Luke imagine for Ellie

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Today I was heading to the beach with my 4 best friends, call me a slut or whatever, but they are all boys. There's Calum, Michael, Ashton and Luke. I've been friends with Luke, Cal and Mikey for about 5 years, since we started secondary school, but I've only known Ashton for about 2, but he's still awesome.

The thing is, after spending so much time with them, my feelings for a certain blonde haired cutie have escalated through the roof. I don't think a single day goes by where I don't think of him, or find myself staring at his complete perfectness. Anyway, I am currently dying inside at the thought of seeing him in just swimming trunks, I have to look god damn gorgeous because at the beach, there are always attractive girls, and I always catch Luke watching them, it stings a lot, but I just suck it up.

I decide to shower to make myself smell nice, I shower my hair with coconut conditioner and wash my body with peach shower gel which, personally, is the best smell ever. I wrap myself in a towel and head to my chest of drawers to find a bikini that will compliment me, for once I'm making an effort.

I find a light blue bikini top designed to look like a bra, with a little blue bow in the middle between each pad. It has a pink and dark blue floral design on it, I also find the matching bottoms which have the same floral pattern and 3 buttons down the side. I pull it on and head to find some clothes to cover my body up. I decide on a black, cropped, tank top, with a picture of a daisy chain going around the whole front with the writing 'I'd rather wear flowers in my hair, than diamonds around my neck', and a pair of light blue denim shorts.

Now on to the face and hair, considering I never really go in the sea when I swim with the boys, I make an effort with my hair and make up. I leave my brown hair in its natural state, slightly wavy, and falling so it's just below my chest, I love my hair because it's at that length where I can do cool things with it, although today I decide against it. For my make up I apply slight peachy lipstick to give my lips a natural look, some mascara and a bit of eyeliner to make my greeny blue eyes pop.

I glance at the clock to see I have about 5 minutes before the boys knock at the door to get me, of course, Ashton is driving us there - he's making us much use of his license as possible, since he lost it once. I grab a pair of brown strappy sandals, with little gems on them, slip them on and grab my sunglasses. Bang on queue, the doorbell goes and I hear my mum get it.

'ELLIE! THE BOYS ARE HERE!!!' She screams up the stairs, 'yeah mum, I gathered!' I reply, before grabbing my bag packed with stuff for the beach. I go downstairs to be greeted by a grinning Calum, who's smile falters when he sees me. I'm confused for a second and then I remember 'meant to be making an effort', I smile cutely at him, and hug my mum goodbye.

Me and Calum leave the house and walk to Ash's car, which is parked on the road. '' Calum stutters out causing me to giggle, I wink at him and say 'gotta make an effort for the hot Australian beach goers don't I?' Causing him to grin, and as I climb in to the car saying hi to the boys I feel all eyes on me, even Luke, who is sitting right next to me and isn't even trying to cover up the fact he's staring at me. I look at him all innocently and smile. He blinks twice before blushing and smiling. I grin to myself because I made him smile!

The drive to the beach is full of singing, laughing, and me catching Luke staring at me and then blushing, because I catch him.

We arrive at the beach and Calum takes my hand and we run to some sun beds like little kids. After setting up our towels and stuff all the boys run off in to the water, leaving me to sit back, relax and enjoy the view.

After about 10 minutes I look up from my book to see Luke standing over me, dripping wet, I can't help but bite my lip because he looks so god damn attractive. 'Come in the waterrrrrrrrr Ellieeeeeee' he whines causing me to laugh, then sigh and stand up to take my clothes off, I slip my shorts of a slowly take my top off, making sure to go extra slow because I can feel Luke's eyes burning in to my skin.

I look up to see Luke staring at me, biting down on his lip quite hard. I laugh slightly under my breath and raise my eyebrows up at him, causing him to blush and say "urm.. ur.. are you coming in?", you shake your head and say "I might go for a walk actually, wanna come?", he beams at you and you hold out your hand for him to take.

You both intertwine your fingers together and walk down the beach together.  You are walking for quite a while until you stop at a rock face, where you have to climb across to continue on your way, Luke is holding your hand the whole time, but he slips because he's watching you and making sure you are okay. Which causes the both of you to fall in to the water, getting drenched.

When you both rise up, you keep a stern look and stare at him, causing him to mumble endless apologies and start fussing over you, and then he looks in to your eyes and you burst out laughing causing him to splash you, and you to wrap your arms around his neck and kiss his cheek - to let him know you're fine. He gently but securely wraps his arms around your waist, and you look straight in to his eyes, deciding to be a little bit brave. You move so your foreheads are resting against one another.

Both of your breathing is rapid as you see Luke gently and slowly start to lean in, until FINALLY he kisses you, you instantly kiss back. You both pull away smiling like the Cheshire cat, and giggle when Luke instantly moves back in to kiss you again.

Only this time his lips don't meet yours as you are interrupted by someone screaming "CANNONBALL" and jumping in to the water right next to the two of you, you laugh and look up to see it's Calum who slowly hints on what he disturbed causing him to giggle, blush and apologise, and for Luke to start attacking him in a water splashing fight, which you, Ashton and Michael all join in eventually.

This is the happiest you've been in a while.

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