Chapter Four: The Showdown!

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This is going to be a short chapter compared to my others. I am getting ready to move from TN to AZ and I wanted to get a chapter out before I have to pack up the computer.  To everyone who has favorite it or me thank you from the bottom of my heart.   I will be picking up the story once I get my computer set up or maybe from the road and my iPad if the inspiration hits in all the chaos.  But for now enjoy and don't forget to review.

Also, the way season six is going is infuriating me. Why does Rachel need a boy? Let her get back to NYADA and Broadway like Finn wanted. She doesn't need a boy to have a happy ending on the show. Anyway I've decided I will continue to love and cherish Seasons 1-3 and appreciate Season 4 because Cory was outstanding in it, but I will pretend Season 5 & 6 were all a bad dream and Rachel will wake up to a naked Finn and be happy.

*****Don't Stop Fincheling*****

Chapter Four

The Showdown!

It had been three weeks since Chris overheard Quinn talking shit about his mom.  The semester was rapidly coming to an end and Chris need to make up his mind if he wanted to tell his friends the truth of who he really was. 

He had become close with Marco Lopez and Josh Abrams.  They were on the football team with him. Marco being his favorite receiver and Josh his go to running back.  He had cooled off his relationship (if you can call it that) with Madi, and her friends were giving him the cold shoulder but he had to think of his family.

So here he was a week away from the end of the six week semester. The football team won their first two game by a landslide. So his position on the team as well as in the popular crowd had been solidified.

He knew his relationship with his boys would survive. They really liked him for him, because he was a kick ass QB and he helped them win all the COD and Halo tourneys they got into. He wasn't afraid they'd go all Finn Hudson crazy on him. He decided he'd tell them by inviting them over to his house for some gaming Saturday after practice.

He was worried about Madi. She was pissed that he told her they need to cool down. She didn't understand why. Chris told her the lame ass "it's not you, it's me" when that didn't work he said

"Look Madi, I really like you, but I'm not willing to put my position on the line to date the coach's daughter.  Besides being new here and wanting to fit in, your Dad, I mean he'll kill me or worse cut off my business.  Maybe we can be friends"

"FRIENDS? FRIENDS! You're fucking joking right now. You have to be. My dad doesn't give a crap about who I date. You're just afraid. Of what I don't know because we both know I'm the hottest piece of ass in this school. Your loss Christopher McMann"

And that is the last time the talked in three weeks. Not even in Spanish class. She had Uncle Will move her away from me.  I really did like her. Damn why was her mom a psycho?

Coach Puckerman was always saying little things comparing him to his dad. He wasn't sure if he figured it out but he was glad Coach didn't say anything if he did. He made up his mind. He'd talk with his parents tonight after the game. He'd invite Lopez and Abrams over for a Halo marathon and would spill the beans to coach after practice on Saturday.


Finn had taken the girls to Poco Loco's Swim Shop on W. Elm for new swim suits. Bella had joined the swim team of her Middle School and Aiyana just wanted what her sissy got. Cullen was with Grandpa Leroy at the zoo.

Just as Finn and the girls were coming out, Bella was telling her dad all about the boy at her school with the Mohawk "He's so rude daddy. He pulls my hair likes he's five. Cullen doesn't even pull my hair. And he says, he says" Bella suddenly whispers "Bad words" Finn chuckles.

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