Chapter 7

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(Part 7)


Aaliyah-*walks in the building*
Ashanti- I heard.... how you been?
Aaliyah- Girl how do I look?
Ashanti- Like a fucking baddie.
Aaliyh-*laughs* Sit next to me in all of our classes
Ashanti- Ok.
Aaliyah-*walking past Jayson going to her locker*
Jayson-*walks up to her*

(All there friends crowded around them but they don't

Aaliyah- Right in time.
Jayson- For what.
Aaliyah- To get yo shit out my locker...
Jayson- Stop acting like that.
Aaliyah- Like what?(she said getting all his stuff out her locker)
Jayson- Like this...
Aaliyah- Oh you mean me bouncing off a 4 month relationship because my best friend was being a hoe and my boyfriend *looks at him up and down then laughs*
Jayson- I swear ain't nothing happening between us.
Aaliyah- Yea you right nigga we ain't even friends. *handing him all his shit*
Jayson-*takes it and puts it on the floor* No me and Kayla.
Aaliyah-*turns around and looks at everyone* Oh Hey.
Robert-*staring at Aaliyah* hey
Josh- Girl if you wasn't my sister...some shit would of been happing...
Aaliyah- Ew
Jayson-*grabs her waist and brings him close to her* stop playing.
Aaliyah- *pushes him* Stop touching me.
Jayson- Aaliyah liste (GCO)
Aaliyah-*puts her index finger on his lips* shh shh I don't want to hear it...
Jayson- You know what fuck it.*picks his stuff up*
Aaliyah- Yea and fuck you.
Jayson- To bad Kayla already did.
Aaliyah- I'm glad I didn't see I'm not gonna be pregnant in high school I'm gonna get money making money. while you and your baby mom have to be at home taking care of a baby!!
Kayla-*stand behind Jayson*
Jayson- she ain't pregnant *turns around*
Kayla-*holding a pregnancy test* I am thoe.
(Everyone Ooing)
Jayson- Ugh what the fuck!
Aaliyah-*walks around Jayson and punches her in the nose*
Kayla-*falls back holding her nose*
Tyrone-*lays on the floor and hits the floor* 1...2...3... Ding Ding Ding!! *looks at her bleeding* Dang aaliyah her nose bleeding.
December ( School break Xmas)

Monty-*opens a present* Oh my gosh!! I got a new transformers!!
Aaliyah-*opens her present*
Monty- What is it?
Aaliyah- A mac laptop with a Mac mac up box
Andrew- *smiles*
Aaliyah- Thanks you guys
Monty- Say thank you to Santa!!
Monty- Aaliyah can I play on it?
Aaliyah- No.
Monty- Please?
Aaliyah- No
Monty- Please!
Sherry-*Gets up and opens the door*
Monty-*gets the pillow and hits her with it*
Aaliyah-*grabs it and hits him with it*
Sherry- Aaliyah?
Aaliyah- Yes.
Sherry- Some one is here for you.
Aaliyah- *gets up and goes to the door* who is here f (GCO)
Jayson- Hey.
Sherry- I will leave you two to talk.*walks away*
Aaliyah-*steps outside* wussup?
Jayson- Merry Chrismas.
Aaliyah- Same to you to now wussup?
Jayson- It's Kayla.
Aaliyah- What about her?
Jayson - OK well you know she 3 months pregnant...
Aaliyah- Ya I really don't care.
Jayson- *chuckles* Yo what is wrong with you?
Aaliyah- The fact that I'm still kinda hurt that you got my best friend pregnant and your at my house...for a stupid reason probably.
Jayson- I'm here because she needs you
Aaliyah-*sits down in the swing*
Jayson- She won't let me help her
Aaliyah- *gets a phone call*
Jayson- Don't answer that.
Aaliyah- I wasn't but now I am *answers it* (oh Hey Gam' Ma....I've been good how are you?...That's good....I'm Talking to my ex boyfriend....Yes Gam'ma He is very unloyal and stupid....OK I love you to Gam'ma bye) Ok what we're you saying?
Jayson- Kayla trying to kill herself again.
Aaliyah- Why are you here then? go help her.
Jayson- Aaliyah Don't play dumb she needs you.
Aaliyah- Jayson get the fuck off my porch I told yo ass don't come to me when she do this shit.
Jayson- Damn aaliyah help the fucking baby.
Aaliyah- let me go get my jacket*goes in the house*
3 Min later.
Aaliyah-*walks out*
Jayson- You ready?
Aaliyah- Yeah.
Both-*gets in the car*
Jayson- What so funny?*pulls off*
Aaliyah- I don't see a car seat.
Jayson-A ki ki ki...ain't shit funny.
Aaliyah- Oh you mad? Ahhh you mad why you mad? Don't be mad...
Jayson- I ain't mad.
Aaliyah- Where is she?
Jayson- Her mom house
Kayla Mom House.

Jayson-*unlocks the door*
Aaliyah- Baby Daddy got a key already? damn *walks in*
Jayson-*shakes his head*
Aaliyah-*hears her crying*
Aaliyah-*walks in the kitchen* Why you always crying?
Kayla- Why are you here?
Aaliyah - I'm here to love you and this baby and to help you get through this with Jayson.
Kayla- Really?
Aaliyah- Hell no.
Kayla-*Grabs the Knife and puts it by her by her stomach*
Jayson- Aaliyah do something!
Aaliyah- Kayla Give me the knife.
Kayla- No.
Aaliyah- If you don't give me the knife you won't have a child to love and take care of and hold it when it's....give me the knife!
Kayla- But I'm scared!
Aaliyah- I understand that but you gotta give me that knife
Kayla- *goes to stab her self*
Aaliyah- Kayla No! *grabs her hand and slides the knife out her hand*
Kayla-*Trys yo catch her breath*
Aaliyah- Jayson Give her some water.
Jayson-*gets a bottle of water out the fridge and opens it then gives it to kayla*
Aaliyah- OK now take me home.
Jayson- Aali (GCO)
Aaliyah- Take my ass home...i told you when she do some shut like this don't come to me and I said to delete my number.
Jayson- Damn why you acting bitchy?
Aaliyah-*throws the knife at Jayson*
*Knife sticks to the wall*
Aaliyah- You ain't think I know how to do that?
Jayson- *shakes his head*
Aaliyah- I swear both of yall are stupid...I'll walk or have my dad come and get me*leaves*
Aaliyah started to walk home listening to music with her ear buds and was kinda a long but Aaliyah needed it she was hot about Jayson and Kayla.
15 min later.
Aaliyah- *turns a corner*
???-*bumps into her*
Aaliyah-*slips and falls on her ass* What the fuckk???
???- Oh damn...I'm sorry ma *helps her up*
Aaliyah-*geys up looks at her phone in the snow* Watch where you going.....
???- *picks her phone phone up* I said I'm sorry ma.
Aaliyah-*takes it*
???- You ok?
Aaliyah- No I fell on my ass and it hurt.
???-*goes to look at it*
Aaliyah- Don't look at it!
???-*laughs* I wasn't gonna really look at it ma.
Aaliyah- Yea what ever.*starts to walk away*
???- Wait! Damn.
Aaliyah- What?
???- Let me take you on a date an really apologies.
Aaliyah- I don't even know your name.
???- August.
Aaliyah- Nice to meet you august...I'm Aaliyah.
August- nice to meet you to ma...So how about that date?
Aaliyah- *blushes* Ight...What your number?
August- *takes her phone puts it in her phone and gives her phone back to Aaliyah *

Text Convo:

Aaliyah-"Aaliyah Number."


:Convo Over
August- I'll hit your time line.
Aaliyah- OK...*walks away*
August- Merry Chrismas Ma.
Aaliyah- Merry Chrismas

Sorry For Errors

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