Bonus Chapter 4

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Riley and Chad's Breakup

Things were going decent between Chad and I. I mean, I thought so. Unfortunately, some chick had come back into his life. Apparently she was that girlfriend who he loved and she broke his heart. You know, something like that. But I was hopeful nothing and would happened. He promised me.

It had been a good few months since her arrival. Don't get me wrong, he's spent some time with her and that kind of made me nervous, scared and jealous. But Chad assured me everything would be okay, and is okay.

"Princess, I'm going out."

"Oh. But I, uh, thought we were spending the day together?" I ask him and he apologises to me, telling me something had come up. I nodded in understanding, telling him I'll see him later. It was stupid. He had asked me over to his apartment, that he now owned, so we could spend time together. But now? He's just leaving me. I'm sure it's something important. I stand there, waiting for him to give me a quick kiss on the forehead as he usually does...but he doesn't. He just leaves. Not a goodbye or anything. "Bye then," I whisper into thin air. I put my shoes on and grab my coat, heading out of his place. I made sure it was locked before making my way back home.

I decided to make a detour though because I was in the mood for ice cream and I know the little ones loved ice cream so there was probably none left. I walk into the shop and order some ice cream before my eyes settle on Chad..and her. They were laughing, smiling and seemed to be having a good time. I felt my heart break. A lot. I even watched as she fed him ice cream. I do that..well I use to. His hand was even on hers.

The worst part though? When he noticed me, he looked guilty. I grabbed my ice cream and left, not wanting to hear anything from him. "Princess, please!" I walk faster, trying to get away from him as well as eating my ice cream. What? I'm not wasting it just because of him! He grabbed my arm, stopping me. "It's not what it looks like, I wouldn't ever cheat on you. You know that."

"Then why are you with her? Y-you ditched me for h-her." When realisation has actually kicked in, it hurt. He didn't want to spend time with me because he was spending time with her. Her, her, her. She's everywhere.

"I haven't cheated. I've just been hanging out with her! I haven't kissed her or anything, I promise."

"You want to be with her though, don't you?" I saw the answer pass through his face. His face literally said everything. He does.

"I'm sorry, princess. She was my first love," he tells me and I nod, trying to shake away the tears forming.

"So you're breaking up with me, yeah?"

"Yes, I'm sorry. I didn't want it to be this way, baby, I wanted it to be..easier..not so messy. You can forgive me, right?" Without answering him, I walk off and stuff my face with the ice cream. I make my way home and once I was in the door, I make my way up to my room. I completely ignored anyone who spoke to me. I was in my own little world. I didn't acknowledge them. I saw their mouthes moving, but no words came out of them. Once I was in my room, I collapsed face first onto my bed. I let the tears flow freely, completely soaking my pillow.

"Riley, what's happened?" I recognised the voice as Ryan, but I didn't bother answering him. The tears were flowing and I was full on sobbing. I couldn't stop. My heart ached. I love him so much, and he's done this? Why? I thought things were going good.

He broke his promise.

I cried and cried as Ryan rubbed my back, trying to get me to calm down. Eventually I was still a crying mess but I was a crying mess whilst Ryan held onto me, hugging me. From what I was aware of, he never called our parents. When Sophie came in, he shooed her away and told her to go play with Kyle. But then Kyle also came soon after and I knew he was worried. But Ryan shooed him away too. He told Kyle that he and Sophie should go play with Kai. I'm pretty sure they did, but I wouldn't know. I was too busy sobbing.

Even though Ryan didn't get our parents, I know Kyle obviously did. My parents were in the room, pestering me about what happened. I finally uttered the words and I know dad saw red. Thankfully, he didn't go hulk or anything. He took over from Ryan and held me as I cried. I felt like a little child again. I felt like I was five again and whenever I would cry, my dad would just hold me.  It felt like that again. I felt five again as I broke down in my dad's arms.

I know Ryan had gone off to speak to Chad, that was obvious. I didn't really care right now. I was just really sad, upset and heartbroken.

"Dad, I just wanna sleep," I whispered.

"Alright then," he kissed the top of my head and I got into bed without changing. I faced the wall and curled up into a ball. I didn't want to cry, I've cried for so long. I just wanted to sleep, wash away the day. "I love you," I heard him say before he left the room.

Chad broke up with me.

He broke his promise.

He lied.

He's with her.

He doesn't love me.

I'm nothing to him anymore.

Why do I still love him, though?


Hi! New story out now. It's called Time To Kill and I'd really appreciate if you could check it out!

Sorry this isn't so long, but there's nothing much else really. It's only a bonus chapter, remember. These aren't all going to be long or the same length. Some will be shorter or longer (lol dirty mind) but heyho. Hope you liked this sad chapter. I mean, people were pretty upset or annoyed or angry that I hadn't included this. So, here it is.

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