- Chapter Thirteen -

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- Chapter Thirteen -

(Twelve Years Later)

In the large woods of the sierra mountains, a small town was peacefully hidden from wandering humans... and wolves. Only a selected few resided within the town and it so happened that Alina, now twenty one, lived there. She and other rogues running from their past lives have created this peaceful sanctuary in order to live out the rest of their lives.

Alina watched as a couple ate in the small coffee shop near her small clinic establishment. She turned away and continued to walk towards her clinic. It had been Isaiah's idea to create this business, it was perfect for Alina to use her power without creating suspicion towards her. Rumors have been going around the continent about a female werewolf with special powers. Alina doesn't know the specifics but it had recently been spreading like a wildfire. Perhaps the alpha who held Isaiah prisoner when she was a child was still looking for her. His relentless pursuit is admirable but scary as well. The clinic protects her but for how long?

Alina pulled out her keys from her purse and opened her establishment. Her small clinic had large windows looking into the waiting area. Above was painted white with blue lettering saying: Al's Clinic. Inside, the waiting area was seen more as a comfortable family room, it had couches, Love seats, and chairs with cushioned seats. In the middle was a table with magazines and a remote for the television that was hanging in a corner. There was even a small chest that held toys inside for the very few children in town who rarely came in. On the left side wall, was an opening for the check-in process. It was next to the door that lead to Alina's office and other examination rooms. Alina even had an emergency room on the back in case anything urgent happened.

Alina pulled the blinds open and headed for her office. Inside her office was small and only contained the essentials such as a desk with a computer on top and two chairs in front. She had a large cabinet that contained important files of her patients but she only kept the more important ones in a separate locked room only she can access.

Alina sat down on her chair and booted up her computer. As she waited, she decided to go to the break room and get herself a warm cup of coffee. She left her office, locked it after leaving, and entered the break room. There she found one of her hired helpers, Micah, setting his lunch bag inside the mini fridge.

"Good morning Micah." Greeted Alina.

"Good morning Boss," Alina rolled her eyes at the title, but smiled nonetheless. Micah was a young boy who's around the age of eighteen assisting Alina as a part timer. He wanted the money in order to move down into the human town of Reno to go to the university there.

As Alina started the coffee maker, Micah spoke up. "Did you hear the new rumor boss? They say that there's an Alpha looking for the mysterious female werewolf with special powers. He's traveling around the continent in order to find her."

Alina's heart paused for a moment before it began to beat rapidly in nervousness. As Alina grabbed her mug filled with coffee, in her trembling hands, she asked, "Do you know the name of this alpha?"

Micah nodded. "He's not hiding his identity. He told his pack to spread the word of his travels and reason. He's even traveling with four of his strongest men. The alpha is Damien Servos."

Alina's eyes widened as her hold on her mug tightened in fear. She blinked a few times and looked at Micah who seemed oblivious to her change of posture. "Hopefully he doesn't find this town and wrecks it for some myth." She said with a forced smiled.

Micah laughed. "You got that right boss. That alpha can't find this town. We're surrounded by mountains with snow melting our scents along the away."

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