Chapter 16 Awards Season

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Finn and Rachel finished the album and its award season for the Music Industry.  Their album consists of all genres of music, Rock, pop, country, and Broadway (come on its Rachel Berry).  They are fresh off their CMA win for Song of the Year (Suck it Taylor Swift).  You will find the link to the Album artwork on my profile page. 

Chapter Sixteen:  Award Season

Two weeks ago, that's how long it's been since they brought home the CMA for Song of the Year.  They recorded an album with all different genres and never in their wildest dreams did they think that the country world with embrace them with such fierceness and bestow upon them one of Country Music's highest awards.  They recorded "It ain't yours to Throw Away" because it reminded Finn of the time in college when they had two kids and another on the way, Rachel wanting to give up and just stay home.  Finn had signed with the Giants so money wasn't' the issue.  But Finn refused to let her give up on Broadway and she landed her first role not too long after that.  The song mirrored the sentiment Finn had told her.

"Rachel you have a gift, and by not sharing it with the world, you are throwing it away.  Even if you only ever sing for 10 people a night. They deserve to hear your voice."

She of course went full steam ahead and won her first Tony for that role. He'd never been prouder of her.  So now 16 years later they recorded a song to remind them of that time in their lives and the people of country radio took to it like no one could have seen.

When they were nominated against the likes of Taylor Swift, Kenny Chesney and Tim McGraw there was no way they thought they'd actually win; but they did and now they were off in California at the Grammy's. 

Rachel already has a Grammy from her first album, but she really wanted this one because it would be with Finn.  Finn has been her biggest supporter, her rock, her husband, her everything.  He made sure she got to New York, even with a baby he didn't not waiver on them getting to New York.  He worked to get his scholarship to Columbia and lead them to a National championship, then with the Giants he worked his butt off winning the Superbowl four times. 

Doing this album with him has been a dream come true for her.  Finn has always been her muse and she his; it's nice to share that with the world. 

Their plane just landed and while Finn and Rachel were gathering their carryon's Chris was getting his.  The other kids were in Lima with Burt and Carole.  Finn and Rachel thought it'd be nice if Chris came to the Grammy's with them and maybe it would cheer him up a bit.  He's been so down ever since Adele broke up with him.  She won't even talk to him, so he's been brooding. 

They headed to the car waiting for them along with the pap's. One of them yelling Chris's name.  they all looked over to the photographer and he shoved a mic in Chris's face.

"Chris word is you cheated on your girlfriend.  Twitter has been all ablaze with it for months.  Is it true?"

Before Chris could answer Finn pushed him toward the car and closed the door. Once Chris was safely in the car away from the flashes, Finn turned on the pap. "Dude, not cool.   My kids are off limits as well as their private lives.  They are not famous; you don't get to pry into them." With that Finn gave his famous half smile, shook the hand of the guy holding the other door for him and got in while the driver sped away from LAX.

Once they got checked into their suite at the Beverly Wilshire, the stylist came with racks of dresses for Rachel.  Finn and Chris had their Armani suits shipped so they were already pressed and hanging in the suite.

The Grammy's were the next night. So, Finn took Chris out while Rachel worked with the stylist.

Sitting at the In and Out Burger on Sunset, Finn started to talk to his son.

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