- Chapter Twenty Eight -

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- Chapter Twenty Eight -

Alina had to make the most difficult decision of her life. Kaeden has given her an open window of escaping this place but at the cost of her father's life. She began to resent him for it. Yet she knew he had to do this in order to bring her back for his brother. Kaeden's loyalty to his brother was unbreakable. Even if he knew that Damien had evil ideals.

"Fifteen!" He shouted strongly.

Alina gripped at her hair tightly, frustration at the fact that she's actually torn with making this decision. It shouldn't be difficult. She should run back towards their pack and beg for them to not harm Isaiah. But something unknown was holding her back.


Bryce kneeled besides her, knowing that the man they held was someone very important to her. So he would understand completely if she were to run back to the wolves den.

He tried conveying his thoughts to her with his facial expression. But Alina barely acknowledged it because tears blurred her vision and spilled onto her cheeks. She wiped them furiously and stared at Isaiah, catching a good view of his face for the first time in what seemed forever.

His face held a few bruises, but his expression held no fear. He wasn't afraid of dying in that spot. He seemed proud, proud that the enemies had to resort to petty tactics in order to trick her into coming back. In his mind, she had been difficult enough to resort to this.


Alina knew the man well, she knew that he wanted her to run as far away as possible. He had tried doing that when she was young, when he was captured by the father of the man that had helped them escape. He had wanted her to save herself, and he still held the same mentality to this day.

Alina, as stubborn as she was back then, still is because she can't let Isaiah go. She doesn't want to be left alone. She had suffered those few days after her pack was killed, along with her biological parents. It was scary. Even if she's an adult now, she can't let her daddy go. She knew he was going to die one day, but she hoped it was due to old age and he had met her children, if she had any. Not by the wolf who's ready to devour him.


Alina's time was running out, and quickly. Bryce gave her a comforting pat on her shoulder and squeezed. Telling her that he's with her and that he's okay with whatever choice she makes. Alina closes her eyes, nodding slowly at the the decision she made in her mind. She gives him a sad smile as she reopens her eyes and stands up quietly.

Alina moves behind some trees and looks at Isaiah. She lifts her hands to her lips and blows him a final kiss goodbye. Even if he can't see it. She silently thanks him for all the memories he had given her. Their lives weren't perfect, always on the run, yet he tried his best always to provide her with everything. Especially love.


Alina turns away, tears running down nonstop, and her heart lodge in her throat because of how badly she wanted to cry out and yell her hatred for the Servos family. She shed herself of her clothes and shifted into her light brown colored wolf. She hadn't shifted in forever, so the transition was a bit more painful than usual. The pain, welcomed at her current state of mind.


Alina turned around, and watched through the Wolf's eyes,wanting to see Isaiah one last time. Bye daddy. I'll alway s love you. Please forgive me for my selfish decision.

With her last mental goodbye, she sprinted the opposite way from Isaiah. Escaping once again from the same pack that had captured her as a child. Only this time, it wasn't with Isaiah.

Bruce quickly followed her, feeling her pain as they both ran off. They pushed themselves as fast as possible, causing Kaeden's voice to fade away in the background.

The last few seconds weren't heard, but the loud sound of Isaiahs painful screams were heard as the wolf teared into his skin with his fang-like teeth.

Even as he screamed out in pain, he managed to yell out his last words. Words that broke Alina's heart even more than the already shattered organ.

"Run Alina!"

With those words, that'll forever haunt her, she pushed herself even harder and ran as if she ran towards his open arms. Arms that will never hold her again.

But as she ran, she silently swore to the moon goddess that she will return to the Servos pack and end them all. She will achieve her vengeance and she'll do it with what they had seeked her for.


A/N     Posted: 12/30/18

I kinda cried writing this chapter. I'm so sorry I had to kill off Isaiah, he was an awesome dad to the girl he picked up in the forest and raised as his own.

Lets all take a moment to mourn his death...

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