Chapter Six: Wicked Bitch of East Lima

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"Finnnn harder baby, faster" Finn has had his dick buried in his wife for the better part of two hours making her cum four times. "Finn you need to cum" she pants. "You first baby" he responds pumping in and out of her wet warm center. "It's been two hours Finn, I've got to get ready. Fuck" she breaths out.

"Cum for me Rach, cum" he tells her. "Cum for me Finn" she mimics and reaches underneath him to grab his sack. She tugs Finn's balls and she feels him swell inside of her. She feels the familiar snap inside her walls. She begins to flutter and scream her husband's name.

Her walls flitter triggering Finn's release. "Fuck RACH!" he grunts. "Oh my god, Finn. That was amazing" Rachel is panting trying regain her breath. Finn still half hard inside of his wife, breathing hard. "I love pregnant horny Rachel." He chuckles and Rachel giggles then smacks his shoulder "This is all your fault. I just wanted a kiss."

Finn pulls out once his large cock becomes flaccid. "Keep telling yourself that babe" he says cockily laying on his back pulling his tiny wife to his side. "You're an ass" she laughs and pulls away

"No stay I want to snuggle Finchel style" Finn pouts.

"Finchel snuggles always leads to more Finchel sex. I have to meet my wonderful mother and brother in law for lunch at Milano's Café in Rachel looks at the clock, OH MY GOD FINN, I have 20 minutes to get there. You are incorrigible do you know that. You need to get out of the house or else I'm not going to be able to walk for the next 7 months"

Finn burst out laughing getting out of bed to walk to his wife. "Maybe your right. I should get out of the house. I really should start looking at recording space if we want to open that recording studio to start our label" he wraps his long arms around his tiny wife's waist.

"I think that's a great idea. Why don't you call that commercial real estate office our relator told us about when we bought this house" she gives him a peck on his lips, grabs his dick then slips from his grasp. "I got to go" she reminds him pulling on a dress, a light cardigan and her ballet flats. She pulls her hair up into a messy bun and quickly leaves her sexy husband standing at the closet naked and gap jawed at her flurry of activity and abrupt departure. Five minutes ago he had her screaming his name and now she's out the door. God he loves this woman.

Tuesday at Football Practice

"Twenty more suicides, if anyone pukes you're doing 50 more" Coach Puckerman screams at his team. 'What is up his ass today? He is riding us too hard. He seems almost mad' Chris thinks to himself. I hope my secret isn't causing this crap.

Chris looks at the sidelines. Seeing Madison he flashes his Hudson half smirk. Madison blushes at Chris's attention. Not going unnoticed by Puck he thinks he is going to have to quash this budding romance. Quinn will be relentless after finding out who Chris really is and he's not letting that happen. Quinn would eat Finn alive. She'd take it as an in back into Finn's life.

"Pansy asses, here now!" Puck barks. "Your QB has something to tell you. Chris" Nodding to Chris, Puck stands back.

"As you know, I'm moved here from NYC. But what you don't know is my last name is not McMann. I wanted to earn my spot and your respect by being me and not using my last name as a crutch." Chris pauses looking at the faces of his team mates.

"Who's your dad, Peyton Manning?" a linebacker says

The team starts laughing making stupid comments. "Enough!" Puck yells. Signaling Chris to continue.

"No, even though he's a great dad to his twins, and his wife makes the best Gumbo I've ever had, he is not my dad"

The team looks at him like he is an alien. Chris continues "My dad beat Peyton in the Super Bowl though. My dad is Finn Hudson" His team mates gasp then look confused then understanding sets in and Chris just smirks.

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