- Chapter Fourteen -

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Chapter Fourteen

Alina smiled at the women before her. The woman rose from her seat and patted her round belly. She lifted her free hand towards Alina for her to shake. Alina shook her hand gently and watched as the woman began to walk away.

Once she had closed the door to Alina's office, Alina's smile faltered. Alina saw the glow of happiness, a happiness that a mate can bring. But the men in this small town didn't intrigue her. They've all tried, but none ever succeeded to gain a second date.

In the werewolf world, one is able to choose their lifelong partners and if they choose to, they imprint one another with a blood tattoo; a lifelong bond that is unbreakable. Both partners extract a pint of blood from their bodies and give it to their chosen tattoo artist. Their ink is mixed with the blood. Once the ink has insert the body, the bond is magically created. It's been said that the werewolf gene was created by a mystical source and it's where the blood bond was created.

Alina had once upon dreamt of creating an ultimate bond with her chosen partner, however at the slow rate, and limit of men in town, is going, she'll never find the man who'll intrigue her. Who'll cause her heart to race, who'll make her anxious and broil with anticipation of his next move. A man worth of her love.

Alina sat in her chair with a huff. Her day was slow with only two appointments. The first was an old man claiming his pelvis broke, but after quick x-ray shots, he had nothing but bruise showcased on the surface.

Alina decided to close her office early. Her assistant can take memos and make appointments if anyone bothers to come. She grabbed her belongings and began to step out of her office.

Alina walked to the check in counter and said, "hey Micah, I'm going to head out early. Stay to tidy up and make any appointments for the next hour or however long you'd want. I'll pay the hours."

Micah smiled broadly. "Don't worry doc, you've got your trusty assistant here for you."

Alina smiled and turned away. She yelled out a farewell before closing the door behind her. She figured she might as well go home and enjoy an afternoon tea.


The high pitch sound of the water boiling alerted Alina, who has been standing by the kitchen's window staring out into the wilderness, lost within her own sea of thoughts. Alina rushed towards the pot and turned the stove off. She grabbed her cup, with a tea bag resting inside, and poured the hot water in. She walked over to her dining table and took a tablespoon of honey and swirled it into her tea to sweeten it.

The atmosphere was getting colder as the days went by, signaling that winter was quickly approaching. Alina enjoyed the winter, as it was her favorite season. Every winter, the roads into the small town Alina lived in, get closed down because of the snow. It was perfect for Alina because she would relax, knowing that in harsh winter situations, it'll be impossible to enter the town. It assured Alina that she wouldn't be found.

Alina has been living in this small town for four years now, thanks to her application into being the town's doctor. It was the perfect closed off location she had found.

Alina took a sip of her warm tea as she stared out into the open wilderness. The wind made the trees sway in a rhythmic pattern, birds took off, migrating to warmer regions. Clouds began to hover over the town, signaling the imminent cold. Winter was fast approaching and soon the town will close off their roads before any danger can fall upon traveling travelers.

Isaiah walked through the front doors with his limping leg, he walked towards Alina and kissed her forehead in greeting. He poured himself a cup of tea and took a sip. Hid face coiled in distaste and said, "How can you drink this crap?"

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