- Chapter Twelve -

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- Chapter Twelve -

As the blade slashed through the air, Isaiah, with all his might, pushed himself back, making the men holding him stumble backwards. A large, deep cut was formed on Isaiah's chest diagonally. Fortunately, however, it wasn't a deadly wound. Isaiah was panting harshly out loud as he stared up at the alpha with his good eye. He defiantly sent him a message saying: he will not go down easily without a fight. A message the alpha found annoying.

Isaiah knew he can't fight off the two men holding him and the alpha, along with other guards standing past the cell room. Isaiah needed to buy himself time in order to find a way to escape his cell, get Alina, and escape this horrid place.

His thoughts were cut short when the entrance door was slammed open by a man who had a tiny afro on his head. The alpha turned around and stared at the man angrily. Alpha Servos' anger sky rocketed the moment he missed his target. He didn't want any more interruptions and kill the prisoner as fast as possible. He's a man who ends his problems before the begin to arise any more problematic.

"Why did you dare interrupt me?" The man bowed his head in submission before he replied to his alpha. "The little girl left the little kids playground."

Alpha Servos knew who he spoke of and it further increased his anger. He looked back at Isaiah and contemplated on whether or not he should end him now and chase after the girl later or search for the girl now before she gets farther away?

His greed helped determine his decision.

Alpha Servos walked closer to Isaiah and crouched low on his level. They were both mere inches away from each other, their noses at close distance from touching. Alpha servos sneered at the man before him and spat onto his face before he rose up to his full height. "You'll live for now. But when I get the girl, I will return and end you." With that, the alpha turned on his heel and walked out the cell with all his men following behind.

Isaiah was left laying on the floor, relieve-ness visible on his slacked form. He was left alone to ponder over his escape plan. The moon goddess has heard his prayers. All he has to do is escape successfully and save Alina from staying in this pack.


Alina had walked around the entire small space the playground had to offer and she was left dissatisfied. She saw the other kids, but didn't want to join them. They were the high class kids, she could easily tell from the limited number of kids in here. It seemed the privilege were the only ones given "freedom".

Alina grew tired of waiting for the alpha and wanted to leave, but the she wolves sitting near the only exit wouldn't allow her to. She was stuck here.

She let out a depressed sigh and stared up in the sky. She hoped her parents would help Isaiah, he has become a guardian she can rely on and trust. All her wishes will be towards him as she feels that he's in more trouble than she is at the moment. Especially since she knew the alpha lied about Isaiah. Her instincts were telling her to not trust the man, and that's what she will do.

"What are you looking at?" Said a little boy's voice. Alina looked down from the sky and stared at the boy in front of her. She was a bit speechless. She's never spoken to a boy as cute as the one standing before her. He was around the same height as Alina, but she knew he would grow to be much taller than her. He had cute brown freckles running across his upper cheeks. His eyes were golden brown, like honey. His hair was dark brown, but it seemed that with age it'll grow to be darker and darker. Alina couldn't stop staring at him, she was frozen in her current position. I think I'm in love, she thought as the boy smile and repeated his earlier words.

Alina blinked a few times and slowly answered his question. "The sky..."

His eyebrows scrunched up in confusion which Alina found cute. "Why?"

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