- Chapter Three -

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- Chapter Three -

Isaiah surfaced and took a deep breathe of fresh air as he slowly walked towards the shallow part of the lake with four large fishes flapping wildly in his hands. He held on tightly to the fishes and looked up in search of Alina. But his heart plummeted when he didn't see her anywhere in sight. Worry filled the nerves within his body as he ran out of the lake naked. He dropped the fishes onto the ground, a good distance away from the water, and proceeded to look around his surroundings.

"Alina!" He called out loudly in the eerily silent woods. Even the wind laid quietly and unmoving.

"Alina! Where are you?"

Isaiah shook his head and entered the woods. The territory they were on was neutral, therefore many rogues can easily spot the little girl and pounce on her without a hesitation. The very image of a rouge devouring the small girl made Isaiah cringe in disgust.

Isaiah, ignoring the fact that he's naked, continued to walk around the thick trees and large bushes. He made a few grunted noises whenever he would scrape his skin. However that didn't deter him from continuing his search of Alina.

Meanwhile, Alina found herself following a brown rabbit, forgetting the reason why she left her earlier spot in the first place. Hop hop, she mentally cheered as she jumped along the dirt with the rabbit a good distance in front of her. She giggled, making the rabbit stop with its ears perked up. Alina stopped and watched the rabbit's head turning everywhere. When it noticed her, he began running, or hopping, away in full speed. Alina began to run after the rabbit. She wanted to capture it and make it her own pet. But the task seemed easier said than done.

She ran as fast as her little feet could go with a smile on her face. But that smile didn't last long when all of a sudden a large beast pounced on the rabbit and ripped the rabbit's skin into pieces with large canines. Alina skidded to a halt and watched with wide eyes as the beast in front of her devoured the rabbit.

The moment seemed surreal. The sudden change from a cheerful, innocent atmosphere to a dark nightmare. The change came too rapidly to have fully register within Alina's small mind.

She had stayed still, immobilized by the fear, while the impact of the situation knocked her down. She silently fell backwards into a sitting position. The leaves underneath her bum crunched under her weight, causing the beast's head to snap in her direction.

Upon noticing her, the beast ignored its small meal and began to slowly stalk towards the girl. Alina's bottom lip trembled. She knew the beast before her wasn't Isaiah, this wolf was bigger and the color of its fur was dark like the night. It's eyes were pitch black, void of any emotion as he stared at the young girl before him.

The wolf stopped a feet away from the girl and threw its head back as the beast let out a loud howl for his nearby comrades. The girl before him would be enough to feed his starving followers. The leader had found a large meal enough to share.

Silent tears rolled down from Alina's eyes and opened her mouth, allowing a loud scream to escape in hopes of Isaiah hearing her.

From a distance, Isaiah indeed heard Alina's screams for help. As well as the howl. He shifted as quickly as he could and dashed his way towards the direction the scream came from. But he also noticed how her scream came from the same direction the howl came from. Isaiah needed to get to Alina as fast as he could before anything terrible happened to her. The little girl had brightened his darken state of mind and he will forever be in debt to her. It's why he silently vowed to her, and himself, that he will protect the little girl until his last dying breathe.

His shift wasn't as bad as when he first shifted earlier, but his bones still ached as he ran through the woods. Yet he ignored his discomfort because the only thing he could think of was to come to Alina's rescue. He knew she was in danger from how distressed her scream sounded. It had been filled with dread and desperation.


Alina's mouth had been forcefully closed by the man before her. She would have been silent from the shock she felt at the moment. The rabid beast had easily morphed back into his human form, not caring about his nakedness either. This shocked Alina because Isaiah had troubles not to long ago when he shifted back into his human form. But the man before her was different. Alina can feel from the power radiating off from him that he was extremely powerful and more so feral. Alina can easily feel the darkness surrounding the man. Engulfing him and he accepting whatever power the darkness is giving him.

The beast before her, she realizes, has purposely gave into the psychotic thoughts in order to live.. Or feel his greed for power. Whatever the situation is, Alina doesn't know whether she can help this man or not.

The man angrily stared down at Alina but snapped his head up when Isaiah's beast burst through the small opening. Landing only a few feet away from Alina and the man. Isaiah analyzed the man before him, taking in his appearance. He was rouge. But in a whole new level. A level that Isaiah himself would never believe if he wasn't looking at this man. This man had full control over his body, but unsure of his mentality. Isaiah can tell from how his canines never withdrew from the shift. Or the hunger for blood evident in his dark eyes. But what unnerved Isaiah the most was power radiating off of him. This man was no ordinary wolf.

He was an alpha.

Isaiah, slowly and painfully, shifted back to his human form. He stared at the man before him, directly in the eyes. He didn't care if it was a sign of a challenge to the black haired man or not. He simply wanted Alina back.

The stranger looked at Isaiah with curiosity glimmering in his eyes. He removed his hands from the girl's mouth and addressed Isaiah. "State the reason of your intrusion, rouge."

Isaiah looked at Alina immobilized on the floor. It pained him to see that she was too scared to move. The little girl has gone through so much and any wrong move on his part can not only cost her her life, but his as well.

Isaiah took a deep breath and answered the dominating male. "This pup is under my protection. She belongs with me."

The alpha male looked at Isaiah lazily as his eyes roamed his entire frame to see if Isaiah is a possible threat or not. In which case he wasn't because the alpha male simply stared back at Isaiah unimpressed.

Several low growls emitted through the air as four other rouges in wolf form came into view. They all maneuvered themselves behind their leader, sitting on their hind legs as they assessed the situation before them with dark eyes.

Alina sat up slowly, unintentionally grabbing everyone's attention. The leader of the rouges bent over to wrap his hand around Alina's small arm to roughly pull her up next to him. He wasn't delicate in the matter either, causing Alina to whimper out in pain. The man ignored her and pushed her behind him. Alina fell back into the ground once more, but this time she was surrounded by four feral beats waiting to devour her.

Isaiah stepped forward without thinking towards the group of wolves, causing them to erupt in vicious growls. The alpha male showcased his sharp canines in warning. "Stand back wolf. This pup doesn't carry your smell."

Isaiah mentally cursed himself. Alina doesn't carry his smell, therefore she is ups for grabs. With no certain smell, a rouge is a rouge and a battle for survival is ensured. Isaiah should have covered Alina in his scent. That would have served as evidence to what he said earlier, that Alina is under his protection until his last dying breathe.

The alpha male discovered a loophole and he'll take full advantage of it. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers. The alpha male broke his stoic expression with a small smirk before speaking.

"Kill him."



Posted: 8/8/16

Sorry I took long! I didn't have internet. I went over my data 😅 hehe.

Anyway I hope you like this chapter, I kinda rushed through it :p

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