would like for him to meet his only grand daughter.
August-*putting his chain on* Yea...
Aaliyah- your gonna watch princess
August- Not today.
Aaliyah- It wasn't a question.
August- But it was an answer.
Aaliyah- Your watching your daughter today until I get back.
August- Not today ma.
Aaliyah- I should of told you ass that when you slipped up and got me pregnant but I didn't. So shut the hell up and watch your f (stops) child.*looks at princess in her rocker*
August- Dat ain't funny.
August- I'm just kidding.
Princess-*laughs again*
August-*mumbles* Bipolar ass...just like yo mama.
Aaliyah- What was that august?
August- Nothing ma dang.
Aaliyah-*goes over kissing princess all over her face* Bye mommy's baby I love you.*gets up leaving the room*
August-*clears his throat*
Aaliyah-*walking out* bye august!
August- Sad.*walks over sitting on the bed staring at princess* So what we gone do.
Aaliyah- I left her 4 bottles I won't be gone long!
August- Ight!
Princess-*smiling and kicking her feet*

House door slams.

August- Ya mama just left us babyeh.
Princess-*frowns then starts crying*
August- I'm kidding she's in da kitchen.
Princess- *stops crying*
August- Wow...*mumbles* dats a damn shame... I guess we go see if she in there.*picking princess up carting her in the kitchen*
Princess-*looking around*
August- She not in hea babyeh.
Princess-*starts to cry*
August- Watcha want? Ya mama just fed Ya and changed ya...Oh dem baby shows ya mama like to watch let's watch dem

Aaliyah P.O.V

I was pulling up at this huge ass mansion like a little bit bigger than August's. I sighed and looked over at Ashanti looking at the house.

Aaliyah- You ready?
Ashanti- Yea.
Aaliyah- let's go.

We got out and nocked on the door. A guy with dreads and mouth full of gold teeth like whole mouth. He looked at me then smiles but once he seen Ashanti he frowned.

Dude- Aye! Keith Youngin' girl out hea and so his that joint from yo girl side!!
Chief- what Youngin' girl doing hea? *walks to the door*
Aaliyah- How do you even who I am? never mind don't answer that. And I am not his girl.
Chief- Ya...Ok. But Shanti what the fuck you doing hea?
Ashanti- Iii came to tell you I'm pregnant..
Chief- What? How the fuck that happen?
Ashanti- Well your dick entered my pussy(GCO)
Chief- No smart ass...I mean ain't yall females post to be on Dat birth control or some shit? Fuck I ain't ready for no baby's in my fucking life.
Ashanti- If you don't want my daughter in your life fine, she won't I don't need your help to rake care of my baby.
Chief- Wait shan (GCO)
Ashanti- Let's go Li.
Aaliyah- *gets in the car*
Ashanti-*gets in the car*


When we got to rob house another car was parked there, probably one if his Lil girlfriends. We got out and nocked on the door and one of his friends answered the door. We walked in and see Rob sitting there with kancky pants on timbs a tank top and a bucket hat with his chains and watch on. He was all in his phone he didn't even notice us till I cleared my throat.

Robert- Oh shit hey Shanti hey best friend.
Ashanti- That's all I am Shanti?
Robert- Sis.
William-(his friend)* sits on the couch*
Aaliyah- *sits on Rob lap* best fiend I haven't seen you in a while.
Robert- I know...I've been busy.
Aaliyah- To busy fa me?
Robert- Ya.
Aaliyah-*gasps* Hurtful..
Robert - I'm just playing best friend. Where's princess?
Aaliyah- With her dad.
Robert- Oh. What you got planned today?
Aaliyah- I'm taking Princess for a walk and then to my mom house...That's it.
Robert- Oh okay.
Aaliyah- Why?
Robert- Just asking.
Ashanti- We just left Chief house. I told him about the baby.
Robert- Oh yea How did it go?
Ashanti- Better than I expected.
Aaliyah-*playing with his chain*
Robert- I don't gotta nock his ass into a coma right?
Ashanti- I hope not.


Pulling up at my house tired as can be. Me and Princess went to my mom house then Zy and Monty wanted to go shopping then I had to help my mom cook dinner then pick dome food up for Shanti greedy ass. I got out then got princess going in the house. Coca running towards me barking me trying to shh her down before she wake Princess up. Finally I laid Princess down in her crib then went to go get undress put my pj's on put my hair in a pony tail then feed coca then go to sleep.

Andrew P.O.V

Andrew-*spitting out blood* I just want to see a picture of her.
Quan-*shows him a picture of Princess* Pretty ain't she?
Andrew- Yes she is. Very.
Quan- Don't think no nasty shit old man.
Andrew- When can I leave?
Quan- When they finished with you.
Andrew- They?

My eyebrows went up when I seen about 30 guys of all skin colors come him jerking there slef.

Quan- They. You gone give me ALL head and some of em some ass or its a bullet through your head. Got it?
Andrew-*nods fast*
Quan- C'mon fellas.

1 hr later.

Andrew - no more.
Guy- The fuck you mean no more? Keep sucking nigga.
Andrew-*keeps sucking*


I woke up to see a little bit of eggs and 4 chewed up pancakes. I started thinking about weather if I should eat or not and I did. I haven't ate in a week I haven't took a shower since they came and got me and my ass is so sore.I can't wait till I get out this bitch I'm coming after Quan.


Sorry for errors❤

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