- Chapter Twenty Three -

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- Chapter Twenty Three -

Alina slowly crawled towards the man in shackles, she looked down and raised her hands in surrender. A universal sign of "I'm not going to hurt you".

The man snarled and yanked at the chains, baring his sharp teeth at her. If she were to get any closer, the man would be able to grab her and rip her to shred if he so desires.

Alina needed to help this man, a plan was forming in her head and it started by returning this man's sanity. She needed him in order for her plan to be a success.

Alina casted her eyes downward, but only slightly so she can still watch him from the corners of her eyes. Her hands were still raised as she bared her neck.

Complete submission.

She didn't mind rendering herself exposed to the wolf, she needed him to calm down enough to see that she was no threat. However, that wasn't going to help his hungry-driven mindset. Damien had mention starving the wolf in order to keep him in his human form, weakening him to make it possible to restrain him. If that were true then he must've seen Alina as a food source.

Alina was smart, she can try to calm the best in many ways if she were to have all the time in the world. However, she needed to force herself to touch the man. Physically, she's the weaker being. She wouldn't be able to tackle him or punch him hard enough to render him unconscious.

Therefore, she waited. She waited at his loud snarls, grunts, and pulling of his chains in the same submissive position.

Alina didn't care that her body ached. Or the fact the her legs were becoming numb under her weight. Or her arms trembling, wanting to give out on her as she kept them up.

Alina was willing to wait all night if need be. She sent a quiet plea to the moon goddess to give her strength and courage. It was going to be a long night.


Alina's eyes were becoming heavy, as well as her arms. They had lowered their stance on their own as Alina slowly fought against the sleep trying to take over.

In the distance of her hazed mindset, she noticed the wolf had become silent. But Alina didn't have enough strength to completely open her eyes and look towards him.

The cell had noticeably become colder, yet Alina was still numb, the dull ache of her body barely registering in her mind.

Alina closed her eyes, promising to give herself a little break. But as soon as she allowed herself to relax and rest, her body hunched forward as her arms slumped beside her. It was as if all her strength left her. She couldn't do anything as she slowly fell flat on the floor, allowing herself to slowly leave reality.

In the distance of her mind, she heard the shackles moving closer, a low growl of menace. Yet she was too tired to allow the fear to swallow her. However, she still had enough consciousness to stretch her arms and allow her power to be emitted before she fell unconscious.

Whether the beast had come close enough to touch her didn't matter because Alina knew she needed to be awake long enough for her power to work, yet she failed to remain conscious.

Reality was soon swallowed by the darkness of her mind, who in turn slowly conjured dreamlike images to ease her stress.

Her dreamds consisted of Isaiah, tranquility, and happiness. Something giving her peace before the beast were to eat her as she slept.


Isaiah growled lowly as he managed to come close to Damien's territory. He could smell various guards roaming about in their wolf forms. If they could smell him too, they didn't make note of it or care as long as he didn't cross the border.

Isaiah turned around and began walking around, looking for a way inside the little town without being detected.

He sniffed the air, the breeze carrying a distinct, yet familiar scent. He followed it, carefully not crossing over Damien's territory.

Isaiah walked along the backs of the trees where he was hidden. He came to a slow stop as he watched to men arguing in hushed voices. Isaiah's wolf perked up his ears, twitching here and there, as he focused on tuning in to their conversation.

One man had his back towards Isaiah, he was bigger in structure and filled out in muscles. While the man in front of him was slightly less bulky, and contained softer features. Especially his face, in which contained an angered expression, his golden eyes shining in the night.

The man with the brown eyes spoke harshly as he said, "You shouldn't have locked her up. You had arranged for everyone to gather in order to reveal them your chosen mate. Now everyone is wondering whether or not you've killed her."

The large man growled. "I wouldn't kill her. She's needed in my plans. Even if she is defective. I'm only punishing her."

"Damien, your punishment is unfair. Alina can't control every aspect of her power, so what if she doesn't really cure rouges. She still manages to calm them enough to use them."

Isaiah contained the growl that wanted to leave through the tight clench of his mouth. He has finally come face to face, or face to back, with the man who's been hunting Alina.

Yet who was the man across from him? He seemed familiar, yet he couldn't place him where Isaiah could have seen him.

Be shook his wolf head and focused on the two men.

Damien let out a stressful sigh. "This is why you're my beta, even if our father had hated the idea. I knew you capable of seeing the better things within the worst situations."

Isaiah stood shocked at the revelation. Yet he couldn't fathom why rumors only mentioned Damien as the great and only so of the late Alpha Servos.

"So will you release her?"

Damien growled. "No. She stays until late morning. I suggest you leave her alone. Any kindness and plea for her will automatically put you under a magnifying glass. I can't risk you helping her escape just as you did when we were children. If father hadn't killed you, it was because of me. But under my rule, I will demand for your head. Brother or not. "

The young man nodded and watched as Damien walked away.

Isaiah was paralyzed in his spot. The man in front of him had been the little boy who helped Alina and him escape years ago. He didn't know how to feel about the fact that he's Damien's brother and Beta.

However, from the conversation, Isaiah knew Damien's brother wanted to secure Alina's wellbeing. He just wasn't sure how.

With a deep breathe, Isaiah stepped out of his hiding spot and captured the brother's attention. It was a big risk to seek some help from the Beta, but he's limited in choices at the moment.

The beta stared and tilted his head in confusion, proba ly wondering as to why Isaiah wasn't attacking or growling in warning. He walked closer, only never crossing the imaginary border.

Isaiah shifted back to his human self, ignoring his lack of clothing, and announced himself to the beta.

"My name is Isaiah and I am Alina's guardian. You helped us when you were young."

Recognition flashed through the man's eyes.

"My name is Kaeden sir, and if you've come to seek help from me then you're wrong. I can't aid you. I'm sorry."

He turned around and started walking away. He only paused at Isaiah's last comment before continuing his retreat.

"You're afraid of losing your last family member, but he's no family if he threatens to kill you for doing what you feel is right."


A/ N        Posted: 11/23/18

Dun dun dunnn. Isaiah saw past Kaeden and knew what held him back. Whether it's the whole truth or not, Kaeden is simply too much of a coward to do what his heart feels is right.

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