Chapter Two: Game On

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Madison Puckerman is standing at her locker with her best friend Sabrina when she sees the most beautiful boy she's ever laid eyes on. He's so tall 6 foot something with a mess of brown hair and are those caramel colored eyes. 'OMG He's so hot' she thinks to herself.

".......this weekend right?" Sabrina breaks Madison out of her spell. "Mmm sorry what" Madison asks her friend losing site of the handsome boy.

"We are going to Abrams party this weekend right?" Sabrina reminds her friend.

"If I can sneak away from my dad. I don't know what has been up his ass lately but he won't let me do anything since we've started High school.  He says boys only want one thing and I have to stay away from them.  It's like I'm in prison in my own house." Madison complains.

"Madi, he just loves you. But we can totally tell your parents you're staying at my house and then we can got to the party.  Josh Abrams is so cute and I hear his parents are out of town at some medical conference so the party is going to be off the chain." Sabrina says

"Yeah, Uncle Artie is gone and Aunt Brit went with him this time. I know that Marco Lopez will be getting beer. His mom Santana is never around. She has that job at the strip club. So he does what he wants." Madi confirms.

"Alright I got to get to class I'll see you" Sabrina calls over her should as Madi walks to homeroom.

Walking into Mr. Shue's class room Chris is a bit apprehensive. "Chris, welcome to McKinley buddy. How's your dad? Liking retirement? Or is he getting on Rachel's nerves yet" Mr. Shue asks Chris.

Chris chuckles then says "All good Uncle Will. But did mom tell you, no one knows who I really am and I'd like to keep it that way"

"Sure, sure, I understand Mr. McMann" Mr. Shue jokes. "Thanks" Chris says back. The other students start filing in and Chris takes a seat in the back. His legs are so long he doesn't want to be scrunched up in the middle and being the new kid no way in hell is he sitting in the front. 

The bell was ringing when the last student entered. He heard his "Uncle Will" chastise the student "Miss Puckerman, almost late on your first day. Doesn't bode well for you. Both your parents work here so I know you can make it on time."

"Sorry Mr.Shue I got caught up at my locker. I couldn't get into it" Madi lies. Mr. Shue accepts this for now. "Fine, just don't make a habit of it clear?" Madi nods and heads to a seat when she spots the cute boy from earlier. She makes a bold move and sits down right beside him.

She leans over whispering "Madison Puckerman, Cheerio" Chris looks at her nods "Chris Hud...Mc Mann. Chris McMann" "Nice to meet you Chris. We should talk at lunch. Mr.Shue is a hard ass" She tells him. Chris chuckles because he's known Will, who happens to be his godfather, all his life and  hard ass are not words he'd use to describe him. Push over, soft, but hard ass no. "I'd like that." He tells her then pays attention to the front and what his godfather is trying to teach them.

School goes by pretty uneventful for Chris. He has a great lunch with Madi. She's very pretty. She has green eyes and dirty blonde hair. She's on the Cheerio's that her mom coaches. He is waiting for his papa Burt to pick him up behind the school so no one can see. Everyone in this small town knows Burt Hummel is Finn Hudson's stepdad. Chris is trying to fit in and hiding that fact is something he has to until he knows if people like him for him.

"Chrissy, How was your dad?" Burt smiles while Chris enters the SUV. "Papa I've asked you to please not call me Chrissy. I'm too old for that nick name. 

"Nawh. You'll never be too old for your old grandpa to call you embarrassing nicknames" Burt chortles.

Chris rolls his eyes. "School was school.  All the kids think Uncle Will is a hard ass though. I find that funny"

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