- Chapter Twenty Two -

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- Chapter Twenty Two -

Alina tried very hard to keep herself from gagging. However, it was difficult due to the smell of bodily wastes combined with blood in the dungeons. Alina wondered what was going to happen to her, she remembered being enclosed in one of the dungeon rooms. She couldn't have done anything wrong to go back in?

Damien opened one of the cells and ushered her inside with him following behind. He slammed the door shut and walked ahead of Alina, towards a man kneeling on the ground on the other side of the room.

She noticed his lack of clothing, besides his shredded jeans that seem to be slowly coming apart. He was shackled to the wall.

Alina shivered at the animosity she felt in the air. This man before her was a Rouge that she's never encountered before. He was far gone into his crazed mind to know right from left. However, how had he not succumb to his beast yet? Seeing as the aura around him is quite darkening.

"This man has been beaten to near death in order to prevent him from shifting. However, his beast is the one on control."

Damien answered her silent question. But now she knew why he has brought her there.

He was testing Alina.

A test to make sure her powers were true and absolute. If not, then he was surely going to slit her throat the moment Alina fails. A chill ran down her spine, but it didn't come to a surprise that Damien was testing her. It is a rare gift that she possesses. A gift the moon goddess has gifted her with.

Damien pulled on the man's shackles, urging him forward and closer to Alina. The man grumbled and snarled at the impact his knees felt. Alina jumped in fear but remained where she was.

Damien walked closer to her and said, "I demand you to change this man. Reform him to what he once was. After you've proven your abilities to me then we will continue with today's plans. Showcasing you to my entire pack and claim victory of my power."

Alina looked up at Damien and her question tumbled out of her trembling lips."I-If I f-fail to d-do so?" Alina cringed at her weak sounding question, but waited for Damien's reply.

"You'll just have to see the punishment for yourself." He smiled wickedly towards her.

Alina clenched her mouth and took a deep breathe through her nose. This was it. The ultimate test was bestowed upon her. It was a lot sooner than what she expected. But nonetheless she'll try her best.

Alina timidly walked closer to the man, she knelt besides the growling man, afraid that he'll snap at her at any second now. She raised her hand and slowly went for the man's bare arm. But before she could touch him, the man slashed at her with his razer claw-like nails. Alina fell back with a yelp, holding her hand close to her chest.

Damien quickly whipped the man as punishment and roughly pulled Alina further away from the man. He stated down at her hand and saw a few bloodied scratches. "Do it from here."

Alina stood up and leaned against the wall. "I can't... I must have contact on his bare skin. It's how it works... And it only works t-temporarily."

Damien looked at her in confusion. "What do you mean temporarily?"

Alina looked shamefully as she opens her mouth.

"My gift only brings back their sanity for a limited time. It varies with the rouges. Some seem to be cured while others need to come back to me, to keep their minds sane. However it seems to all depend on how remorseful they feel as soon as they have that window of clarity that depends the lasting effects of their sanity."

Damien scratched the back of his head. "You're telling me that even if you clear this man's of his current illness, there's a possibility of a relapse?" Alina nodded. "How many of those you've helped, never came back to you?"

"The town you raided was filled with the rouges that I've been helping. However, only the women who were expecting didn't need the gifts of my touch. I believe it was because their babies brought them tranquility, a sense of purpose to keep themselves sane."

Damien shook his head. He clenched his fists and growled lowly. "If what you say is true, then how will my army strive?! I can't make an army of rouges of there's a chance that they'll go ballistic and turn their backs on me. This is the gift the goddess gave you? What a lousy gift it is."

Damien opened the cell door and walked out. Before shutting it, he said, "as punishment for the lousiness of your gift, you'll be locked up here with that monster." With that he slammed the door with great force.

Alina slowly fell to the floor. She blew out a breath in relief. She looked up at the Rouge before her and smiled. Damien fell for her ruse. He actually believed her false defectiveness of her powers. She let out a little giggle.

Alina finally had gained some time to think of a plan, whether it be with a crazed Rouge in front of her, she's at least away from Damien's demands... And Kaeden's cowardness.

Alina only wished that Kaeden can man up and be the boy who had courageously helped her escape in the past.

But she's no damsel in distress who needs a man, she will manage to do everything herself.


A/N        Posted: 11/5/18

Slightly confused? Alina improvised the defectiveness of her powers in order to keep Damien from introducing her as his chosen mate in front of his pack.

Her powers do in fact clear a Rouge from becoming rabid, but it doesn't prevent them from making bad choices. For ex: the girl from ch. 15/16 was helped by Alina but she decided to torture herself by drinking her pain away. She never really fell back to going "crazy Rouge" although that was damien's assumption.

Hope that answered some of my commenter's questions.

Thank you for the votes and comments!! Keep On Doing it Please 😁

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