Chapter 17 Epilogue

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I am Who I am

I do not own Glee, it's characters, it's dialogue or musical compositions. I do not own any music that is being used in the fiction, it belongs to the singer and or songwriter.

I own my plot and characters.

As always my fictions are chalked full of Finchel Smut. If you can't handle it this is not for you.

Chris is the main focus of this story along with his parents. The other kids will feature in a small capacity.

The story will follow Glee Canon, but will contain some AU.

Finchel plus Chris had returned from California and Chris was pulling his Range Rover into a spot in the school parking lot when he spotted Adele. His breath hitched, she was so beautiful. He couldn't believe he hurt her like he did. Sometimes Hudson men are slow. He really was stupid; he doesn't even know why he kissed Madi back. He should have pushed her away. She walked into the school; so he grabbed his backpack and walked into the halls of McKinley.

He let the morning go ahead as scheduled. He and Adele had one class jointly in the afternoon, but they did have study hall and lunch back to back together. So here he was sitting in the study hall room staring at the back of her head. She had her hair braided, he could smell her flowery perfume from where he sat. Mr. Grant left the room, he thought this was his chance. He got up and walked toward her sitting next to her pulling the gift he brought her from his bag. He placed it in front of her.

Adele stared at the box sitting in front of him then looked at the handsome boy sitting next to her, back to the box. She lifted the lid and peered inside finding a mini grand piano with Alicia Keyes, Amy Lee and Chantal Kreviazuk signatures on the small Wooden piano. A small smile materialized across her beautiful mouth.

"Thank you Chris" she whispered so she wouldn't cry.

"You're welcome. But you didn't see the best part. He took the piano and collapsed the lip pin showing her the lid. Her eyes lit up and a tear appeared. She read the inscription.

"To one Adele from another, Give him a chance."

Then under that she had written some song lyrics

"I dare you to let me be your, your one and only. I promise I'm worthy to hold in your arms"

She then opened it up once more and inside the piano was a small note so she picked it up and read it.

"I've known little Huddy since he was small, he is worthy of forgiveness. Adele"

Adele looked at Chris with tears in her eyes she placed a chaste kiss to his cheek. "We'll talk" is all she said, but it was enough to give Chris hope. Then the bell rang and she was gone.

Chris had an okay week, he was at his Burt and Carole's with the little ones while his parents were at the studio.

"Hey kiddo, you look down" came from Burt sitting in Grandpa Chris recliner.

"Yeah" He responded.

"Girl problems"

"Mmm hmmj"

"She still won't forgive you?" Burt inquired.

"Nope" Chris popped the p for effect.

"Give me something to work with kid" Burt chuckled.

"It's just, I gave her a gift, you know, it was signed by all her favorite artist. Even Adele wrote her a note. All she said was 'we'll talk' what does that mean. When are we gonna talk. Girls are so confusing. I've said I was sorry. I haven't been with anyone since she broke up with me. I know for a fact she dated some guy. So why...I don't even know any more why I'm mopping around after her when it's clear she's moved on."

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