- Chapter Seven -

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- Chapter Seven -

"What have you done to me?!" The Alpha shouted at Alina's face. She was just as lost as he was but she didn't dare say a thing. Alina stayed silent as the Alpha growled viciously towards her. An inner turmoil is brewing dangerously and Alina felt she made the worst mistake in her entire life.


Isaiah stumbled against a tree as he held his left arm with his right hand pressuring over his wound. After defeating the three rouges left behind for him to fight, he quickly followed the vague scent of the Alpha. The Alpha's smell was foul and Isaiah was relieved that the foul stench worked in his favor. Isaiah, drenched in blood, watched in a distance as wild werewolves were crawling themselves out of a dark cave. The scent of the blood on him was heavily floating in the air, catching the attention of a few werewolves. Isaiah mentally cursed as he tried to lean away from the tree in order to hide away from the newly acquired attention.

He tried climbing onto the tree he was leaning on when all of a sudden a loud roar resonated from the inside of the cave. The roar was so loud, the bushes near Isaiah rattled as if a harsh wind storm blew by. The rouges who were leaving the cave ceased their movements and turned to stare at the entrance of the cave. A few rocks were tumbling down the mountain, landing either inside the cave or onto the rouge wolves who were standing immobile at the bottom of the small mountain.

Everything became silent as the roar died down. Everyone in the open were frozen on their spots, waiting what will happen next.

Isaiah, taking the opportunity to hide away, climbed onto the tree with a few grunts here and there. Then he sat on a thick branch watching the hairs on every rouge member stand up as they stared up towards the cave. Low growls were heard from inside the cave getting louder and louder with every passing second.

Isaiah felt wary of the sounds of harsh footsteps getting closer to the cave's entrance. He watched in anticipation, as well as the other fearful rouges.

The Alpha stepped out of the cave, harshly breathing out in anger as he stared down at his subordinates. A loud, vicious growl ripped out of his mouth. His fists were bunched in a fist, veins popped out of his neck and the corners of his forehead. The Alpha's eyes were swirling from black to brown, a clear indication of his inner turmoil.

Isaiah realized Alina wasn't with the Alpha, fear crawled up inside his skin. He wouldn't dare think of the worst but cruel images ran through his brain without his consent. He suddenly felt the need to cry, but he refrained because he needed to get inside the cave somehow in order to find Alina; dead or alive.


Alina saw the Alpha leave a couple of minutes before. She was left alone and tied up. Alina couldn't move, she was stuck sitting on the same spot since she's been placed there. She felt ashamed of making a man go insane inside his head, felt disgusted with herself because of tw putrid smell of dried urine sticking onto her skin and ripped clothing, and she felt scared of being left to die inside the cave. The last candles that were illuminating the cave were slowly extinguishing. Soon Alina would be left alone in the dark.

Alina sniffled as tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. She didn't understand why she was left alone. She was starving, scared, and in desperate need of a bath. At the thought of a bath, the tears she was holding back overflowed down her cheeks. All this time she didn't have a proper moment to mourn the loss of her parents, who always loved and took care of Alina. Being alone in a cave made her realize that she will forever be alone without the love of her family and pack members.


Isaiah watched in horror as the Alpha jumped down the small cliff and began clawing away at his subordinates near him. His claws were quickly turning red with the blood of his followers. The rest of his subordinates watched in fear and confusion as their Alpha was losing his self control, so they began running away. Isaiah watched many run pass the tree he was on, he easily smelled the fear emitting from their fur.

Isaiah was also confused but he didn't dwell much into it as he carefully climbed down the tree. His wounds were slowly healing, yet the smell of blood on him will capture the Alpha's attention and Isaiah won't have the strength to go up against him.

So he searched wildly around him for something to mask his smell with. But he was simply surrounded by trees here and there. A berry bush nearby and small pebble-like poop at the foot of a tree in front of him. They probably belonged to a few squirrels around the area. Isaiah didn't want to resort to this but he had no other choice.

With a deep breathe, Isaiah carefully maneuvered himself over to the pebbles and grabbed them all with a hand. He smothered the pebbles over his naked chest, legs, and torso. But it wasn't enough. The odor of the blood was overpowering the small pieces of poop on him. He either needed more animal waste or to remove the dried patches of blood on him.

He mentally growled in anger, he didn't have time for any of this. He needed to get to Alina and make sure she's alright.

Isaiah glanced behind him, the Alpha was on a rampage. He killed his subordinates without any emotional problem concerning them. It seemed as if he was possessed. Isaiah shivered in fear. If only he had the courage and strength to take on that alpha.

Isaiah slowly, and still painfully, shifted into his wolf. All his senses enhanced, therefore he heard every munch and crunch from where the Aloha stood devouring his ex-followers in his semi-human state. He had his nails elongated into claws and his teeth sharpened into his canine teeth. It was a true horrific state to witness from Isaiah's point of view. But he didn't state long, his ears perked up suddenly when he heard various thuds of paws in the distance.

The Alpha's loud roar earlier must've attracted the attention of a nearby pack. Whether they're here to hurt all rouges or not, Isaiah did not care for he had only one mission in his mind. He needed to get to Alina and escape before the pack or the Alpha spot them.

So Isaigh carefully, and stealthily, crawled his way towards the bottom of the mountain. Going around the large feast the Alpha was having. Isaiah was thankful that the Alpha was too busy engrossed in his blood thirst to even notice him climbing up the small mountain, towards the entrance of the cave.

Alina, I'm here to save you. Isaiah's determination only strengthened as a loud howl was heard from behind him, capturing the Alpha's attention down below.


A/N Posted: 9-12-16

I'd first like to say something about this year's election.. For those of you who are worried of our future, don't be. In reality the president doesn't have much power and many senates in congress dislike trump so whatever he would like to do (for ex: building a wall) won't happen. Don't start hating on trump, it won't make democrats much better than the republicans [I don't have have a preference so I'm a neutral person who likes listening to both sides and determine a peaceful opinion]. Hating on one another is not the answer. To advance safely into the future, we all must come to terms with our president and work together to make America great again.

That's all. Thank you for reading my opinion on this matter..

Now back to the story: I am so happy that I have over 200 reads on this story!!! I'm beyond surprised because usually it takes a while for people to notice my books cx So if you can so kindly keep spreading the word on this book, It'd be much appreciated.

I'm thinking of finishing this book as quickly as possible so I can edit it and then have it ready for the wattys next year. If you're a loyal reader then please Vote and when the time is right; Help Me Win The Wattys 😁

Don't forget to Comment too please!

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