- Chapter Ten -

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- Chapter Ten -

Alina laid sleeping on the bed while Isaiah watched over her. Isaiah and Alina were given a bedroom within the pack house. However, it took a while for Alina to rest since her unease and distrust of others kept her awake. Isaiah eased her worries and decided to keep guard. Every time he would hear a sound near the door, or by the window, he would go into a defensive stance, only to relax when the sounds have left the perimeter. He was on an unknown territory filled with strangers who could potentially kill him and/ or Alina.

He had been tempted to just grab Alina and flee from this territory until he came to the realization that it'll be difficult if many of Servos's pack members were roaming around. It was as if he was a caged animal with others staring at every corner and Isaiah's wolf hated the feeling of confinement. Isaiah was feeling uncomfortable and the more he stayed in a place unbeknownst to him was problematic because he could shift in any moment from the stress this new environment is giving him.

Alina, in her sleep, sensed Isaiah's discomfort and shifted closer to his presence, almost falling off the bed if Isaiah hadn't noticed her moving. He looked down at her and smiled. This girl, he would do anything for her as if she was her very own daughter.

A knock came to Isaiah's door and he cautiously walked over to it. He grabbed hold of the knob and slowly twisted it as he pulled back the door to reveal Alpha Servos. Isaiah somewhat relaxed, but he still felt unease creeping up his skin.

"Yes?" he whispered towards the alpha.

Alpha Servos noticed the girl sleeping and motioned for Isaiah to step outside. With reluctance, Isaiah obeyed. He turned and closed the door quietly. He didn't want Alina to wake up. She needed her rest after all that she went through in these past few days. The loss of her parents, him almost eating her, discovering her power, and getting kidnapped. It's too much for a young girl like Alina.

When Isaiah was about to turn around to face the alpha, he felt a current of pain wash over the back of his head before he fell unconscious on the ground. His thump was loud but not loud enough to wake Alina inside the closed room. Alpha servos stared down at Isaiah with distaste and gestures towards the hidden men, hiding around the corner of the hall, to come and carry Isaiah.

As Alpha Servos watched Isaiah being carried away, he turned towards the closed door and smirked. That child, a power had been bestowed upon her where she can turn darkness into light. However, where there is light, darkness may enter.


Alina was silently sleeping on her stomach with her head turned to the side, facing her left. She slowly began to wake as she felt her stomach grumbling, crying out for nourishment. She scrunched up her face in the slight pain her stomach was giving her and blinked her eyes open. She lazily sat up and brought one hand to her stomach while the other went up to rub her eyes. "Isaiah.. I'm hungry," she said out loud. But when she didn't hear a reply, she stopped rubbing her eyes and started looking around the small room that was given to her and Isaiah.

The room was silent and everything inside was left untouched. The windows remained tightly shut and so did the entrance door. Yet the rugged patching near the door gave the indication that someone either entered or left the room.

Alina scurried off the bed and ran towards the door. She twisted the door knob as her fear began to rise, and on bare feet she ran out the door down the hall to her right. She was about to turn the corner when a pair of long legs attached to a man's body blocked her way. Alina abruptly stopped, getting slight carpet burn on the heels of her feet, and looked up to see Alpha Servos. He smiled down at her with way too much glee for Alina's taste. She felt unease around the man, she wanted to leave as soon as she finds Isaiah.

"My my, where are you rushing off to?" Alpha Servos asked.

Alina blinked up in pure innocence as she replied. "I'm looking for Isaiah." Even if she didn't like the man, she needed help in finding Isaiah.

Servos glanced at his watch with false acknowledgement. "He's currently busy with an errand I asked him to do."

Alina looked perplexed. Isaiah wouldn't leave her, not after all that has happened. The man before her was lying to her, she was sure of it. Isaiah would have brought her with him, even if she was sleeping. Isaiah wouldn't abandon her like this.

As if reading her doubts within her mind, Servos said, "He'll be  right back. He even asked me to show you around the pack and to look for some friends your age." He crouched down to Alina's level as he continued speaking. "After all you've gone through, playing with kids your age should help you erase all the bad memories you've acquired since your kidnapping from that evil rouge who thought himself to be alpha." He snickered at the end, making fun of the man who embarrassed the young girl by peeing on her. Alina doubts that she'll ever forget such a vulgar act. But nonetheless she silently nodded her approval and began to follow the alpha down the stairs.

Hopefully the man before her was telling her the truth, that Isaiah will return after the errand Servos had him do. If not, Alina will take matters to her own hands and look for Isaiah and find a way to escape. Because she knew, deep down in her heart, that a life in a pack with a distrust towards the alpha was not meant for her.


A/N      Posted: 2-5-17

Guys Valentine's Day is nearing and I, unfortunately, won't be with my boyfriend. It's long distance ☹️ but he makes me happy so distance don't matter! 😜

Anywayy hoped you like this chapter! I'm possibly writing two more chapters before I do the time skip, where the real story comes to action.

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