- Chapter Nine -

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- Chapter Nine -

Alina, wary of the new alpha, kept her hard gaze on him as she was being carried out of the cave. Her experience in the last twenty four hours caused Alina to become distrustful towards strangers. She has only come across vicious animals wanting to eat her.

Isaiah shifted Alina's head softly with his hands as they were nearing the exit. He didn't want her to see the aftermath of what Alpha Servos' pack left of the other rouges. A death scenery would break the child... Unless she has seen what was left of her pack. Isaiah pondered over the thought and took note in asking the girl later.

Alpha Servos walked ahead with his head held high. He wasn't worried about the rouge and the girl escaping while his back is turned on them. He had the place surrounded. His loyal, and highly trained, pack members will have no problem in capturing the duo. The only thing that bothered the alpha was the lack of savagery in Isaiah's behavior. Had the bond he created with the girl be his salvation? The alpha had many questions running through his mind that the only thing that made his mind go numb was an earth shattering scream that came from behind him. He quickly turned around with his claws elongating.

The trio had left the darkness of the cave and made their way down to the ground, away from the small cliff. But the heavy scent of blood wafted through the air. Alina had only shuffled in Isaiah's grasp to get in a better position when her eyes caught the gruesome scenery before her.

Pieces of flesh were thrown everywhere, with blood dripping heavily onto the ground and bones sticking out. Alina was speechless for a moment before she let out a horrified scream. Her body began to tremble in fear as her gaze slowly took in whatever she was able to see before Isaiah quickly shielded her from everything. But it was too late. Alina's last shards of innocence was ripped away as she saw the cruelness of what these beasts, her future self, can do.

Alpha Servos felt guilt, he should have asked his members to quickly clean up the mess the rouge alpha did. But it's beyond his control now. What has happened, happened. The girl would simply have to grow up sooner and realize that there is no beauty in this world. Corruption and manipulators are found everywhere and she better know what they look like before she falls under their traps.

Isaiah felt useless. He couldn't protect Alina from the rouges, much less from the gruesome scene they've all just witnessed. He promised himself to protect the girl, yet he failed to do so, in his opinion. He'll make up for it by giving Alina whatever she could possibly want. Whatever her little heart desires. But first, he must somehow sway away from the alpha before him. He's distrustful of alphas now. He doesn't want to be near one, much less be under his control.

Alina held onto Isaiah tightly as she shut her eyes, hoping to get rid of the horrible images. But it's to no avail, limp bodies with blood dripping out slowly is the only thing Alina sees. She's terrified. She knows the new alpha had ended the massacre but her distrust for others had grown. She doesn't trust this Alpha Servos. Her instincts are yelling at her to runaway, however, with her little strength, she can't go anywhere. Therefore she silently allowed Isaiah to carry her as they followed the mysterious alpha.

Not too soon, Alina had fallen asleep. Her soft breath fanning against Isaiah's neck. Isaiah wasn't bothered, he simply held Alina with much care. He too stayed silent the whole entire way. He had nothing to say, what was there to say? Isaiah didn't want to create any more problems with an alpha. He had no strength to fight off another wolf. Nor did he want too.


Alpha Servos gave the rouge and the girl a room to stay in while he took care of business. He had many questions that needed to be answered. And the only one who could answer these questions is the rouge alpha he had captured.

Walking down several steps into the basement, he opened up a latch on the floor that was hidden away by a rug. A flight of more stairs came to view, going down and disappearing into the darkness that lay below.

Alpha Servos pulled out a small flashlight from his pocket and descended. He smartly chose to capture the rouge alpha instead of killing him. There was a reason why both rouges wanted the alpha.

Although perhaps Aloha Servos was overthinking things again, but his curiosity had always gotten the better of him. Perhaps it will lead to his downfall... Or perhaps to his victory.

As he stepped down from the final steps, Alpha Servos made his way towards the first cage on his right. There the rouge alpha was shackled and chained onto the far back wall. His eyes going crazy when they land on Alpha Servos. "Let me out!" He growls out viciously.

Alpha Servos leisurely crossed his arms over his chest while he stared at the rouge before him. He did not care for his name, he seeks answers that he would surely get in any means necessary.

"Rouge. I demand you tell me why you were killing your own 'pack' members."

The rouge went still and his blackened eyes were slowly changing to dark brown. When he replied to Servos, his voice didn't sound gruff or viscous. It was as if Servos was talking to someone new, and it somehow unnerved him.

"The girl! She saved me! She- she-" but then his voice went wild with rage and his tone went back to being animalistic. "She's cursed me! She did something to me! I must have her to change me back! Or else I'll kill her! Kill her!"

Alpha Servos stared at the man before him in wonderment. The way his eyes changed from black to dark brown. It was as if his human side was battling against his rouge side...

Then his lightbulb brightened in realization. The girl had somehow acquired the power to return humanity back to rouges, in turn creating a bond to control them. With this power, she can control every rouge in the world! The mass armies she could create.

Alpha Servos pulled out a gun from his back and aimed it at the shackled wolf. He smiled devilishly, "Thank you for giving me wonderful knowledge. In return I shall free you from this curse the girl had laid upon you."

The rouge went wild in denial. He had no means of dying today, but with the silent blast of the gun, the rouge went still. Blood poured from the hole in his chest.

Alpha Servos calmly mind linked some members to clean up the mess he left behind in the cellar while he made his way towards the stairs.

He had plans, great plans for the girl. The only thing standing in his way was that rouge, Isaiah. He who had to be put down. Alpha Servos will do whatever it takes to make the girl do his bidding.

Soon he will create an army worthy to destroy the werewolf king's empire and dominate the world himself.

And there's no one to stop him.


A/N    Posted: 12-31-16

Happy New Years Eve!

Sorry I haven't uploaded a chapter, but so much has happened this month. My mom moved down here with me in Nevada, I got a boyfriend 🙈, and I'm applying for a new job. Plus I'm trying to convince my mom to let me go to six flags for my birthday but, parents suck -3-

Anywho! How'd you like the chapter? Alpha Servos sounds like a huge ass, doesn't he?

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