Chapter 14 Hello World

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Last time we were in Lima with the Hudson Family. Rachel and Finn held the Star studded opening of their record label and recording studio Finchel Records a subsidiary of Sony Music.  The night was a huge success.  Ranger and Tank promised to teach the little ones and Adele self-defense.  They were taught I'm not going to write that here.  Chris and Adele told each other they loved each other. Chris wants to wait to have sex until they are ready (Such chivalry) Adele agreed.

Finchel sex ensued and all were sated. 

Now we find ourselves two months later and Rachel is three weeks from full term.  She has done wonderful keeping the twins cooking for as long as she has but, she's an emotional rollercoaster. The only one safe from her hormonal outburst is Cullen because he's too cute to yell at.  Puck begins being Puck again.  Santana may find love in an unexpected place.

Chapter Fourteen:  Hello World!

It has been Six weeks since the opening of Finchel Records and Recording studio.  Rachel was now eight and half months pregnant with twins sitting in the recording studios trying to sing the last song on the album.  Her breath control was bad.  The twins were squishing her lungs today and everything she did to alleviate it was not helping.  "Hold on Rachel" LA spoke to her through the head set. "What's wrong? I thought that one was really good" She tried to be positive.

"Rachel Hudson you know I love you and your voice but sweetie that was bad and you know it.  Are you okay?  You look like you are in pain.  Should I call Finn out of the other studio?" Antonio LA Reid asks is artist and friend.

"NO!" Rachel exclaimed.  "I'll be alright I just need to lay down this track so Finn can record his part and the album is done."

LA left the booth and went into the studio. "Rachel, you have no breath.  You are going to pass out and Finn is a big ass man, I don't want him to kick my ass if I let you continue.  You've got two babies in there. Are you having contractions?"

Rachel was half listening to her producer because the contractions were coming closer than before. She heard him ask if she was having contractions so she thought she should be honest.  "Okay get Finn, I think the babies want to meet us today."

LA yelled into the booth for the sound engineer to run and get Finn from the other studio.  Finn was in recording with Joshua Radin on his debut album.  Finn was producing while Puck played lead guitar on the tracks.

The sound guy burst into the studio breathing heavy and Finn's eyes shot to the door "What the fuck man, we are working here" He yelled at his employee

"Finn, Rachel, LA, and babies" the guy was out of breath and full of anxiety. Finn looked at him again when Puck came into the booth, "Did he say Rachel was having the babies?" Sound dude nods and Finn rushes past him then turns back to Josh, "I'll call you went we can finish up okay. Great work.  Let's go have some babies."

Finn got to the other studio to find his wife squeezing LA Reid's hand and him yelling in pain.  "I'll take it from here. For a little thing she's really strong" Finn laughed. LA gladly released Rachel hand into Finn's and told him to get her to the hospital.

"No! I need to finish this song" Rachel said. "Baby I love your commitment but I will throw you over my shoulder and put you in the car if you do not cooperate." Finn looked his wife in the eyes showing her he was not kidding.

"Okay fine. I'll walk but...before she could get another word out a contraction ripped through her. When it was over she started walking without being told and got into the Ranger Rover Finn had parked in the lot.

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