5SOS dates - Michael

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You and Michael have been going out for 3 months today, and it has been the best 3 months you have ever spent with anyone. Michael is so cute, kind and caring towards you and he makes you feel like the most special girl to have ever lived.

Today, he is taking you out on a date to celebrate your guys' 3 months together, so he's told you to be ready by 7:30pm so he can take you out for dinner. He's told you to wear something fairly glamorous because he's going to spoil you tonight. You can't help but sigh because when Michael goes 'all out', he really goes 'all out'.

You begin your preparations by having a shower, washing your body, hair and shaving everywhere, because after all, it's been 3 months and you have yet to do anything sexual with each other, you are just being precautious. You get out of the shower and head to the wardrobe to collect an outfit for the evening, as well as pyjamas because he's asked you to sleep over - you usually do this, so it isn't new or anything. You get changed in to a black thigh length dress with a lace like overthrow bit on the shoulders, black heels with straps, adding some glamorous jewellery. You keep your make-up pretty simple, adding eye liner to your eyes to make them pop and green nail varnish. http://www.polyvore.com/untitled/set?id=89075661

There's a knock at the door and you know it's Michael because you can hear him talking to your dad. Luckily for you, him and your dad get on really well, so you don't need to worry about your parents not liking Michael. You hear you dad call for you that Michael's there and with one last spray of your Marc Daisy perfume you head downstairs, to see Michael standing their in a suit and tie.

As soon as you hit the bottom step, your mum, dad and Michael all stop and stare at you. Your mum is the first to speak as both the males can't close their mouths. "You look beautiful Y/N, doesn't she Y/D/N?", to which your dad nods and says stuttering slightly "y-yes, g-gorgeous", you can't help but blush.

You walk over to Michael and give him a hug, inhaling his amazing scent, and he whispers in your ear "you look amazing Y/N, I'm so lucky", causing you to grin and reply "you don't look that bad yourself", causing him to grin cheekily. After you say goodbye to your parents Michael takes your hand and he walks with you to his car, considering he recently got his drivers license. You smile as he opens your door all gentlemanly and gets in to the drivers side. He refuses to tell you where you are going together, although you pester him through out the whole car journey - which lasts about 20 minutes.

Until you pull up outside the newest restaurant to open in Sydney. You gasp as you get out of the car, because you've heard how expensive this place is for people to eat at, and you give a worried glance to Michael who grins and says "don't worry Y/N, I get paid to do my job remember?" to which you nod and take his hand as he leads you to the entrance. When you get there you are greeted by a waiter, "table for two, in the name of Clifford", Michael states quite confidently, putting his arm round your waist, you blush as the waiter leads you over to a cute table in the corner, the table has a vase in the middle with a single red rose in it.

You grin at Michael knowing he's the hopeless romantic who set this up for you. You kiss his cheek and take a seat, but he snatches the menu before you can look at it. You sigh, because he always does this so you don't pick the cheapest meal, but let him continue to read out the choices. You both decide and wait about 15 minutes for your food, and when it comes out you are both pretty hungry, so you completely devour it in the space of 20 minutes. For dessert, you order a giant 'chocolate glory challenge' which the two of you share. It is literally a tall, round tub glass full of chocolate and vanilla ice cream, chocolate fudge sauce, chunks of brownies, maltesers, hazelnuts and marshmallows. You both grin like idiots as you consume the chocolaty deliciousness.

When you've finished the food, you just sit there talking for a bit, until Michael reaches in to his pocket and brings out a long, thin, deep purple, velvet box. You gasp when you see the name of a very expensive jewellers engraved in silver thread on the box, you stare at a blushing Michael as he hands it to you. "You shouldn't have Mikey!" is all you manage to say before he cuts you off saying "but I wanted to." You can't help but smirk at his stubbornness as you slowly open up the delicate box revealing a silver bracelet.

You gasp at how beautiful it is, and stand up so you can engulf Michael in a hug, which involves you ending up sitting on his lap in the middle of the restaurant, but you don't care. You are so amazed by how perfect your boyfriend is. You then take time to admire the bracelet, seeing that it has two silver strands woven around each other to give it a twisted effect. You shiver as you feel Michael whisper in your ear "look on the back baby", you immediately do, to find a little engraving there.

"Happy 3 months Y/N - love Mikey"

You grin as he puts it around your wrist, and then you take his face in your hands and kiss him passionately, and deeply. Making him call the waiter over, so the two of you can leave soon. Lets just say, the two of you definitely had some fun that night.

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