Chapter 12 Snowflake Ball

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Last time on "I am Who I am."  Finn had his vasectomy with hilarity ensuing. They told the parents, Kurt, Blaine and the kids about the twins. Kurt and Rachel took Adele dress shopping for the Sadie Hawkins/Snowflake Ball at the High School. Quinn was found dead of an apparent overdose. Now on with the Hudsons

Chapter Twelve: Snowflake Ball

It was the fourth day of Shiva, and Rachel was at the Puckerman's house making sure mirrors were still covered and there were meals for Noah and the kids. In keeping with tradition, Noah appeared in the kitchen with a four day beard. "You know you don't have to do that. It's not like she was my wife" Puck dryly explained to Rachel.

"She may not have been your wife, but you loved her despite everything and she was the mother of your children. How could I not be here for my favorite Jew Boy" Rachel smiled.

"Thanks Rachel, I really appreciate it. My mom is getting the kids up now we were going to do the prayers, your welcome to stay if you like, but you don't have to. Sometimes I feel like a hypocrite. I'm not a good Jew"

Rachel sighed and walked over putting her hand on Noah's arm "Noah, you don't have to practice and go to temple to be a good Jew. As long as you treat your family and friend well, Yahweh knows what's in your heart. You're a good person Noah Puckerman, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Puck just shrugged and Rachel continued "I wish I could stay but Finn is at the studio and Burt and Carole are out of town, I have to get Cullen from Preschool. Give your mom and the kids my love." With that Rachel was out the door.

Three weeks have passed from that day Quinn was found and the Medical Examiners report was released to Puck. Puck and Finn were in his office at the school reading the report together.

It was found she had OxyContin, Cocaine, Hydrocodone and Heroin mixed with alcohol in her system at the time of death.  The police report also, showed she was not alone, she was with Hunter Clarington at the time of her death. He was also drunk and high. She had been sleeping with him for drugs. Once the Warblers doping scandal happened Clarington was cast out of his house by his parents and starting selling drugs in East Lima.

Puck found out through Quinn's "friends", he uses that word lightly" that she had been seeing Clarington for years. Started up when she was kicked out of NYU for trying to have Rachel raped. Puck was clueless she was using all these years. How could he not know? Was she using when Puck Jr was inside of her? That thought made Puck rush to the bathroom and empty his stomach.

Finn followed him to his private bathroom "You okay man, I know it's a lot to take in"

Puck flushes the toilet and heads to the sink to brush his teeth and gargle. "It like I didn't even know her man. She had this whole other life. Was she using while she was pregnant with my kid? How could I have not seen what was happening?"

"Puck this is not your fault. We knew in high school Quinn was not all there when she tried passing Madison off as mine and wouldn't leave me alone. You got the shit end of this deal, I know that. Because you choose to stay with her, knowing she didn't love you, you were bound to get hurt. I'm not saying that to be a dick, you were a good guy, sticking by her. It just sucks for you now. And for your kids." Finn tries to comfort his friend.

"I should have left her years ago. Madi and I were doing fine without her. She came back from New York so fucking broken, man. I felt like I owed it to Madi for her to have Quinn. Girls need their mom. I fucked up, I love my little man, but Quinn was not ready for another kid."

"Did they find anything at her apartment that would let you know why she did what she did?" Finn asked.

"Yeah, they found her diaries. She'd been keeping them since freshman year. It's like reading through the story of my life through her eyes. She was even more messed up than we thought. She wrote in there about all her schemes to get you back and how she was going to use me. She had a plan where I'd sleep with Berry, you know I'd never, so you'd be heartbroken. There are seven pages of rants from the day you and Berry got married." Puck relayed to Finn.

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