Chapter Thirty Seven

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"You have to see him, he needs you!"

"I can't, I can't see him. Not after what he-"

"He did it out of grief. He lost his father and people deal with grief in different ways, and sadly he went down the wrong path. What he needs is you and his family supporting him, he doesn't need you leaving him. He's still only a child, your child."

"You have no right to come into my house, you don't even know him," she bites out, getting angrier.

"You know Chad and I did this weekend? We went to see Jay, as Chad always does. I went to see Jay with Chad and we had a little heart to heart. Jay is extremely lonely, and he needs his mum. He's lost his dad and as far as he's concerned, he's lost you too. That's not what he needs, that won't get him better. He'll get better quicker with you by his side, and he will be the son you once knew again not the one who overdosed because he lost his dad." Louise looked at me with sad eyes, tears seeming to cloud her vision. Chad didn't know I came here, he had a class actually so I took this as an opportunity to try and fix what's gone on between Jay and Louise. After all, like I said he was still a child and he did need his mum. I mean, anyone from a mile away could see he was suffering without her.

"I-" and then she broke, she broke into tears and I pulled her in for a hug. I felt really bad, but she needed to know. She needed to wake up and actually go see her son. I know Chad has tried, but she hasn't listened to him. I don't know why, but I won't question it. I'm just hoping she's listening to me now. "I've been so harsh on him," she sobs, gripping onto the back of my shirt like her life depended on it. "He's still a baby to me, and I just left him! What kind of mother am I?"

"It's not your fault, I get it. But at the same time I don't. He did something wrong, and I know you were probably ashamed in him, but he's trying to fix what he wronged. Go and visit him, it'll help him. As much as he loves having his brother by his side, it's clear he needs you there too. From what I've seen, and heard from Chad, he's making a great recovery."

"I wish I was there the whole time! I can't believe myself, I am a horrible mother! And here I am bringing another child into the world when my other child is suffering!" Crap, I didn't mean to make her feel like that.


"No, no. Don't tell me that this wasn't your intention because I know it wasn't. You've just opened my eyes at what a neglectful mother I'm being. My poor baby boy is alone from time to time without his mother by his side. That's just awful. I cannot believe I've become what I've always despised. Take me to him, please?"


"Yes, now. I need to see him, I need to tell him I love him and that I'm very sorry. I need him to know I love him and that I regret disowning him like that. I want him to grieve properly, with me by his side. Please, take me now?" I was about to say okay, but I couldn't. I couldn't take this away from Chad. He had to be the one to take her there. He had to be there himself, and they needed to be a family together. Even though she had moved on, she still needed to grieve the death of Chad and Jay's dad, her late husband.

"I can't, Chad should be the one to do it. He'd love to take you, and I think he would want to be there with you when you finally see Jay again. When he comes home, discuss it with him. I'm sure he will take you on the weekend," I tell her, patting her back as she was still hugging me.

"No," she whispers, "I need to see him now. I can't leave this any longer than it already has been."

"Louise, please," I try to calm her down and get her to think rationally and at least wait for Chad, but she was getting all worked up. She's pregnant, she shouldn't be worked up. "Stop," I say with a stern voice, "worrying and getting worked up may cause stress or something to the baby," she gasps and pulls back, placing a hand on her stomach.

"I'm sorry, bubba. I'm so sorry," she mutters. She looks to me, smiling. "Thank you. I've been so stupid, I can't believe myself. I hope you don't think bad of me or anything." The truth was, I never had thought bad of her. Sure, she may have disowned her child, but she was also going through grief herself. I'm just glad that I'm the end it seems to be going in the right direction. Maybe Jay could even move here with her once the rehab centre are happy with his progress.

"I've never thought bad of you, don't worry," I tell her, hopefully comforting her and making her relieved or something.

"Thank you, and thank you again for this. I think I will wait for Chad to finish his class, and then call him over. I mean, he said he's going to be staying in his dorm again so I doubt he would be coming back here." She was right, Chad had told me on our way back that he's staying back at his dorm now instead of the house. I mean, it was definitely easier for him to see me as he picks my lock anyway. I guess he just has less distance to travel to get to my room.

"Good, I'm glad. Oh, Chad helped on the baby room, by the way. We've almost finished it. I thought maybe I could continue? I mean, if that's okay with you."

"It's absolutely fine, thank you. I had a quick look, and the room is absolutely beautiful. You have a real talent, you know? Maybe you should think of doing it as a side career or something because I think people will pay a lot for such beautiful designs."

"Oh, thank you. I don't know though, I never thought of doing it as a career or anything."

"I guess now you have something to think about." I hum in reply and she excuses herself, telling me to show myself to the room and continue to paint. After w few hours or so, I lost count of the time, Chad comes into the room.

"Looks like you're almost finished now," he says, walking around and looking at the room. "It looks good, especially the way this one has been painted," I turn around and look at the one he was talking about and start to laugh. He was pointing at the one he painted.

"Really, Chad?"

"Yeah, I mean whoever painted this one is such an amazing painter!" He exclaims, grinning away. I continue to laugh, shaking my head at my childish boyfriend. "Surprised to see you here, though," he says, to which I shrug. "Thank you, have I ever told,you that you're the best girlfriend ever?"

"Possibly, but you can repeat it if you want."

"You are the best girlfriend ever," he says, and I stand up and hug him.

"I know," I reply, laughing. "No but seriously, why am I?" I ask, pulling away.

"You know what you did, you spoke to my mum."

"Oh, that? That was nothing. I saw how much Jay needed her, and I thought I'd give it a try. Surprised it actually worked."

"I'm surprised too. But thank you, you really are the best. Oh, and maybe you can come with us? I know you've got an exam which you should be revising for," I roll my eyes at him, "but after you take it which is in what, a couple of days? Well, then we can go right? If you want, I just kinda want you there."

"You're so cute, you know that? Of course I'll come with!"

"Good, now give me a kiss, princess," I shake my head jokingly and he rolls his eyes, smashing his lips onto mine.

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