Chapter Twenty

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So, that was...intense. Now you know what happened from the time MBBF ended and when this started.. Poor Riley. It all leads up to something, and I really hated writing that whole thing with Tyson, trust me. But, it kinda leads to something. Well, it's been two days so here's the update is in two days :D


I was back at uni, sitting in class. I made Ryan pinky swear that he wouldn't tell anyone. Over the weekend, mum and dad kept a close eye on me. Ryan too. I know he was worried for me, and I know he wanted to say something. But thankfully, he never did. I don't know what I would say to mum and dad if they ever knew.. I mean, what could I say? Nothing we do would be beneficial. Tyson was already in jail, and I doubt they'd put him in jail because..he didn't really do that to me.

Steph had managed to make it to class too, which was great. She was happy and cheery and was glad I was back. Our teacher was back too.

He droned on and on, and I tried to stay awake. But, I was distracted by Chad standing outside the room. He kept peering in and waving, and I assumed he was waving to me. But, I ignored him. My teacher already dislikes me, I don't want another reason added.

After the class finished, Steph and I hung back a bit considering I was helping her pack everything away and all. When we walked out, Chad was still there. "Riley, are you okay now?"

"Yeah, I'm good." I walk past him, still not happy with him for having a go at me for something that wasn't even my fault. I didn't know that that was Parker's game. I thought him scaring Emmett off was a one time thing, but apparently not.

"Woah, wait," he says, putting his arm on my shoulder. I shrug him off but turn around.


"Can I talk to private?"

"In your dreams, Chad," Steph says, scoffing. "After all, last time you spoke with her privately she went home in tears," she calmly said, but still with a bit of bitterness lacing her voice. I smile appreciatively at Steph but shake my head.

"It's okay, Steph. I'll be okay," I tell her. She rolls her eyes but nods anyway. I follow Chad and we walk in silent. I wait for him to speak up but it didn't seem like he was going to. "Ch-"

"I'm sorry," he says, cutting me off. "I didn't mean to upset you, I was just so angry.. It's not everyday you get into a fight with some blokes because of a girl."

"I'm sorry about that, I don't know what's gotten into Parker or Ryan. Are you okay, though?"

"You should know by now, I'm always going to be fine."

"Well, one day you might not be," I reply, shrugging. It was true, one day he might not be able to fight back and therefore he won't always be fine.

"I've fought professionally and illegally, and I'm still alive. The guys I've faced, they're very difficult to fight. But, I'm fine as you can see." Professionally? He's only twenty one.

"Twenty two actually," he mutters. Did I say that out loud? Oops. "Birthday on Saturday."

"Oh," I look to him, frowning a bit. Steph didn't tell me.. "Happy belated birthday."

"Thanks, princess." We carry on walking in silence for a bit until he speaks up again, "You do know I'm sorry, right? I know I said it earlier but I seriously didn't mean for what happened to happen. I just.." I looked down and noticed his hand has been bandaged up.

"Your hand," I point out.

"After I punched the wall, and after you left, I kind of started punching it again cos I was pissed at myself for upsetting you. Started bleeding, no biggie."


"It's fine, it doesn't hurt. Seriously, I'm good," he tells me, smiling away.

"Oh, okay." We walk in silence again, but it wasn't awkward. It was..comfortable. "How was your birthday?"

"It was good, spent Saturday with mum, Steph, and Malcolm. Sunday I went to go see my brother in rehab, told him I was sorry I couldn't make it on Saturday. He understood, but he got me a gift still."

"That's sweet, what did he get you?" I ask, smiling away. I found it pretty cute how he seems so close to his brother. I would have never expected it, actually. I thought he would be cold hearted and that he would distance himself from his family, especially his siblings. But, I guess I was totally wrong about that.

"He made me something, actually. I know he's sixteen and all, and that I'm twenty two, but it's the thought that counts right?"

"Absolutely." Damn, what did he make him?

"My favourite animal is a lion, they're pretty fierce and all. He somehow, don't ask, made me a lion teddy and there's a little locket around it with a picture of the both of us when we were younger. It can be a bracelet rather than a necklace for the lion," he says, holding up his wrist showing me the bracelet. He allowed me to open it and the picture was absolutely adorable. It was a picker of the both of them hugging with smiles on each of their faces.

"How old were you both in this picture?"

"He was two and I was eight, mum loved this picture. Actually, I do too. It's one of my favourites. I was his hero growing up, but things went haywire when dad died. He was about thirteen actually. He started quite young and mum didn't help. Her and dad were divorced anyway, but it was still hard hitting for us. Mum had met Malcolm when Jay was fourteen and then married last year. Oh, Jay is my brother by the way."

"Wow, when did Jay get to rehab then?"

"Well, he had a bad reaction to some drug around fifteen, managed to save him and took him to rehab. He's been there for nearly a year now. I'd say he's been there for eleven months now. He's doing good, thank goodness. I just don't think it was a good idea for mum to abandon him."

"We're you already in uni when this all happened?"

"Yeah, I was. I'd gone home to visit Jay since he lived with some mates, but I found him on the ground and he barely had a pulse, so called an ambulance. I was just in time, if I was any later he wouldn't have survived. That's what they told me. He struggled at first and I took some time out of uni, which they allowed. I got all the work though so I kept up to date. When he was in rehab and all settled, it had been at least a month, I told him I was thinking of quitting uni so I could move closer to him to keep and eye on him. He insisted I finish my education because of how much I wanted to at least finish my course. So, he told me to stay and that he'll be fine. Offered mum to go visit him with me, but she refused. She was disgusted in him, hated him for even going near drugs. He made a mistake, he was grieving.. He was young too. Him and dad were close, so he took dad's death the hardest, hence why he turned to drugs."

"Wow, I didn't realise how..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"It's okay, I know what you mean. Things are going good, he still asks how mum is just to make sure she's okay. Told him about the baby news, and he's happy for her. He made something for the baby actually, but I don't know how I'll give it to mum and Malcolm. She'll probably just toss it away anyway," he mutters, sighing.

"You never know, Chad," I tell him, putting a hand on his arm. "I'll be there if you want, when you give it I mean," I offer. He gives me a toothy smile before nodding.

"Yeah, okay. That would be awesome. Thanks, Riley."

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