Chapter Three

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Riley and Steph's dresses in the media box.


"You look absolutely stunning, Riles! It's the perfect dress." I looked at myself in the mirror. Part of me wasn't too sure about the dress. I mean, I loved it. I don't even know why I haven't worn it yet. Maybe I haven't found the perfect occasion to wear it?

"I don't know, don't you think I'm a bit too dressed up?" I was wearing a blue dress which came up to just above my knees. It had some black laced pattern over the bottom half. It was beautiful, I'll admit that. But, I don't know if it's too much for this dinner.

"Not at all! I'm pretty dressed up too, mine could be one to wear at a wedding. Riley, seriously, it's okay. You look beautiful. Now come on, we're meeting Brandon and he's driving us. We gotta go now. Get on your shoes." I quickly get on my shoes and grab a coat, putting it on. I mean, I'm sure it'll probably be cold out.


"Riley! How nice to see you again. How have you been?"

"I've been great, how about you Mr Hersh?"

"Brilliant, actually. Here, let me take your coat." I hand him my coat and smile. He takes Steph and Brandon's coats and goes upstairs to put them away.

"Hello, I'm Louise, Malcolm's wife." Oh, so this is Steph's step mum.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Riley, Steph's best friend." We shake hands and then that was really it. She went on to speak to Brandon and Steph, then went to the kitchen. I noticed how she had a nice formal dark purple dress on. It made me feel better about what I was wearing. I don't feel too fancy anymore. Phew.

"Hey, Riles. They said we can sit at the table now." Steph tells me. I follow her and find Brandon already sitting at the table. Mr Hersh was at the head of the table. Steph sat beside Brandon so I sat opposite her. Louise, or Mrs Hersh, set up a place beside me and at the other end of the table opposite Mr Hersh.

"Is someone else joining us?" I ask, since they'd set up an extra place.


"Yep, right here." I turn around and try to contain my shock. Why was I shocked though? I should've known he would be here after what Steph told me. Chad Greyson sits beside me. Although..wouldn't his name be Hersh too, or did he not want to change his name? Hm.. "Riley, huh. Fancy seeing you here."

"Yeah, suppose so."

"Why are you here?" He whispers.

"I was invited."

"By who? Santa?" He asks, chuckling.

"Ha, ha. Very funny. I was invited by your step dad." Chad doesn't reply and we're all served food. Before we were all about to dig in, Mr Hersh spoke up.

"So, we have an announce-"

"Honey, I think we should wait til everyone has eaten." Louise speaks up. Mr Hersh nods. "Alright, dig in everyone. Hope you enjoy." We all start eating dinner and there was mild dinner talk.

"So, you attend the same uni as me?" Chad asks, looking at me from the side of his eye. Brandon, Steph and Mr and Mrs Hersh were all in conversation, leaving Chad and I to speak.


"Short dress you got. Bit revealing too, but I don't mind. I have a good view." I turn my head and find him staring at my cleavage while smirking. I frown and pull up my dress, hopefully covering myself a bit better.

"Perv." I mutter under my breath, glaring at him from the side of my eye. I doubt he saw, though. We continue to eat and I kept pulling up my dress because I was a bit self conscious and thought he was staring.

"Right, so I think it's a good time now.." Mr Hersh spoke. Louise had served us all dessert by now and I noticed Brandon eyeing up his dessert. Louise came up to Mr Hersh and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "We're going to be having a baby." The room was silent and no one spoke. In all honesty, I didn't want to be the first one to say something. After all, Steph and Chad were the ones who were most affected by this.. They were getting a sibling. Well, a half sibling. I looked around the table. Brandon stared down at his dessert, Steph just stared at them, and Chad? He was standing. He looked at the both of them, and just..left. He left. I look to the pair.

"Congratulations." I say, standing up to pull them into a hug. I mean, no one was saying anything and I didn't want them feeling bad about this. Plus, it's a good thing. Well, in my opinion it was.. Louise looked like she was going to cry and I knew she was about to run after Chad. So, I offered to go speak to him. "I'll go."

"Are you sure? I mean-"

"It's fine. I don't mind going. I mean, if you're okay with it."

"Please do, I don't think he'd want to speak to me anyway.." I nod my head. "He left the house, I think." I set off and ran outside. I could feel the coldness of the floor on my bare feet.

"Chad?" I find him just sitting at the edge of the road. I quickly run towards him and sit down beside him. "Are you..okay?" I notice he had a cigarette and was smoking. Maybe he smokes when he's stressed?

"What do you think?" He asked, puffing out the smoke. "My mum is having a child with another man and she doesn't even see the other."

"But you're here, she does see you. Right?"

"My brother. I have another brother. He's sixteen and she's practically abandoned him."

"But she seems so nice.."

"Sure, he done drugs and got addicted. But..he doesn't need anyone to abandon him, he needs people to help him. He needs help, not abandonment. I can't believe her. That's one thing I'll never forgive her for, but she's my mum. She's the only mum I'll ever have, and she's done so much for me. My dad died, so I can't really see him." He's opening up to me..and he barely knows me.

"Where does your brother stay, then?"

"He's in rehab. I often go visit him on weekends to see how he's getting along. I'm the only family he has, you know? Anyway, why the hell do you care? You barely know me. Who do you even think you are coming to this dinner dressed as a-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. I'm not the one spilling out my whole life story to someone I barely know." I stand up, ready to go back inside. "I came out here to see if you were okay but you obviously are. At least your mother had the decency to tell you rather than just leaving you to figure it out." And at least you mum can still have kids.. I march back into the house, embracing the warmth. It was lovely after being out in the cold for a little while.

"Did you find him?" Louise asks, looking worried. "Is he okay?"

"He's being a jerk, but other than that..I think he just needs time to adjust. Don't worry, I'm sure eventually he will come around." I sit down and join them all in eating dessert. Chad never came back from what I knew. When Brandon drove us all back, Chad was still no where to be seen. He wasn't even where I left him. But I don't care, I had shown him kindness but he threw that back in my face.

What an absolute jerk.

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