Chapter Twenty Two

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Well, a bit of Rad or Chaley there... Got interrupted by Parker though. Oh, and where did Chad go? It's like he just disappeared.

Oh gosh and who am I shipping Riley with? I was asked this the other day. Well, I'll reveal all at the end of the book! Or sometime soon. And a few are asking if I can make Riley date so and so but no, I will not make her date so and so on request. I have this story planned - mostly - and I'm sticking to it :) I hope you understand, guys.


I sat in my room wondering where the hell Chad went. I mean, I told him I'd be right back. I shrugged it off and got up, calling Steph. I mean, we were suppose to be hanging out together..except she was snogging her boyfriend, which was perfectly fine considering I went off to talk with Chad.

"H-hello?" She answered, sounding out of breath. Oh God, no. "Riley?"

"Oh my God, I'll call you back!" I quickly cut the call, not knowing what they had actually done. I mean, last we saw they were kissing. What if they went back to a room and- ew, no. Don't even go there.

I grabbed a coat and left my room, making sure to lock it behind me. I took a walk around campus, outside obviously, and stopped when I saw something. Something that baffled yet enlightened me.

Paisley and Kenny.

I stood there, shocked as I saw him kiss her. Her face was all flushed, but she pushed him away. I furrowed my eyebrows and saw her muttering something before he shrugs. Then she slaps him and he starts raising his voice. Well, it pretty much looked like he did. This is like a bloody soap opera. She looked like she started raising her voice too and it just looked like they were in a full blown argument.

Maybe I should go.. I went to turn around, and I instantly regretted it. Why the hell is everyone kissing all of a sudden? I saw Chad kissing some girl. I didn't recognise her, but they were full on making out.

Why do I feel hurt?

I turn and walk away, sighing. I held my head down and frowned. He's a player, a bad boy.. He doesn't stick with one girl, let alone me. What was I thinking?

Suddenly my phones started ringing, startling me. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's dad. Just checking up on you," he says, sounding quite worried.

"I'm good dad, don't worry. Everything is good," I reply back.

"You don't- no Kylie, I'm talking to- no go away,"

"Tell mum I'm good," I say, laughing away. I could actually imagine them fighting over the phone. They've done it before when they were on the phone to Ryan at one point. He and Amy had gone away on holiday and dad called just to see how it was going and then they started fighting because mum wanted to speak to him. Eventually Ryan had to go anyway so she shouted that she loved him and dad cut the call.

"No, I wanna speak to her. Damiaaaan!" I hear her whine.

"Fine, fine- Riley, I'll talk to you later, I love you,"

"I love you too, dad," I hear some muffled noises and then I hear mum on the phone.

"Are you okay?!"

"I'm good, mum, just told dad that. How are you both?"

"We're good! But you know, you don't sound too happy. What's wrong?" I sigh but don't answer. "Riley?"

"I'm fine, mum," I tell her, smiling - even though she can't see.

"Alright then..if you're not okay you know you can talk to me, right?" I could hear she wasn't fully convinced, as I heard the concern in her voice. Maybe she's just worried about the whole recent Tyson debacle..

"Of course, mum. I gotta go now, going to go study."

"Okay, I love you," she says, and I could hear dad in the background doing stuff. Damn, they're just so...gross.

"I love you too, mum," I hastily said before cutting the call. They're seriously like dogs on heat and it's so damn awkward. I put my phone in my pocket and head up to the library considering people should hopefully not disturb me like last time. I mean, Parker just kept talking and talking but at least Chad let me be.



I should've checked on how Parker is doing! I completely forgot his parents were getting divorced. Crap. Now I feel really bad. I figured that Parker would probably come and find me at some point since he always just pops up anywhere I am. I best be sure I ask how he's doing. I mean, I'm sure he'll need some comforting. After all, he hasn't seemed to take it all so well.

I reached the library and actually managed to study for quite a while. I gift red that our teacher was probably going to give us a pop quiz, because he hasn't done it in a while. So if I studied, I'm pretty sure I'll totally be ready. God, I hate pop quizzes. I studied for a few more hours before I got hungry and so I headed down to the little restaurant we have. I really chose the right uni, oh my gosh.

I ordered a cheeseburger since I hadn't had one in ages, and because it tastes so heavenly. I ordered it to go so I could go and eat up in my room. I'm not a fan of eating in front of people. I mean, it was okay with people I knew like when I went to dinner with Steph when Malcolm and Louise announced they were having a baby. But, with people I didn't particularly know? No, I can't. It's too awkward and I feel like people are judging me. I mean, sure it's a little weird but eh. Well, I am weird kind of. Isn't everyone?

I walk up to my room and it was quite peaceful. I passed a few people, said hi to them, and then went in my room and ate my burger. It was so delicious.. After finishing my burger, I wash my hands and when I come back out there was a knock on my door. I sigh and open it, being met with Parker. Just who I wanted to see. "Parker! Just the person," I say, grinning. He didn't smile back or anything, he just looked...sad. "Parker?" I invited him in and he just sat on my bed. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just sad."


"Yeah," he mutters.

"Well, I was meaning to ask you how you're doing. I guess you aren't doing too good.." I sit beside him and pull him into a hug.

"I'm okay, I just needed a friend." He pulls back from the hug and surprises me by pulling me into a kiss. I kiss back. I didn't wanna upset him, and is just a kiss, right?

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