- Chapter Six -

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- Chapter Six -

Alina watched a few rouges placing large logs in the middle of the open cave space. They were in their half human/ half wolf form. The alpha stood in front of her almighty. He had his chest puffed out in victory, yet he hadn't done anything but kidnap a helpless child. Alina glowered at the back of his head. She needed one chance to touch his skin, even if it repulsed her, and use her newfound ability on him.

But it was easier said than done.

Alina was tied up. Her small hands were restrained by the rope around her wrists and the alpha would only come near enough to smell his  putrid urine smell. Alina had gagged a couple of times, but with her empty stomach, she wasn't able to puke anything out.

Her stomach began to burn in pain. Her hunger was eating away at her. Since the day of her family's demise, she's been on the run for three days, or so she thinks. Since then she hadn't eaten much. Alina would only drink the forest's rain, even if it was dirty and probably contaminated by the smog coming from the human cities.

Alina was scared of her future but she didn't want to give up on the hope of seeing Isaiah. He's become like a father figure, even for the short amount of time they've been together. Alina was happy she changed him back to his normal self. And that's what kept her going. She was going to fight back and change the rouge alpha to save her own hind. Perhaps she didn't need to touch him. Maybe if he'd touch her, even a little skim of skin to skin contact would be enough for Alina to make a change in him.

Alina coughed and coughed loudly, and in pain, to catch the Alpha's attention. Alina watched silently, and nervously, as the Alpha turned around. His wild black eyes stared her down. He growled lowly at her disrespect. Alina quickly lowered her gaze to his feet. She closed her eyes in dread as she felt the familiar sensation bloom within her soul. This was it. Alina has only one chance to successfully bend the Alpha's dark will.

As Alina concentrated to bring forth her special ability, the Alpha slowly approached her. He was basking in the glory of finally bring a meal for his followers when the little twerp decided to ruin his peacefulness. He was ticked that she lacked manners as well. He saw her unflinching gaze fall upon his the moment he had turned around. He even saw a fire igniting inside her eyes. It only fed his anger furthermore. Now the Alpha felt a need to punish and break the girl down.

As he got closer, he ignored the fact that she had her head bowed towards him. It was already too late for her. Her insubordinate had to get punished and what better way than to treat her like a prisoner. The alpha growled loudly, halting everyone's movements in the cave. His subordinates quietly formed a circle around their leader and the girl. They all watched with cold eyes at the scene unfolding before them.

The alpha crouched his head low enough to have his smelling breathe hit Alina'a nostrils. She forced back her acidic bile and raised her head to stare directly into the Alpha's eyes. She saw the inner darkness within him. A dark, ominous pool swirling inside his soulless looking eyes.

The alpha glared down at her and raised his hand. Alina knew what was coming and she hoped a miracle would happen. Alina closed her eyes tightly in anticipation. She was prepared yet scared at the same time.

A sound of a whoosh resonated throughout the silent cave as the Alpha's hand came down towards Alina's face with great force. The loud, painful sounding, slap echoed inside the cave. Alina's head was now facing her right. Her eyes were wide in shock. She was prepared for the speed and the forcefulness of the slap. Alina didn't even know whether she managed to spark a light within the alpha or not. She didn't even realized her head was snapped to the right. It was all a shock to her.

Alina slowly turned her head back towards the Alpha. Tears ran down her cheeks. It pained Alina to admit that the slap hurt badly. She was confident to know that her cheek will bruise badly within moments.

Her eyes traveled to the Alpha's face. Alina still had her eyes wide in shock when she realized the heavy breathing that came from the Alpha. His hands were bunched into fists at his sides while he stared at Alina in shock, wonder, and anger. Right then, Alina knew that her lightness reached him, and he wasn't happy about it.

The alpha began to notice a change within himself, but he couldn't allow his followers to see him break. So with a loud, angry growl, he ordered everyone to leave the cave and go for a hunt. Without question, everyone followed their leader's order.

The alpha waited until everyone was out of hearing range when he burst out in anger. He pointed a trembling finger at Alina and yelled, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!"

Alina whimpered back. She was never slapped nor shouted at. This was all new to her and it scared her. Alina swallowed slowly before speaking. She knew that the alpha right now was unstable and any wrong move from her can result into her demise.

"I... I'm a w-werewolf." Alina closed her eyes in fear. Even her words came out in a stutter, revealing to her enemy her fear.

The alpha scrutinized the young girl. Her heart may have been beating rapidly due to her fear, but he knew she spoke the truth. The alpha suddenly has an urge to set the girl free. It was a fleeting thought that came out of nowhere. It scared the alpha that this girl had such power over him. His mind felt like it was splitting into two. One struggled against the other for dominance. A good versus evil kind of theme. His human and wolf against each other.

The alpha growled loudly in frustration as he held his head with both hands. The veins in his neck and forehead protruding against the skin. Alina watched in fear and in wonderment. Had she done something wrong?

The alpha fell to his knees before her, mumbling words that Alina barely heard. "Set her free... No! She's ours to devour... She's a child! Free her... She needs to die for doing this... No!"

But the meaning behind his mumbling was clear to Alina. She had sparked his inner human side back to life, but it wasn't enough to diminish his dark instincts. She created something horrifying and as she watched the Alpha battling with himself, she felt guilt spreading throughout her small heart.

"What have I done?" She whispered quietly as she continued to watch the Alpha with wide eyes.


A/N    Posted 11-3-16

Wow... I've been on a roll this past month. I actually enjoyed the ending of this chapter a lot. How about you?

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