Bonus Chapter 8

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Jay and Shayla's meeting (in case you forgot, Jay is Chad's younger, Chad is so...dreamy)

I hated it here. I hated drugs too. At the time it made me feel so alive and happy, and I forgot about everything. But dammit, being here? I hate it to damn much! It wasn't the most fun. Sure there was this games room but they wouldn't allow me there. They said something about me not being ready just yet. Maybe it was because I kept shaking? Man, I can't stop shaking and it's scary! I don't even know why I am. On top of that, I was sweating a lot. It was awful.

"Nancy, I really hate it here."

"You're here to get better. Jay, I know you hate it but you can do it. We all just want everyone in here to get better. You know we all hate seeing you like this," she told me, pinching my cheeks slightly. I didn't get it. All the nurses always pinched my cheeks. It was kind of annoying, but one guy told me it was because they all loved me or something. I don't know why. The guy said to take advantage of the nurses, but why would I do that?

"I'll try, but it's difficult and this place is-" I stopped mid sentence. I saw a girl. She looked around my age. She was beautiful. "Who in the world is that?" I gasped, forgetting about my shaking and sweating. I even forgot about the occasional itches I got.

"That is Shayla, she's volunteering here for two weeks. God knows why, this is an awful place- I mean, sorry.." I didn't really hear what she said after she told me that the girl was called Shayla. Well, I did, but I didn't pay attention to it. I forgot about Nancy and walked over to the girl. I probably looked like a mess. But who cares?

"Hello," I said to her.

"Oh, hi," she said, a cute smile on her face. "I'm Shayla! I'm volunteering here for two weeks."

"I'm Jay. I, uh, I'm sure you know why I am here." Instead of looking disgusted, she actually carried on smiling. She doesn't care?

"You'll get better," she said, patting my shoulder.

"Y-you don't care why I'm here?"

"Of course not. Why would I? You're here to get better and recover and that means you want to turn your life around! I think that's good. How long have you been here?" She was like a bright light, but in a good way. She didn't blind me or anything, well maybe because of how pretty she was, but she was like...a ray of hope?

"Too long," I laugh out. She laughed with me and it made me quite happy. Usually this place can be very dull, unless Chad is here of course. I mean, he's my brother and an ass but I am happy he visits me. The thing is, I don't blame him at all. I know I probably shouldn't have taken those drugs but I know if mum ever knew, she would probably disown him too. I wouldn't want that. She's still my mum and if she disowns Chad, she would probably have no one.

"How are you feeling? Or is that a stupid question?"

"Nah, it's cool. I feel okay, I think. It's kinda stressful here. You've probably noticed I kinda swear a lot and dammit, I am so shaky. I really do hate it, you know? But I guess that's all part of getting better."

"I'm glad you're getting better. I think it's great. What happened anyway, if you don't mind me asking?" In all honesty, I didn't know what the hell she was asking. I think she saw my expression though. "I mean, what happened to make you turn to drugs? Don't answer if you don't want to!"

"Oh, my dad died and I found drugs from my brother's stash. He use to kinda deal drugs but then stopped, but I found some and just completely went overboard."

"I'm sorry to hear about your dad," she mumbled, a sad look on her face.

"Don't worry about it," I reply, giving her a smile. "So, why here? I mean of all places to volunteer, why this place?"

"The experience. I've done all sorts of volunteering. I've volunteered at a couple of nurseries, police stations, retail jobs and now here. When I'm older, I do wanna help people. Well, help people get better I mean. So I thought why not here?"

"You like to volunteer, I'm guessing?" She nodded her head. "You seem too perfect to be true, you know that?" She laughed at my comment and shook her head.

"I am definitely not perfect. No one is, really. Well, maybe there is someone but I doubt it. I mean, maybe you could even be perfect. Oh gosh, are you?" Wow, she's really cute. Like, really cute. It was weird to actually speak to someone from the outside, other than the nurses. Everyone here wasn't too talkative.

"So what times are you here?"

"Um, from nine to four." I hum in reply. Seven hours? Score.

"Hey," I said after a few minutes of silence, "there's a games room here. Wanna check it out?"

"You never been?"

"No one to really go with. Everyone kinda keeps to themselves here, which sucks. Like, there's two player games but no one to play it with."

"That's a shame. Maybe my good deed could be bringing you all together? I think that'd be good," she said with a smile on her face. I agreed with her, thinking it probably would be a good idea. We walked to the games room and decided to play the air hockey game. Let me just say, we had a lot of fun and I totally let her win. "Woo, I won again! You really suck at this," she laughed.

"Yeah, I guess I do." I don't know why I let her win. I love winning. I live for winning. But for some reason, it just felt right to let her win.

"Hang on." She walked around to me and narrowed her eyes at me. "You let me win, didn't you?" she asked, pointing her finger at me.

"Um," I laughed nervously, "of course not." she narrowed her eyes even more.

"I know you did," she said with that smile of hers that I've come accustomed to. Man, is this what getting a crush is like? "Thanks," she added. "But now, we are playing a real game where you don't let me win." She doesn't know what she's got herself into. So, we played another game and I beat her within a few minutes. "What the hell? How are you so good?"

"Skills," I said with a wink. She giggled. This was my favourite game, even when I wasn't in here. I loved it and I guess you could say I'm damn good at it.

"Shayla! Time to leave. Your mother needs you urgently," Nancy called. Shayla looked to me with a frown.

"I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully for the full time." Without warning, she gave me a kiss on my cheek which made the blood rush to my cheeks. I blushed, what the hell?! She looked down with a smile when she noticed it. Please kill me now.

"Bye, Shayla."

"See you, Jay!"

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