- Chapter Four -

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- Chapter Four -

Alina widened her eyes in fear as she felt herself getting roughly manhandled by one of the rabid wolves. Its canines captured part of Alina's clothing, further damaging her already torn dress, and pulled her away from the death looming scene before her. The other wolves crept in a predatory manner towards Isaiah. Muscles expanding with every step they took, growls more feral and wild, and their eyes darkening more as their anxiousness for spilled blood arose. All the while their leader calmly took back its wolf form and strolled behind the wolf dragging Alina away.

Isaiah watched the small child being dragged away and it tore at his heart because he couldn't do anything to help her. Not when he needed help himself. But he wouldn't dwell on that any further. The wolves have surrounded him and he needed a plan to escape from them. He won't give up, not when he has someone worth saving.

So with one last look at Alina's distant figure, he morphed back into his wolf and began to pounce at the first crazed wolf in front of him, while the rest attacked at once from all directions.


Alina wept along the way, angering the alpha with every passing moment with her depressing whimpers and sniffles. He despised the sounds the child was making and wanted nothing more than to dispose of her right away. But he couldn't, not now, because he was planning on serving her living body to the rest of his hungry followers. Forest land has slowly been decreasing, along with food resources, in result of the human deforesting the lands for their agricultural purposes.

Alina hiccuped after every sniffle, she was scared out her mind. She didn't know why she was taken. She had nothing valuable to offer these beasts. She was just a lost child searching for a new home to call her own. Her nerves were going haywire within her small body. Her breathing began to get difficult as she felt her body temperature rising. She touched her head with her hands to try and swat the heat away, only to realize that her skin was freezing cold. She looked up at the beast, who dragged her in the beginning and was continuing in doing so, and noticed her vision blurring. Colors began to swirl all around her as she fought to keep her eyes open. But all her senses seemed to have shut down on her as well as her strength because the next second she blacked out. Her body fell limp, causing the wolf to stop in his tracks.

The alpha noticed Alina's quietness and looked at her dangling figure. "Thank Goddess she managed to shut the hell up!" His follower dropped the girl and stared down at her perplexed. His leader noticed and scowled at him. "What's wrong?"

The wolf shook it's head and grabbed the girl once again with its teeth. He ignored the feeling that the girl gave him. He couldn't have possibly felt his human side come to life for a second. It was impossible. Once a wolf becomes rouge, it's human side dies. Everyone knew that but for some reason this girl brought that feeling of consciousness back into him for a moment.

The wolf followed its master, forgetting that brief moment. His thirst for blood, helping him remind him who and what he is.

The alpha and the follower stopped in front of the bottom of a mountain, in which they began climbing up. It was a bit difficult for the wolf who had Alina in his mouth. But he managed to get her, and himself, safely up the mountain next to the opening of a cave. The alpha Took Alina from the wolf's mouth and threw her over his shoulder. Then he calmly walked into the dark cave, using his wolf senses to guide him to his hidden camp.

Turning left, right, and another right, they walked along the labyrinth of the cave, getting closer to their destination. In the distance, noises could be heard. Such as loud growls, bone crunching sounds, and the mumbling of a few people. With the sounds getting louder after every step, Alina began to stir awake.

The first thing she realized was the floor above her head and her stomach being brutally abused by the alpha's bulky shoulder. She winced at her stomach's pain as she lifted herself upwards, slightly, in order to get a glimpse of her surroundings. But all she could see was nothing. It was pitch black. She took a whiff of the air to see if her wolf senses can help her determine where she was. But since she was just a mere child, her full wolf senses were useless. Her abilities won't fully bloom until she hit early adulthood.

Alina heard the distant noises, the ones that helped awaken her, and hoped that she wasn't being dragged into a large crowd of rouges. But of courses her wishes were destroyed.

Upon entering the small open space, Alina noticed that there weren't many wolves here. The most in there was probably around forty wolves. The space had fallen silent when the alpha, with Alina thrown over his shoulder, entered the room. The follower that had come with them ran off into the crowd circling around the alpha.

Alina lifted her head and made eye contact with a few wolves, even people. She became curious as to why some of the wolves didn't morph back into their human forms. Were they stuck in that state? Or they chose to embrace their animalistic side and decided to love that way forever? Questions piled up into a small mountain within Alina's mind. The child couldn't comprehend what was occurring. She barely understood her special abilities so how can she understand the complexity of a rogue pack?

The alpha roamed his eyes around his small pack of followers and dropped Alina onto the ground with a shrug of his shoulder. Alina cried out in pain and curled herself into a ball on the floor. Tears leaked from the corner of her eyes while the alpha started speaking.

He pointed to the child and said, "This shall be the meal we share tonight!" Alina stiffened in fear. She didn't want to be served as dinner for these crazy wolves. She wanted Isaiah to save her quickly, however she didn't know if he's still alive or not. If he still lives, Alina doubts that he'll come to save her in time. And if he died fighting, then no one will come to her aid. Each scenario ends with her demise.

Maybe it's time to see my mommy and daddy, she thought as the alpha's voice boomed once more in the silent space.

"This child is my offering to you, my loyal followers! Under my rule, you'll never go hungry again!"

Alina closed her eyes tightly as the wolves all around her howled and cheered on excitement.

The end for her is coming soon and she's afraid that her power won't be enough to save her this time.



Hey guys! Sorry for this late update. I recently moved from states so I've been adjusting to my new school and job hunting. Who knew it'll be so difficult when you barely got any experience! 😅

Anyways, I'm back and ready for a whole lot of writing this week!

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