- Chapter Seventeen -

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- Chapter Seventeen -

Alina walked through the doors of her clinic feeling calmer that how she felt the night before. She had a really good feeling that today was going to be a good day for her.

Alina went into her office and booted up her computer. As she waiting for the machine to light up, her assistant came in. "Hey boss."

"Morning Micah. Do I have any appointments today?"

"You have two women coming for an ultrasound and a man had called today to make an appointment for a consultation with you."

Alina looked up from her notepad in question. "A consultation? Wow. I haven't had a psychiatric appointment in what feel like forever. Did he mention why?"

Micah shook his head. "He simply just said that he will be traveling here from Reno. So his appointment was scheduled later, an hour and a half before closing time."

From Reno? Alina knew her practice wasn't well known down in Reno, no one knew her from there unless they were wolves. She refrained from letting out a sigh in front of Micah. Alina assumes that it must be one of those crazy rouges trying to keep themselves from succumbing to their animal. It was no important consultation, instead it was just an excuse to have her save them. She's done this more than a few times to know how desperate crazy rouges get. Alina guessed it was probably one of the wolves she had helped when she first moved out here in Nevada.

Looking at Micah, she thanked him and allowed him to excuse himself. Alina, now aline and hidden from Micah, let out a sad sigh. What good was it to have study psychology if she wasn't using it? Instead she had been forced to learn how to do ultrasounds, give birth to babies ,and use her ability to keep the rouges sane in this town.

Alina shook her head and prepared the ultrasound machine before her first appointment showed up.


After a long day of baby talk and prescribing prenatal pills, Alina now sat in her office waiting for her last appointment to show up. It was now getting close to four o' clock and Alina had become bored. She never knew how boring being a gynecologist could be, but then again maybe it was because she felt no empathy towards the happy women who have mates. She didn't know how it felt to meet a man worth creating a life with. Or perhaps it was how her survival was her main priority that she didn't see the importance of meeting a man and creating a family.

Once again her mind was wandering, Alina mentally reprimanded herself. She stood up from her seat and went to the front of the clinic where the check in desk was at. Micah was laying on one of the couches with his phone above him. Alina shook her head at him. "Micah."

Upon hearing his name, he jerked in surprise, causing his phone to fall on his face. Alina smiled as she heard Micah cuss out from the slight pain the phone had brought him. He sat up managing his temple. Alina had her eyebrow raised when Micah looked her way. He quickly stood up bashfully as he smiled. "I swear I was just studying."

Alina laughed out loud at his blatant lie. She crouched down and picked up his phone, seeing what he really was doing on his screen. "Flirting with girls on the job Micah?" at Alina's response, his cheeks turned red. "Go home Micah, It was a slow day. Go flirt with a girl in person instead of behind the screen." Alina handed him his phone while he started to go to the front door.

He turned back and asked, "Are you sure? What about the last appointment?"

Alina shooed him away with her hands. "I'll check him in, I'll be here at the front desk waiting for him. Go and use up your youth before it fades away."

Micah smiled brightly at Alina. "Thanks boss, you're the best!" Then he quickly disappeared as he ran off to who knows where.

Alina looked around and noticed how impeccable Micah left the waiting area. He tustve been really bored to have started cleaning everything. Alina made a mental note on to give Micah a bonus this coming winter.

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