Chapter Three: Flashbacks & Memories

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Chris is taking snaps while Puck watches him. Puck knows this kid looks familiar but he can't place him. "He throws just like Huddy did back in the day. That technique is one of a kind" he thinks to himself

"PUCK!" he hears her scream. "I don't have time Quinn go away. I'm coaching" he yells back

"Make time" she says.

"What do you want Quinn?"

"I saw man-hands today at the grocery store"

"It's been 15 years, grow up and stop calling her that. Her name is Rachel"

"I don't give a rats as what her name is. I don't want to see her. I can't believe he's still with her. She must have so magic spell over him."

"Well you better get used to it. I heard on the radio that they have moved back to Lima. He retired and she left Broadway a long time ago."

"Ugh Why, why can't she just go away and stay away. She annoys the crap out of me"

Chris hears his coach and Madison's mom talking about his parents. "Man-hands" he thinks what a bitch. How dare she talk about my mom like that?

Chris is about to say something then he hears Coach

"FUCK QUINN! This is why we will never be married or together. You need to get your head out of your ass. Finn Hudson dumped you 15 years ago. He loves and married Rachel. We have a kid together and I've tried, I really have but you are living in a school girl fantasy that he's coming back for you. HE'S NOT! Hasn't wanted your ass since sophomore year when he knocked up Berry. Get over yourself. And you better just leave them alone. They have kids for Moses sake."

"Puck I- I don....." Quinn tries to object but Puck was not having it.

"Don't try Quinn. I know how you and your mind works. If you think there is even a hint you might get Hudson back you're gonna go for it. STOP! Think about our daughter. You'll embarrass her. Do you want that?" Puck admonishes her

Quinn opens and closes her mouth like a fish gasping for air. She can't say anything because everything Puck just said is true. Her eyes flash of sadness then she steals herself. "I don't want him. Just don't forget to pick up your daughter. It's your week with her." With that Quinn storms off the field.

Puck notices Chris staring in his direction "McMann you got something to say?" Chris is brought out of his trance "NO COACH!" then takes off to sit under the center to practice more of the new playbook.

Coach brought out a playbook from when he was in high school. The plays were designed for Finn and his throwing style. Coach said seeing as Chris has a similar style it was time to dust of the championship playbook.

Chris took to the plays with as much ease as his father. Coach still was amazed at how much Chris threw like Finn.

"Kid have I told you how good you are? You remind so much of Finn Hudson. You know who he is right?" Puck asked Chris while walking to the locker room. Practice ended and Chris needed to wait until everyone was gone. Papa Burt wasn't able to get him today so his dad would have to pick him up. They agreed that Finn would come a half hour after practice finished so everyone would be gone.

"Of course, QB of the Superbowl winning NY Giants. Who doesn't know Finn Hudson" Chris replies

"Did you know he went here?"
"I've seen his jersey and the field is named after him. It makes sense." Chris returns. Dude I can read Chris thought to himself.

"It's just really weird Kid, you throw exactly like him.  I want to catch for you that's how much you make me think of him."

"You were good friends?" Chris asks

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