Bonus Chapter 2

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Ryan's proposal~

"Ryan," she smiled as she opened the door and was faced with me. Well duh, I am taking her on a date.

"Hey, sweetheart," I said and noticed how she still blushed and even though it was dark, I could still see. "Shall we go?" She nods her head and walks out, shutting the door behind her. Instead of taking her to fancy-shmancy restaurants, I was still going with my plan to take her to the movies and have a pizza picnic afterwards where I'd pop the question to her. I was excited, but I was also crazy nervous.

As I walked her to the car, being a gentleman and opening the door for her too, I kept checking to make sure that the ring case was firmly in my pocket. I soon start the car and drive off towards the cinema. "So, where are we going? You still haven't told me! What is it with guys keeping the date a secret? It's totally hard to dress appropriate when you don't even-"

"Sweetheart, you're rambling a bit."

"Oh, sorry," she mumbles, looking down at her lap. I take hold of her hand and rub the back of it with my thumb.

"You know I love when you ramble."

"Stop avoiding the question, Ryan," she pointed out and I mentally cursed.

"Um, we are going...somewhere."

"Really?" she asked sarcastically, making me chuckle. Man I love her. "Seriously, Ryan, where are we going?"

"At least I told you to dress casual," I started off, thinking back to her rambling. "We're going to see a movie, hm but which one?"

"Oh my gosh, please tell me we are actually seeing-"

"TMNT 2? Of course we are," I reply, earning a squeal from her.

"You're the best, I love you!"

"Aw, I love you too." I carry on driving, listening to her talk about how excited she was. That's what I loved, she was a huge fan of the movie - and even the shows. It brought out her inner child, I suppose, and I loved it. Her eyes would always light up at the mention of it and she would get this look that I can't describe. Either way, she was always very happy where concerning Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and her smile always brightened up my day. If I could do anything, it would be to make sure she smiles every day of her life. Well, I am aiming to do that anyway.

We arrived at the cinema and she was still excited, bouncing up and down. There was a little spring in her step too. I love this woman so much. I bought two tickets and a large salt and sweet popcorn for us to share.

We entered the allocated theatre, sitting ourselves near the back but in the middle of the rows. It was usually the perfect seats. Well, that's if you were far enough from the back row but not too close to the screen because then you'll have to constantly be looking up and it could hurt your neck.

The movie went on for what seemed like hours but every time I looked over to Amy, she had a huge smile etched across her face and she was totally engrossed in the movie. I however, was more interested in the beauty beside me - no, not the slightly balding man a few seats away from me, I mean Amy.

I couldn't wait to make her my wife, only if she says yes though. I was really freaking out though, because what if she said no? What if she wanted to break up instead or thought marriage wasn't the way? What if-

"Ryan," she called and I focused my attention on her.


"Come on, it's done." Oops. We stand up and leave and we get inside the car. We start driving for a but until we reach this pizza place which was owned by a friend of mine. Well, his family owned it. They were doing me a favour. I had the idea that, instead of being cliché and going down on one knee and proposing, - although I will still do this -I'll make it more special. I had asked if they would write with bbq sauce - since Amy loves bbq sauce on her pizza - the question. So basically when she opens up the box, it'll read will you marry me? and she will turn around and bam, I'm on one knee holding open the ring case.

"I'll be back," I tell her and decline her offer to come with. I quickly make my way into the shop and collect the pizza. You see, I told my friend to get it made at a certain time so it would be ready for collection. Yes, I am such a genius . "Can I check it?" My friend nodded his head with a grin. "You know what, Ronny? It's perfect, thank you! I owe you one."

"Nah, you don't. This is special, and it's on the house!"

"Ronny, I gotta pay man," I say, taking out some money and handing it to him. He only pushes my hand away and I eventually sigh and give up. "You're the best!"

"Good luck, my man!" I run to the car, careful not to wreck the pizza. Ronny had put it in a carrier bag and I put the pizza in the backseat.

"Ooh, can I have some now?"

"Not yet, sweetheart." She frowned a little but shrugged. I was nervous because I had to time it perfect. I have to make sure she actually opens the box with her back to me and that I'm super duper prepared on one knee. Pressure. So much of it.

We made it to the park and we walked to the top of the hilly area. It was a nice area, one of our favourites. Thankfully, no one was there. I set out the blanket and she sits on it. I place the pizza box where she would have to have her back to me. "Can I start?"

"Of course." When she went to open it, I quickly took my position and was on one knee quicker than I thought with the ring case opened. Phew, I didn't mess it up. I heard her gasp and she turned around. When she spotted me, she let out an even louder gasp while covering her mouth with both hands. "What do you say, sweetheart? Will you marry me?" I could see a few tears slip and I knew, well I hoped, they were tears of happiness. She immediately jumped on me, her arms around my shoulders. I luckily managed to steady myself and didn't fall backwards.

"I love you so much," she cried out.

"So, is that a yes?" I ask with a smile on my face.

"Yes, it's a definite yes!" I put the ring on her finger and she pulled me in for a kiss. "I love you so much, Ryan, honestly."

"Yeah but I love you more, sweetheart. Always remember that," I kiss her forehead and for a moment, we stared into each other's eyes. We only broke apart when I heard her stomach growl, making me laugh.

"Shut up, stop laughing," she mumbles, getting all embarrassed. I place a kiss on her cheek and we start to eat the pizza. She admired the ring a lot while also kissing me numerous times.

Well, at least it went better than I expected!

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