Chapter Thirty Five

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After staying with my parents, I went back to university. I had a class and Steph and I were happy because we were one step closer to getting our degree. Then we could start up a daycare! Children loved us, so we used that as an advantage. Plus, we've babysat before. Not together, but separately. We were always told we were good with kids and many people suggested to us that we should start our own business.

We were one step closer because we'd taken an exam. Well, one of two which would determine if we're ready.

I know I hadn't done too much revising with everything that had gone on, but I knew I was ready. More than ready, actually. It was Friday again before I knew it and instead of revising for my final exam which was the following week, I was currently getting ready to go see Jay. I was nervous, but I felt kind of honoured that Chad wanted Jay and I to meet. I didn't really know why as we hadn't been dating or even involved too much for so long, but I didn't question it. Just go with the flow.

"Ready, princess?" I nod my head and he takes the small bag of clothes that I packed. He told me we would get there late at night when visiting hours were closed, except if it was permitted, and that we would have to stay in a hotel for the night. Then the next day he said we would visit Jay and spend the majority of the day with him. Then we would go back to the hotel until Sunday which we would see Jay again for a little bit before heading back to university. It seemed hectic, but he told me it was actually really simple and he did it all the time anyway.

"Are you feeling okay?" I ask, noticing his pained expressions while he was driving.

"Just a little pain, I'm good."

"Maybe I should drive?" I suggest, not wanting anything bad to happen.

"I'll be fine, trust me."

"Okay," I said uneasily. We carry on driving in a comfortable silence. I kept glancing at him every now and again to make sure he was okay. I didn't think he noticed, though. Well, I'm glad he didn't. Would be kind of awkward, right? "Chad-"

"I'm fine, seriously. Stop worrying about me," he says, glancing at me for a second before staring straight again. I look down and frown.

"But I can't," I murmur, fiddling with my fingers. He places his left hand over both of mine, squeezing them both. I look up to find him still staring straight, but he had a goofy smile on his face.

"Thanks for caring, though," he says, bringing one of my hands to his lips and placing a chaste kiss on my knuckles. Woah, where's the bad boy? He kept my hand in his lap as he continued to drive.

Hours passed and I was sleepy, and Chad noticed. He told me to just go to sleep, but I wanted to stay up to make sure he was definitely okay. But in the end, I did find myself asleep. He didn't intend to wake me up, but sometimes I'm a light sleeper. I woke up in his arms as he carried me and our bags up to the hotel room we were staying in.

"Let me help you," I offered as it seemed like he was struggling. He shook his head and carried on walking.

"Go back to sleep," he replied with soon after. I roll my eyes and attempt to grab a bag, but I failed miserably. "Princess," he said warningly.

"Alright, alright," I huffed out, making myself more comfortable in his arms. He made it to the hotel room and opened the door with the room key. He walked in and turned the light on, then placing the bag down by the bed and me onto the bed. I was stretched out like a star and started to fall asleep.

"Woah, woah, woah. Don't take up the bed and fall asleep," he said irritated with an annoyed look on his face.

"Sorry," I whispered, making space for him. I crawled my way to the edge of the bed, wanting nothing else but to fall asleep. It kind of hurt a bit the way he said it. I only spread out like that just for fun, I didn't think I was going to fall asleep that quick..

"No, no, princess." I ignored him, pretending to sleep. I heard him sign and switch the light off. I felt the bed dip and Chad pulling me more into the middle of the bed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be like that," I heard him whisper. He pressed his lips to the side of my head, leaving a kiss. "Goodnight princess, please don't be mad at me in the morning."


When I woke up, Chad was getting dressed. "You're up," he states. "Morning," he mutters with uncertainty.

"Good morning," I reply back, stretching and getting out of bed. "Where are you going?"

"Just getting dressed and all. Was going to order some room service before we left. Figured it'd be plenty of time for you to get ready." He picks up the phone and dials room service, ordering a few of the typical breakfast foods. When he gets off of the phone, he looks to me. "The shower is over in there," he says, pointing to the bathroom. I nod and get out of the bed, taking my bag of clothes in there. I take a quick shower and get dressed in the bathroom, throwing on some casual clothes. When I walk out, Chad was at the room door and then someone walked in with food. Ooh, food. I sit on the bed and watch as Chad speaks to the person, giving him a little tip. "Dig in," he says, piling some food on a plate for himself.

I jump off the bed and do the same thing. Why does hotel food always look so damn delicious? After we finish eating, Chad claps his hands. I look to him weirdly, "What?" I ask, looking at his grinning face.

"Let's go see Jay, yeah? You ready?"

"Yeah, I suppose so."

"I am sorry about yesterday, I was just tired and frustrated. I'm really sorry, princess."


"Don't say it's fine. I shouldn't have snapped, okay? You're not mad at me, are you?" He asks, looking quite sad.

"I'm not mad, don't worry. Now come on, let's go. I'm sure Jay is waiting for you."

He laughs, "Yeah, he can actually be pretty impatient sometimes. I mean, I'm the only one who visits him. Besides this girl. No idea who she is, but he talks about her quite a bit. I mean, he seems to think that I haven't noticed that he's practically infatuated with the girl. He thinks he's being subtle but believe me, he seriously isn't."

"So, he's got a girlfriend?"

"I think so, possibly just some girl he hasn't asked out yet. Not too sure, though. But anyway, let's get going. Oh, we're walking," he says.

"Sounds good to me," I reply.


Sooooo, hi. I've never asked this before since Jay is a minor character in this story.

But, what are your thoughts on Jay?

You interested in finally "meeting" Jay?

What do you think Jay will be like?

Oh, and do you want Louise (Chad and Jay's mum) to reunite with Jay? Or at least visit him?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

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