- Chapter One -

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- Chapter One -

Small feet ran quickly through the forest as tree branches snapped behind her. Birds chirped frantically as they flew away from their resting place above the tall trees. Heavy and loud pants of breathe came from the nine year old who's small feet ran with all their force, avoiding bushes and trees as best as they could. But going in a zigzag motion began to take a toll on the little girl, forcing her to slow down. Yet her heartbeat still pounded erratically. Her palms were anxiously sweating but it didn't register within the small girl's mind.

She completely stopped running and just stood there in the middle of the forest looking around in all directions with anxiousness and wide brown eyes. The girl analyzed her surroundings, yet she couldn't spot the creature that was following her not too long ago. Branches and twigs weren't being broken by the heavy weight of the creature anymore. Everything had become silent, a perfect scene for the predator to catch its prey.

The little girl lifted her small hands and nervously played with her brown waves of hair. Turning in a circle slowly, she carefully searched for the dimly lit eyes of the creature among the bushes. But she noticed nothing out of the ordinary. Her heartbeat slowly came back to its normal pace as the little girl let out a soft sigh.

The creature must've lost her, she thought to herself. However, a sudden scream left her mouth as soon as she finished her thought. A giant, brown wolf jumped out of nowhere and landed right before her, which caused her to fall back on the ground shaking in fright. The wolf growled lowly and bared his canines as it slowly moved closer to the girl's face.

Tears welled up in the corners of the girl's eyes as she let out a quiet sob. She lifted her hands and tried pushing the wolf's head away. But it was to no avail. The wolf was stronger than the child. It simply stood above her, growling and snarling to create more fear that he desperately craved to smell.

The girl began to cry as she feared for her own death. Shutting her eyes and grabbing fistfuls of the wolf's fur in her hands, the little girl silently begged the moon-goddess for the wolf to stop this madness.

The wind blew by softly, whispering past the small girl. She could feel herself crying out loudly, yet they were heard as if the cries were in the distance as her small mind began to numb itself. Her brown doe-like eyes stared upwards towards the creature one last time, seeing it's canines wet with his saliva, before she slowly shut her eyes. Her small palms went still as they kept themselves attached to the wolf. Yet the wolf's growls began to minimize as he felt the touch of the girl's hand, her warmth expanding itself towards his beastly body. Filling the void of his empty heart with what he lost. Clarity began to enter the endless pit of his black eyes, turning them back into its original dark-brown color. Mixed emotions all came flooding back, driving the insanity away.

The wolf shook it's head, causing the girl's hands to drop into the floor with a thud. He stepped back and stared at the unconscious girl in confusion. Her appearance was disheveled. Dress torn and stained with dirt. Shoes missing, exposing her bare feet. Scrapes and cuts ran along the bottom of her feet, as well as blisters. The wolf's head dropped in shame on the floor at the sudden realization of what just occurred. He crawled over to the girl and curled himself around her, his tail thrown over her like a blanket.

His breathe began to even and match the soft beats of his heart. A feeling that seemed surreal to the beast and to the man who awakened from its dark slumber.


The nine year old's eyes began to flutter themselves open, feeling the warmth of the sun's rays hitting her. She grumbled softly and scrunched her eyes closed. She turned her head and pushed herself closer to the furry blanket surrounding her small frame. Her blanket was radiating heat, warming her. It was soft and furry-like. The little girl enjoyed cuddling with it. It was as if she wasn't alone anymore. She felt a presence with this blanket. Even a heart beat could be heard.

A heart beat? She thought.

As if seeing a movie flash within her mind, the events from the day before came rushing back. Reminding the girl that she isn't safe or alone.

Opening her eyes wide and pushing herself in a sitting position, she noticed the wolf from the day before is laying down in a circle sleeping. She's in the middle of his body, shielded by his body, and protected by his body. The realization of what the wolf did for her is clear and it touches her small soul.

Raising a trembling hand, the small girl cautiously pets the wolf's fur. Fear still resides in her heart, but by touching the wolf, she understand that a change in him had happened. Darkness no longer follows him. The light that was lost to him was brought by and the little girl knew how.

"You're special Alina. You're the light that is desperately needed in this world. Don't be afraid to call on the power of the moon goddess. It's yours to use for the better..."

Words that were spoken by Alina's deceased mother are whispered into her ear as the wind drifts by. A message to remind the nine year old, Alina, that she holds the power to change the werewolf world.

Alina takes a deep breathe and stares at the wolf before her. "I saved you... Maybe I can save others too."



Posted: 4/11/16

This is not your average werewolf story! Hope you liked the first chapter.

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Ps. It's different but it still holds the concept of mates. Just shown differently. Further explanation will be given when the time comes ;p

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