Chapter Forty Two

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Later that day, Chad and I had gone to hang out at Louise and Malcolm's place. It was purely because he said none of them would be in. So, we took advantage of it. Well, I actually didn't want to because I'd feel bad. After all, it wasn't my house. But Chad insisted and dragged me along. Oh, and here we were in bed together just chatting. Chad, being the horny guy he is, kept trying to pull the duvet off my body. It was cold though, and I didn't want to get dressed. I was pretty comfy in his bed.

"Chad," I hiss when he attempts again. He rolls his eyes and smirks in reply, hands sneaking under the duvet and pulling me closer to him - if that were possible.

"This is nice," he murmurs, nuzzling his face in my neck. He starts to kiss my neck lightly but he stopped when we heard the front door downstairs shut.

"I thought you said no one would be home?" I whisper, to which he shrugged in reply. Wow Chad, brilliant answer.

"I thought mum said no one would be home until evening..not my fault," he whispers back. "Just stay quiet, I doubt they'd come in here anyway." Instead of waiting and staying quiet, I get out of the bed and quickly throw on my clothes. I'm not taking my chances. If whoever it was to come in, I'd rather be dressed than naked. I mean, not really an ideal thing for me to be seen naked by my boyfriend and my best friend's family. Talk about awkward. Chad got out of the bed too, getting himself dressed. I obviously may or may not have stared, but how can I not? I mean, I am allowed to ogle my boyfriend especially if he's hot. Ahem. Compose yourself. "Shh, stay here," he says. Obviously, I don't. I follow him.

We heard talking and raised voices. I recognised them. Malcolm and Louise.

"You want a divorce?" Yikes. I could hear Malcolm's voice breaking. Aw.

"It's sudden, I know. But I just, Malcolm, I'm sorry. I know he's dead, but I still love-"

"I get it. I knew I could never compete with him. You led me to believe I could, but deep down I knew that I couldn't. You've been stringing me along, haven't you?" I gasp, shocked at the accusation. Chad turns to me, scowling. I mouth a sorry.

"I'd never do that," she spoke. You could barely hear her, which is shocking that we heard her. "I do love you, just not enough. I'd never string you along. I just came to the realisation on the weekend. I'm sorry Malcolm, I really am." There was a few minutes of silence in which Chad and I exchanged looks and a few whispers here and there. We were crouching by the top of the staircase which oddly gave us a perfect view of everything. They were chatting in the living room and standing up, and the staircase was opposite it meaning we had a good view.

"What about the baby?" Malcolm spoke up, breaking the silence. An eerie silence followed after. "Louise," he said, his voice stern.

"I don't know," she finally replied. "I-I don't know."

"We can still bring up this child," he suggests, his voice softer. "Louise, I love you but I don't want to force anything on you. If you don't want the child then, choose what's best for you. If that's abortion, I will support you. But I want you to know that I do want this child, and I hope you do too. I know our marriage is practically over, but can't we fix it? Can't we fix things? Maybe this kid will bring us together, closer together?"

"It's not going to work," Chad mutters, making me frown. What happened to optimism?

"Be optimistic," I tell him, a frown still on my face.

"She's adamant on leaving him, and as for the baby situation? I have no idea." I could see Chad was gripping the staircase hard, so I took his hands in mine. He looked at me and smiled slightly before turning his head back to Louise and Malcolm.

"Malcolm, I'm sorry.. I just-"

"Please," he pleaded, taking hold of her hands. I saw her pull away from his grip, walking closely to the stairs. Chad and I scooted back a bit, but still making sure we were able to see.

"I'm sorry, Malcolm." She then made her way for the stairs. Chad and I scurried to our feet and he pulled me into his room, making sure the door shut quietly. He stayed at the door, pressing his ear to it. I sat on his bed, thankful it didn't make any sounds. Chad locked the door and carefully walked over to the window, staring out it.

"She's throwing it all away, everything," he mutters, "I can't let her. She deserves to be happy, and I know deep down she does love Malcolm. She may love my dad too, but I know she's got to move on. She's having a baby, she's already married. Dad wouldn't want this. He wouldn't want her unhappy." He stormed towards the door, unlocking it. Locking it was pretty pointless, then. "Stay here, and I mean it this time."

"Or what?"

"I'll punish you, duh," he says, a smirk on his face.

"Ew don't go all BDSM on me," I say, sticking my tongue out.

"And what if it was my guilty pleasure?" he asks, laughing. "I'm kidding of course, but seriously. Stay here."

"Fine, fine." He walks out the room, shutting the door behind me. I take out my phone and unlock it noticing I had a text.

From: Mum❤️
Heh Riley! I was hoping you'd be able to come home soon? Your dad and I need to speak with you and Ryan. Hope your exams went well and hope you're doing alright. I love you xx

I hit reply and tell her that I'd be able to come home for the weekend. I also then tell her about Chad. In her reply, she tells me to bring Chad along too. I told her I'd have to see because I knew that's the time he visits Jay, and I didn't want to take that away from him. If he didn't mind then great, but I wasn't going to force him to go.

After what seemed like forever, but was only about half an hour, Chad came back into the room. "Is everything okay?"

"I don't know. I tried talking to her, she cried, I comforted her, we spoke, she was packing...I don't know, Riley. I really don't." I stood up and brought him into a hug. He looked so broken. While hugging him, I couldn't help but think of Parker and how this seems awfully familiar. I should really check up on Parker, make sure he's holding up okay.

"It'll be okay," I tell him.

"I hope so.. She's going to stay in the hotel near where Jay is. She wanted to be close to him while she gets her head together. Malcolm gave her money for it though, although I could see he really didn't want her to go. Hell, even I don't. After dad, I know Malcolm is good for her! Maybe she just needs to be with Jay for now, I don't know. Maybe Jay can convince her, Malcolm and her do belong together as much as it hurts to see her with another man. But, he really is."

"Are you seeing Jay over the weekend?" I ask, pulling back and looking up at him.

"Was planning on, but is there somewhere you want me to be?"

"Um, possibly come with me to see my parents?"

"Alright, I'm sure Jay won't mind. Change of scenery would be good."

"Can't guarantee we will be sharing a room though," I tell him, making him frown and pout.

"Don't worry, I'll sneak in," he winks, making me laugh.

"Cute," I say, tapping his nose. He sticks his tongue out at me and then leans down for a kiss.

"Head back to uni? Sure you might wanna see Steph. Actually, I kinda do. She ought to know about this."

"Are you sure? I mean you weren't even suppose to know, but you overheard."

"She should know, she's family too."

"Okay then. Let's go see Steph! Feels like forever since I've spoken to her, ugh," I groan out, making him chuckle.

"Didn't you see her like yesterday or something?"


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