Going For The Bad Boy - MUST READ

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This story is a spin off to My Brother's Best Friend. This story is about Riley. You do not have to read MBBF but it would be nice. Oh, there is one bit you do have to read, it would be important later on. (I'll post it below after this). Just a little note, this is the only spin off for MBBF that I'm writing. Was planning on doing one for Ryan but it flopped and I was going no where with it.

Right, now..if you've read MBBF then you do not have to read this part. It is just Riley's POV from chapter forty so you can move along to the first chapter! If you haven't read MBBF but don't want to, just read this little part and then you're all set for chapter one!


"Thanks, Riley." I look to Ryan and raise a brow at him. The hell is he on about?

"Um, what for exactly?" It was lunch, and I was sitting on Tyson's lap.

"The text, telling me to go after her."

"Oh yeah, no problem." I hear Tyson snicker, and his friends join in too.

"Did you honestly tell him to go after that loser, babe?" I roll my eyes at Tyson's comment and ignore him. "I mean, dude, you can get totally get a chick way better than her. One that's got a rocking body and one who's willing to actually do anything of you know what I mean, just like your sister." I really wanted to punch him, oh how I really did. But Ryan beat me to it. I fell off Tyson's lap and watched Ryan bear the crap out of Tyson. I was worried for Ryan though, Tyson was massive..and he's a year older.. Plus his friends are there.. Thankfully, they kept away. Ryan was hit and that's when I knew I had to draw the line.

"Tyson! Get off of him!" I try pulling him away but I'm literally just so weak, I don't even know why I even tried. I look to his friends, "Do something!" They look at me as if I had grown another head. One of his friends, the nicest one out of them all, decided to help me. "Thank you." I mutter. Steve helps me get Tyson off of Ryan and I rush to Ryan's side. "Crap, are you okay?"

"Are you seriously asking me that?" He asks, a slight grin on his face.

"Let's get you to the school nurse, oh my gosh. Ew, there's blood everywhere!"

"Not the time to be squeamish, Riley." I help him up and Steve helps me take Ryan to the school nurse. Steve leaves and I stay inside with Ryan.

"Bloody hell! Excuse the pun. How the hell did this happen?!" She screeches.

"I got in a fight." Ryan answers, look pretty ashamed of himself. "He was being a dick, he had it coming."

"Who was it?"

"Tyson Blackwood." I answer.

"Between you and I, that kid did have it coming. You should see the amount of kids that have come in here after being beaten up by him. It's horrible when they're one of those young ones who are just so tiny and wouldn't have even been able to defend themselves. Absolutely awful." She tells us, while sorting Ryan out. "He ought to change his bullying ways, otherwise he ain't going to have anyone. He's just going to be alone forever." She then turns to me. "And don't think I don't hear all the gossip. You better be careful with him, alright?" I nod my head. I didn't even know why I was with him.. It's literally one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made. I'm with a bully, one who's just beaten up my brother. I shouldn't be with a bully, especially after I was bullied when I was younger. I hated that, every single bit of it. Thankfully I had my parents, and they sorted things out.. Even though I don't know how.

"Any permanent damage?" I ask, really hoping there wasn't.

"Not at all. Ryan, you're good to go, although I'd like to speak to you for a minute. Alone, please?" She asks, directing it at me. I nod and walk out, shutting the door behind me.

I turn around and find Tyson standing there. "Hey, babe."

"Tyson, what are you doing here? Ryan's going to-" suddenly, he'd pinned me against the wall, "Ty-" and his lips were on mine while his big hand held both my small wrists above me. I didn't kiss back though, I wanted out. I didn't want to be with him anymore. Amy is a nice girl, and I shouldn't have brought attention to her and I shouldn't have told Ryan's secret to the whole school and embarrassed the both of them. I was just mad at him and wanted to get him back, but I ended up hurting her instead which I hated. She has always been so nice to me. Then heading Tyson talk quite lowly of her, it was just wrong.

He pulls back, glaring at me. I could see the fire in his eyes and how angry he was. "Why aren't you kissing back? Don't you want me?" His grip on my wrists were tightening.

"Tyson, let go."


"Tyson, seriously! You're hurting me.."

"Good, maybe that'll teach you not to walk away from me and wonder off with that idiot of a brother you have."

"Ty, please let go.." Crap, this was really starting to hurt now! Damn, that nurse is a smart cookie. I definitely have to stay away from him. I felt tears running down my face.

"Baby, don't cry. I'm sorry!" Didn't even realise I was crying but okay. He lets go of my wrists and I rub then. I notice how they had already turned red.. "I didn't mean to hurt you.." Psh, yeah right! He pulled me close to him and hugged me. What the hell?! I push him away and slap him.

"You're a liar and a bully, and I don't want anything to do with you!"

"Are you breaking up with me, babe?"

"Yes! You were rude to Amy, beat my brother up, and you're completely disrespectful to me! I don't need you in my life, and I'm definitely not easy by the way. Definitely not willing to do anything." I could tell he was about to grab my or something, but Ryan walked out.

"What's going on here?" Ryan demands. "Why are you crying?" He asks, looking st my probably tear stained face. He turns to Tyson, "Have you done something to her? Huh?! I swear-"

"Go to hell, pretty boy! I don't need you, Riley. Never have, never will. I can get any girl, I don't need to be tied down to you."

"Good, cos I broke up with you anyway." He glared at Ryan and I and stormed off.

"You're better off without him, you know?"

"I know. Realised it a tiny bit too late. Good thing we only lasted for a month."

"A month of lies, Riley. You lied to mum and dad. And what happened just now with you and him? Why were you crying?"

"I know, I was wrong. It's all done now, me and him are no more. I'm definitely not dating for a little bit, gotta find a nice guy first and not a jerk like him. Oh, and um.. Nothing happened. He just didn't take the breakup well and said soke hurtful things. That's all." I didn't want to worry him, I knew he would go crazy and I didn't want him to get into another fight. Besides, Tyson and I are over anyway. "Anyway, you and Amy?" I ask, trying to change be the subject.

"We're dating now."


So there you have it, you're free to move on to the first chapter! Woo! Hope you enjoy :'D

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