Chapter Forty Nine

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"Say it again, I love hearing you say it," he says to me as I played with his hair.


"Princess," he groaned out. I just continue to grin. We were back at the university chilling in his dorm room. We were sitting on his bed and chatting. Well, I was sitting on his bed and he was laying down with his head across my lap. "We should move it," he suddenly says, slightly startling me a bit.

"Move in?" I instantly remembered when I was going to move in with Parker. Talk about awkward.

"Yeah, when we're done with uni. I mean, you don't have to. I just thought it'd be nice. We could settle down there, get jobs, and just..yeah. Seriously, if you don't want to, then it's fine. I don't mind. It's just a suggestion," he says and I could tell that he would be hurt if I said no, even if he does say he doesn't mind.

"I always kind of thought I'd move back in with my parents for a while, until I got a job and earned enough money to buy or rent a place. Chad, we need money first. We are coming out of university with no money, and a lot of debt. We need a job first."

"Oh, yeah, I didn't think of that." We stay in silence for a little longer until he speaks up again. "I'll borrow money from my mum and move nearer to you. Is that okay?" My heart warmed at the fact he asked if it was okay for him to move nearer. He's so cute.

"You don't have to ask, I'd love it if you could do that! I could always ask my parents if they'd allow you to stay with us, but with my new siblings-"

"No, no. I wouldn't want to intrude. I'd prefer to buy a place of my own and live there. Besides, where else will we get our privacy?" Even though not everything is about sex, he did make a fair point. I'm sure my parents wouldn't tolerate us doing that in the house - although I'm sure they do it many times, cringe - but I'm sure they'd at least tolerate kissing. Thankfully. Chad loves to shower me with kisses, and I knew he loves it when I occasionally kiss him first.

"I suppose you're right."

"Oh, hey, look. We have some privacy now," he said with a wink. I roll my eye and slap his chest lightly.

"Is that all you ever think about?"

"No I think about how much I love you, when we get married and how beautiful you'll look, about when we have kids and-"

"You've got a lot on your mind," I reply and he chuckles.

"Sure do, princess. But you mostly occupy it," he says and my heart does some weird jumps. Ugh, Chad.

"I do love you, you know? I'm not just saying it because you said it to me. You do know that right?" For some reason, I had this feeling that that's what he thought. I know he says he loves when I say it, but part of me felt as if he didn't mean it and that he thought that I was just saying it because he did. I sure hope I'm wrong. "Because I do mean it, a lot."

"Why would you ask such a thing? Of course I know you do, princess. I know you won't do such a thing to hurt me, anyway," he cups my cheeks with his hands and brings me face down. He kisses my forehead, his lips lingering there for a while. It was cheesy, but every time he kisses me, all my fears and worries just disappear. That's what I loved, he always made me feel safe. I had nothing to feel unsafe about, but I did feel safe with him. I felt at home. Home.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, closing my eyes.

"Are you okay? You don't seem yourself," he points out. He was right. I wasn't myself. Ever since the whole ordeal with Louise and Malcolm, I've been scared. I've been scared that that will happen to Chad and I. It scared me. I am so head over heels with him and it frightens me that something will come and bite us in the butt and ruin what we have. It was truly scary. I wanted to hold onto him forever and keep him by my side, but obviously I can't do that. "Princess?"

"I'm fine," I reply. I know, I should tell him what I'm feeling so he can put my mind at ease. But I don't want him to worry or anything, or think I'm being stupid. I look at Malcolm and Louise and think to myself that it will happen to Chad and I. But then I look at my parents. They're still together and happy as ever. Chad and I's relationship could go either way, and I hoped it to be like my parents' relationship.

I feel stupid fretting over this. I'm only in my twenties, and I'll have multiple relationships - hopefully I won't as I want to be with Chad. But, life throws difficult obstacles for you and if you can't get over them together, then you're both done. It tends to be one left behind while the other one carries on through the obstacles.

I wanted to find out about Chad more, as in his past relationships. What if he loved before I came along? I know I didn't, but it's possible he did. Maybe she broke his heart, and he therefore possibly became a player. Who knows? I wanted to pry, but he would find it weird. What if there was a girl before me? And what if he still loves her, just like his mother loves her late husband?

What if?

"You can talk to me," he tells me, and was now sitting up by now. He took my hands in his and stared into my eyes. "I know something is bothering you."

"Was there someone before me? That you loved?" He didn't respond straight away, and instantly I knew the answer.

"Yes. But we're over. I'm with you now." I'm with you now, famous last words.

"Are you sure? You don't love her anymore?"

"Princess, where is this coming from?" By him staring into my eyes, I knew he knew. "My mother," he states, and I nod my head. "We won't turn out like her and Malcolm. We love each other, and we aren't letting the past get between us. I'm with you, and in future I will be with you still."

"I want that, I do. But your mum and Malcolm, they loved each other. Now look at them. I'm scared, what if it happens to us?" Was I having a breakdown or something? "I don't want it to. You're the first guy I've ever loved," I admit. It was true. He was. I didn't have many past boyfriends, but I never came as close to love as I have with Chad. I love him.

I really love Chad.

"If you believe and have faith, then you shouldn't be scared. If we keep at it, we will survive. Not all relationships are doomed, baby. Just look at your parents, for example. How long have they been together?"

"Over twenty years," I reply back.

"Exactly. If they can make it, we can too." I wanted to believe him so badly, but something told me that things weren't going to go as planned.


Hi! That's right, it's past 2am and I thought "hey, why don't I update?"

Anyway, this is important. I am sorry that I keep changing how much chapters are left, but I really cannot decide. Well, it's not that I can't decide. It's just I can't really say, I'm unsure myself. But, I have it planned.

As I said sometime ago, this story will have fifty chapters. Yes, that's right. The next update after this will be the last chapter. However, listen carefully, there'll be an epilogue! I've got it planned, trust me.

Oh, and don't forget I promised those bonus chapters. So, tell me what you want to see.

I've already got Ryan's proposal and also Ryan and Amy's marriage. (Yep, their wedding is in a bonus chapter, not an actual one), and I'm thinking of doing a bonus chapter on the newcomers! (Kai, Kyle and Sophie)

So, if there's anything else you want as a bonus chapter, comment below ;) thank you! I love you, and goodnight wherever you are! Or good morning :)

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