- Chapter Nineteen -

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- Chapter Nineteen -

Alina watched with caution as Damien slid the bars open to Alina's cell. He entered and walked up towards Alina, invading her space as he towered over her. He brought his hand up and placed it against her neck. Damien lowered his head a bit, allowing both of their breathes to tangle in the small space between them. "If you ever try to escape or fight against my will, just know that you will not receive any second chance. Instead, I will personally kill you." He said as he began to squeeze Alina's tender throat. Alina pushed against Damien, coughing as the insides of her throat burned.

Alina glared up at Damien and nodded her understanding.

Damien, seemingly satisfied with her silent answer, grabbed hold of her from her wrist and dragged her with him as they walked out of the cell together.


Alina was pushed through a door, she tumble inside a room with minimum decorations. A bed with white sheets caught her eyes, but the smell inside almost made her frown in disgust. She had been thrown into Damien's room.

"Freshen yourself. I will send someone in twenty minutes to come and grab you for dinner." The devil himself said before he slammed and locked the door shut.

Alina looked around, noticing the open door towards the restroom. She looked down and frowned at how skinny she's become, as well as how mucky she felt. Looking out the only window, she realized that wolves walked around the property, keeping an eye on whoever goes in and out of the house.

Alina faintly remembers this place. Her time here was limited due to the fact that she had ran away the same day she was brought onto this property. The Servos Estate.

Alina shakes her head and enters the bathroom. She can't fight the alpha in her weakened state. She will follow his orders until she deems right to either attack or run. Perhaps she's lucky enough to encounter that same boy who helped her as a little girl. However slim the chances may be.

Alina closed her eyes as the cold water sprayed her tensed muscles. She desperately felt on edge on this unknown territory. Her ears were on high alert as well as her other senses. Staying alert was priority in case Damien decides to antagonize her. He may not wish to kill her, as she's very vital to his plans, however it didn't mean that he couldn't make her miserable.

Alina felt lost as she shut the water off and wrapped herself in a white towel. As realization dawned on her, she had no clothes to wear.

Alina walked out and walked towards Damien's closet. Did he intend for her to wear one of his shirts as a dress? Was his plan to dominate her subtly by covering her in his clothes, in his scent?

Alina may not be a dominant wolf, however, she did not like feeling like a lesser being than Damien. She didn't want to be degraded and wear a simple shirt. His pants were fat too large and would slip off her skinny frame. As would his boxers.

Alina simply stood there, staring at his clothes with sadness without moving.

Growing up Rouge, she didnt have much, but she never had too little either. When she grew out of her clothes, Isaiah would somehow get her clothes that will fit. He never wanted her to have nothing - like him.

Alina remembers a time where he chose to have nothing to give everything to Alina. He wore nothing when they first started off traveling around together. He stayed in wolf form in modesty of Alina's innocent eyes most of the time. While he had found clothes for her either by stealing some from human hikers in the woods or in towns.

A sudden knock came to Alina's attention. She turned and crossed her arms over her chest, holding the towel around her tightly in case it loosens.

The door to the bedroom opened slowly, making Alina's anxiety grow. Anxiously she stared at the door, dreading whether or not it's Damien. Her eyes wildly searched the room for any kind of item she may use as a weapon.

A lamp? No. Pillow? Of course not. Her options were all useless!


Her eyes shot to the man at the door. Alina recognized him even though he looked different from when she first saw him by her clinic. His eyes seemed more golden in daylight than honey brown. His dark brown hair curls at the end, making his hair seem more curly than wavy. He was tall, yet not as scarily tall as Damien. His body was well built, but again not as scarily muscular like Damien.

As Alina compared the two men, the more she saw a resemblance in both of them. They must be related, she thought. However, she felt like she knew this man who stands before her.

Still, her throat throbbed in pain, therefore she simply stared at the man in silence, waiting for him to say more.

He awkwardly scratched the back of his head and asked, "Do you remember me?"


A/N         Published: 4/15/18

I'm baaaaaack!! 😊

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