Chapter 11 Why?

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It's been a month since Finn and Rachel found out about the twins

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It's been a month since Finn and Rachel found out about the twins. They have yet to tell the kids, both scared of the reaction.  They were okay when there was one, but Rachel is not sure how they'll take two. Why can't she and Finn ever do anything the easy way.

The good news is today is the day Finn is having his vasectomy. Okay so maybe he doesn't think its good news.

"Rach" Finn calls from the bed trying to sound sick and pathetic. He really is not that good of an actor good thing he could throw a football.

"Don't even try it Hudson, get your ass out of that bed you've got an appointment with Dr. Jones and you are not getting out of it." She told him.

"BUUTT Baby!" He says all sugary.

"Don't baby me, Finn. You know this is easier for you to do than for me to have another surgery, it's safer too."

"It liberally has happened like Puck said in high school, you are cutting off my balls" Finn said in a huff causing his wife to laugh.

"It's literally and I'm not cutting off your balls, and they say I'm the dramatic one" She continues to laugh walking back into the bedroom her baby bump swelling with the days passing.

Finn looks at his small wife in her bra and panties licking his lips with that dark look in his eyes she knows so well.

"Not happening Finn, Dr. Jones said no sex the day of the procedure. I think I more than took care of you yesterday when Kurt took the kids out all day."

"Rach, I'm not going to get some for like two hundred weeks. I don't know why we couldn't do this after you had the baby and we'd both be out of commission" Finn asked hopefully.

"Finn, come on stop trying to get out of it. You heard Dr. Jones, you won't be able to have sex for 7 days. And if we wait there is a more likely chance that I could get pregnant. We do this now while I'm already pregnant and we can work the left over sperm out without fear of me getting pregnant."

He knew his wife's logic was correct, he just really didn't want his balls cut into. "Fine, let's go get my manhood chopped off." He resigns himself pulling his legs off the bed and onto the floor.  "All I know is when the seven days is up, you better be ready because I'm going to need you to fuck me a whole lot to get over this" With that Rachel shakes her head and her husband walks into the bathroom pulling his boxers off hopping into the shower.

"When is that any different" Rachel mumbles to herself.

Finn was pacing the waiting room nervously while Rachel read a magazine.

"How can you be so calm when I'm getting ready for them to cut into my business?"

"Finn didn't you take the valium Dr. Jones prescribed?" Rachel asks not looking up from her magazine.

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