Ashton imagine #1

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You and Ashton have been best friends for a while, approximately 10 years, since you moved over from England to Sydney when you were 7.

You soon became best friends because your parents were best friends so you obviously saw a lot of each other. Therefore you became attached at the hip, your parents wouldn't find one of you without the other. It helped a lot going to the same primary school as each other too.

When you hit secondary school things started to get a bit different between the two of you. And by different, you had started to notice how 'cute' Ashton actually was. Although you brushed it away quite easily, after all, you were only twelve.

But in year 10, things got even weirder. Ashton started to get girlfriends and you found yourself getting envious of these girls, they weren't even pretty, you would think to yourself. But even weirder was the strange, slightly strong, feelings you were getting towards your best friend. You couldn't look at him and not think he is attractive.

There's a party tonight for your best friends birthday, she's turning 18, and both you and Ashton are invited. Your friend knows of your developing crush on Ashton and you go shopping for an outfit that will definitely get his attention.

You start to get ready for the part, pulling out a tight black dress that goes to mid thigh length. it has 3/4 length black lace sleeves and you can just make out your black lace bra through the material. You really are going all out tonight. You curl your hair and then tie it up in a high pony tail so it falls down your back stopping at the bottom of your rib cage. You apply mascara, liquid eyeliner, blusher and deep red lipstick. You sleep on some black heels, they are high, but not so high you can't walk in them.

Ashton's picking you up from your house and that's why you've made such an effort - you're dressed to impress him.

There's a knock at the door and you go down and open it. Ashton is standing there with dark blue skinny jeans on, black vans, and his lone star t-shirt. His hair is flicked to the side and he has put his glasses on. You realise you've been staring at him when he clears his throat. You blush and by the flustered look on his face, you can tell he's been checking you out as well. "You look...gorgeous", is all he manages to say before you smile and grab your phone, keys and start to walk to his car.

You arrive at the party and give your best friend a hug. You head to the kitchen to get a drink, and when you've got one you make your way upstairs to find a quiet room to sit in whilst you have a drink - you really aren't a 'party animal'. You are just sitting there in silence trying to think of a way to get Ashton's attention when, low and behold, he walks through the door. You grin at him as he says "thought I'd find you up here, little miss party animal". You laugh at the last bit because he says it with such sarcasm. You stand up and give him a hug, and gasp in shock, as he presses you up against the wall.

Ashton lowers his head slightly so he's right by your ear, and he moves his hands to your hips. You go with it and wrap your arms around his neck, he grins and says "I meant what I said, you look gorgeous". You smirk at him, biting your lip seductively, you say "as do you". He leans in slowly as you lean up, saying "stop me if I go too far". You nod, and he gently presses his lips to yours. Slowly, too slow for you, so you force your lips against his, causing him to open his mouth, you take advantage of this and slide your tongue in to his mouth. He reacts quickly and does the exact the same, making you grin in the kiss.

You both pull back after about 4 minutes of heated making out, and grin at each other. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" Ashton says as you both sit on the edge of the bed, you move some hair out of his eyes and stroke his cheek, you say "probably as long as I've waited for you to do it".

He grins and leans in again, joining your lips with his once more.

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