Michael imagine #1

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You are new to Australia, to be exact, you've been there for about 2 days. You moved to Sydney because your mum got a new job offer out here, with better pay and better hours, and both your parents decided it would be best for your education and lifestyle if you hopped across the pond to sunny Sydney, and so you did.

You are currently helping your parents move the billions of boxes of your stuff out of the van and in to your new house. It's nice there, it's big and spacious, and very 'homely'. You go back out to get the stuff for your room and someone catches your eye, you glance around to see a boy standing next door, staring at you struggling with a box. He has black hair and yet you can clearly see a streak of bright blue in his hair, which has slowly turned greeny as it has faded. You can't help but think he's a little bit cute.

He slowly makes his way over to you and holds out a hand for you to shake, "hi, I'm Michael", you put the box down and take his hand and say "hey, I'm Y/N", he smiles and says "that's a pretty name", you blush, and turn back to the boxes trying to figure out which one will be the best to carry first. Suddenly, Michael is by your side, picking up one of the heaviest boxes, you stare at him and he smiles and says "where should I put this", and you blink and say "straight up the stairs, first door on the right", he nods and goes inside your house, smiling at your mum as he goes through the door, you watch as he goes in, receiving a confused glance from your mum, to which you reply with a shrug and point to the neighbours house. She nods to let you know she gets it and Michael comes back out.

You see them talking to one another, and you hear your mother laugh, to which you mentally face palm. Then Michael comes over and says "which box next?" You grin and point to another heavy one, "that one please, to the same place", he nods and picks the box up, gives you a cheeky grin and then wanders inside again. You can't help but smile at Michaels cuteness.

You then pick up a final box, and lock the car, and wander inside too, only to find Michael sitting on your bed going through your song book, you gasp which makes him look up and smile. He says "did you write these?", you nod slowly and he says "they're amazing!!", you blush and go to argue with him, but your mum comes in telling Michael his mother wants him home for dinner. He smiles at your mum and gets up, he turns to you as you stand up and says "promise me something?", you nod slowly, unsure whether you can trust him or not, he slowly walks to you and kisses your cheek and says "you'll show me how those songs sounds sometime?". You can't help but giggle, and nod and say "I will, I promise. Now go home, before your mum worries too much". He grins and wanders off out the front door yelling, "later Y/N, I'll see you around", you blush and wave really hoping he's telling the truth. You could seriously get to like Michael.

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