5SOS dates - Ashton

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You and Ashton have been together for about 2 months, and you've both decided it is getting more serious and that it is now the time for you to meet his family. You know Ashton's dad isn't around, for personal reason he doesn't really talk about, but you do know he has a little brother, Harry and his mum.

Instead of meeting them at a house, like a normal couple would do. Ashton's mum suggested you all go out together to a funfair that's in town for the weekend, loving funfairs and everything you agreed because it would give you some time to bond with Ashton's family. You look at your clock and see it's 12 exactly. You smile and get up off of the sofa and head to the shower, knowing Ashton is going to be here to get you at 2.

You head in to the shower and begin to clean your body, wash your hair thoroughly and shave everywhere. After a god ten minutes making yourself smell nice you climb out of the shower, wrapping a towel around you in the process and you head to your bedroom to decide on an outfit. It's very hot today in Sydney so you try to keep your outfit as casual as possible, but by still making yourself look presentable. Settling for a white tank top with American lips on it, a black skater skirt, and a pair of white cut off converse. You grab your brown side bag and put all your valuables in it for the day including your phone, purse and house keys. You leave this on the bed and head to the bathroom to begin on your hair and make up.

You keep your make-up pretty simple, giving yourself the natural look, applying peach lipstick to make your lips look more luscious and plump. You paint your fingernails in a pastel pink colour so they look pretty nice too. You decide to fishtail plait your hair down the back of your head. Just as this gets finished, there's a knock on the door and you know it's Ashton, you hear your mum and him talking. http://www.polyvore.com/untitled/set?id=89079197

You run across the hall in to your room, grab your bag, hat and sunglasses and run down the stairs, where Ashton kisses your forehead and compliments you. You blush and hug your mum goodbye and you walk out to the car. You know Ashton's mum is driving you all to the fun fair. And she greets you warmly when you get in to the car by introducing herself to you, a long with a blushing, shy Harry, complementing you on the way you look. You can't help but blush and say "it's lovely to finally meet you" she smiles, looks at Ashton, still talking to you and says "you too Y/N, Ashton here hasn't shut up about you", causing Ashton to slowly turn pic. You giggle slightly and take his hand in yours as his mum drives you all to the funfair.

After about 2 hours at the funfair, you have started to get really close to Ashton's mum, and she is genuinely one of the nicest people you have ever met. She's so kind and funny, and genuinely just amazing. You are currently playing on a shooting game with Harry which you win, causing you to both erupt in cheers. You both start giggling uncontrollably as you get weird looks from passers by, high-fiving Harry in the process. You both grin and receive your prize - two large spindles of candy floss!

You both walk back to Ashton and his mum, who are sitting at the bench, but this only makes Ashton reach over to steal your candy floss and run off with it, leaving you sitting their bewildered as his family start laughing at your shocked face. Realisation hits you and you excuse yourself, and sprint after Ashton. You see him sitting under a tree with your candy floss, eating it. He looks up to see you standing there arms folded, and he stands up smirking as you run over to him and jump on him, knocking him to the floor, you going with him.

You both start to laugh uncontrollably as you are now both covered in grass. You roll off of him and lay next to him facing him. He smiles at you and props himself up on his elbow leaning over to peck you on the lips, he pulls back and looks straight in to your eyes "I love you Y/N", you feel your heart stop. This is the first time he's said this to you and you can't stop dying inside. "And I love you too Ashton", he smiles and kisses you again, deeper this time. Until you both pull back and look at each other.

He smiles and says "my mum really likes you, you know. And Harry? I've never seen him act like that with any of my other girlfriends.." you smile at this and say "well, I really like them too, your mum is SO nice and I just adore your brother", he grins and leans over to kiss you again, pulling you up so you are sitting on his lap as his back is pressed against the tree. You raise your hands and knot them in to his hair causing you to drop the candy floss as he pulls your body closer to his.

Unfortunately your kissing is cut short by Ashton's mum calling his mobile to let him know that she needs to get you home now. You both sigh and get up and walk hand in hand back to Ashton's family. You grab your bag and head to the car. The ride home is full of giggles and laughs and Ashton's embarrassing baby stories, where one particular one makes you cry - it is that funny.

You pull up at your house and hug Ashton's mum and brother goodbye before you walk to the door with Ashton. He grins and says "I had fun today, thanks for coming", you laugh and say "like I had a choice", this makes him fake gasp and act fake hurt, until you pull his face to yours and kiss him once quite passionately.

He smiles as you pull back and say "I'll see you tomorrow Ash!" He grins and nods and kisses your cheek and says "bye Y/N, sweet dreams of me", he winks and walks away. Leaving you laughing and shaking your head. You smile as you go back in to your house, entering your room. You collapse on your bed and sigh in contentment, grinning about todays events. The last thing you remember is receiving a text from Ashton saying "mum says she loves you, and so do I xx"

You smile to yourself and let sleep overwhelm your body.

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