Chapter Nine: Well Hello Mr. Hudson

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"MMmmm" she moaned. "Don't stop, baby" Rachel was writhing on the bed since she was woke up with her husband's head between her legs.

Finn lick up Rachel slit stopping when he reach her clit. He pulled her clit into his mouth and nibbled at it like it was a piece of cheese. Rachel's back was arched off the bed her small baby bump protruding the air. Finn couldn't get enough of her like this. She was beautiful every day, but she glowed when he went down on her. He poked his middle finger tip into her hole keeping her clit between his lips sucking and biting. Licking and nibbling creating the melodic hums coming from his wife. Finn plunged his finger deeper within her walls pumping faster, then deeper. Holding her clit until he could feel the telltale sign she was cuming. Her walls began to shake and she was his all his. One last lick up her slit to lap up the sweet juice she released Finn was at her clit taking her over the edge once again "FIIIINNNNN" she screams.

He makes his way back to her face, plunging his tongue into his wife's mouth. "I never get tired of hearing you scream my name." He tells her.

"I knew you liked the reaction I gave you. Tina said men to actually like to stick their tongue into a woman's twat. They only like the reaction." Rachel breathed out.

"Well, I don't know about Mike and Tina, but being between your thighs is one of my most favorite places to be. You taste deliciously like berries and cream and get sweeter when you cum. I do that because it gives me pleasure to give you pleasure." Finn tells her.

Rachel looks at him knowing he is telling the truth. She smirks and rolls onto her small belly rubbing her hands up and down his inner thighs. She takes in the site of his massive cock standing at attention waiting for her.

"Well, Hello Mr. Hudson she says kissing the tip of his erection before taking him fully into her mouth. "Holy fuck Rachel" he squeaks out in a totally manly way. Rachel bobs her head up and down his length. She happens to see the clock, knowing he has to meet the realtor in 30 minutes she bends his knees and traces her finger from his balls to his puckered hole. Making him relax by swirling her tongue around his balls she sticks her finger into his ass, finding his prostate and milks it. "RACHHHHH!!!" he groans as she takes his cock and goes down on him while milking his prostate making him explode in her mouth immediately. "Holy mother of fuck Rach that was amazing" he tells her after he regains his ability to speak.

"Well we didn't have all day. You got to get in the show and meet the realtor in 30 minutes." She says kiss her husband.

"Go get in the shower" She says smacking his ass while he get out of bed.

"Come join me" he teases

"No, I'm going to sleep some more. I promised Aiyana and Cullen we would go to the park later this morning and I need to be rested.  Finchel Baby number 5 is draining more than I care to admit." She says sleepily to her naked husband.

"Okay babe, thanks this morning was so Finchel" he jokes gaining a chuckle from his still naked falling asleep love.

Finn took his coffee from the guy at the Starbuck's window when he said "I really admire you Mr. Hudson, I play for Carmel and your son is a beast just like you were"

"Thanks guy, I am really proud of my son keep practicing hard it's the only way to succeed in football." Finn says back handing the kid a napkin with his autograph. "Have a great day" Finn said with smile and drove off hearing the kids scream to his friends.

He loved doing that for kids. Encouraging their dreams or giving a random autograph. His publicist Matthew doesn't like it but he could give a shit. He pays him not the other way around so when he wants to he gives the autograph.

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