Chapter Thirty Two

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You know how you'd never think you'd ever be kidnapped? Well, I never thought that. I mean, I always thought I led a normal life apart from the Tyson stuff. But you know, getting kidnapped was the last thing I'd expect. Especially when I was having such a normal, but also fun, date. All I did was go to the toilet because I really had to go, but no. Here I am.

I mean, I don't know how he escaped or how he knew where I was. I didn't even know how he knew I was going to go to the toilet. Talk about crazy. At the end of this, I still didn't get to pee. Chad also probably thinks I ditched him, which sucks. It sucks so bad because I happen to really like him, and sure we're dating but it will probably be over before it has begun. If he thinks I ditched him, he would obviously be confused why I would date him. I wish he knew what really happened.

It was weird listening to the radio in the car too. They were talking about how Tyson had escaped from prison and if anyone saw him, they should call the police. Crazy things happen, and I didn't realise it could happen to someone leading such an ordinary life. I guess anything really can happen.

I assumed I was in the backseat of a car. Not just any car, but a stolen one. I knew I wasn't even sitting up. I was lying down over the two seats because obviously Tyson didn't want anyone to see. Smart, but stupid. A lot of people are on the search for him now, and probably on the search for this stolen car.

Soon enough, the car came to a halt. In all honesty, I was scared. Really scared. I'd never been in this situation, and the fact that Tyson has me. Now that terrified me the most. Tyson, the guy who had basically tormented and scarred me. I didn't know what he was going to do to me, but I feared he was going to kill me. After all, he did threaten that when I visited him.

I heard the car door open, and I was pulled out roughly. I was put on my feet so I was standing, and then I was pushed forward. I kept walking, scared of what would happen if I disobeyed. I mean, this is Tyson we're talking about. He's pretty crazy if you ask me. I refused to speak, scared of the consequences if I did. Do not speak unless spoken to, I thought. That way, I'd definitely stay out of trouble.

I figured I was pushed onto the ground as it was a concrete surface. That'll leave a mark or two. I guess it sucked that as well as being tied up, I was also blindfolded. Such fun times. I hope Chad is okay.. I hope he's realised something is wrong.. Why didn't I run when I saw him? Well, mainly because I was shocked and couldn't move. Oh, and the fact everything happened so fast. One minute I was standing staring at him, next minute I'm blindfolded and my hands are tied up. Great. At first I thought he knocked me out, but I knew he didn't. My head didn't hurt. Because I didn't move, he also took that as the opportunity to do tie me up and blindfold me.

"So, surprised to see me?" It was weird, because I wasn't. I wasn't surprised. That dream I had, at the back of my mind I knew it was a warning.

I turned myself around onto my back, considering I was pushed onto my front. Seriously, it really hurt. "Not really, no," I reply. I still had the blindfold on, and obviously he wouldn't untie me. He may be crazy, but he is smart.

I felt him lift me up so I was in a sitting position and I felt the blindfold also loosening. I was soon met with his face staring down at me. "Not surprised, huh? Did you miss me?"

There was two ways I could answer this. I could lie and say I did, which could hopefully buy me time so I could find a way to escape. Or, I could be honest and just muck it all up.. "Yeah," I replied with, slapping myself mentally. In all honesty, Tyson made me sick to my stomach. In no way did I miss him.

"Oh, you did?" He asked, shocked. "Well, I don't blame you. I mean, after so many years you decide to visit me in prison. Obviously that'll stir up some old feelings." Crazy. "Why are you with that guy then? Hm? To hurt me?" He grabbed my face, making me look directly at him. "Lie, I dare you," he snarls out. I chose not to reply, making him laugh. "You were never a good liar." He lets go of my face, and I look down to the ground.

"What are you going to do?" I ask in a quiet voice. He laughed again. "We're going to go away, just you and I."

"How? You're all over the news, they'll recognise you."

"No. I have a plan, and we're leaving tonight. I just need to get s few of your things."

"What things?"

"Passport, obviously. I'll be back, and don't bother trying to find your phone. Not that you can anyway," he said, referring to my tied up hands. He took out my phone from his pocket and waved it in the air. "Too bad that boyfriend of yours will never know. All he'll keep getting right now is voicemail. Wonder how it feels for him, being ditched by his girlfriend."

"He'll know something is up. He will come for me," I reply, getting angrier. Tyson isn't getting away with this.

"Oh, he won't. Trust me, I'll make sure of it." With that, he left.

What does he mean? He'll make sure of it? I hope Chad is okay.. I hope nothing happens to him. I'll never forgive myself.

I just pray that Chad has noticed I wouldn't ditch him. Why would I if I had fun on the date? He must know, he just has to..

It felt like hours that passed before I decided to look around, not entirely sure where I was. Sure the room was dark, but there was light from a window. A window. Thankfully, my feet weren't actually tied up. Probably a mistake on his behalf. I struggle to get up but somehow I manage, and walk towards the window. The first thing I noticed was how dark it was, and how the moon was the source of light. I looked around the room again, noticing that this place must've been abandoned. No one has lived here for years, it seems. I turn back to the window and knock on it, trying to break it. Just as I was about to hit it again, he walks in, throwing Chad into the room.


He was beaten up, and I gasped. "Chad?" He looked up at me, relief on his face.

"You're okay," he mutters, smiling. Tyson pushes him to the ground.

"Shut up you two," Tyson says. He walks up to me and grabs my arm. "You're coming with me."

"Get off," I mutter, trying to break free from his grip. He turned to me and glared at me, his eyes terrifying me. I gulp and stop trying.

"What are you going to do with her?" Chad asks. I noticed how his feet were tied up too, unlike me.

"We're leaving, and you're going to stay here. Eventually, you'll die of no food or water. Oh, and the fact that you'll have this lodged in you," Tyson smirks, holding up a knife. I held my breath. I have to do something. He walks up to Chad, lodging the knife into his side. "Have fun bleeding out." He walks back over to me, pulling me towards him. I take one last look at Chad's pained face before Tyson pulls me out the room completely.



Well, sure enough some of you guessed that Tyson would break out. Probably guessed she would get kidnapped too, but did you expect that to happen to Chad? Now come on Riker fans, you gotta feel bad for Chad. Don't you?

Well, what will happen next? Where's Tyson taking Riley?

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