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Brads POV

It's been about 15 minutes of me showing Tristan around and he still hasn't said anything since we left the office. Not much of a talker?

"And over here, is the cafeteria. We eat here." I said very bluntly.

I heard Tristan snicker and he said "Wow, didn't think so."

"Aaah, so he does have a voice. For a second I thought you were mute" I said sarcastically.

"Ha, yeah, I do. But I don't really want to be here so what's the point of talking?" He shrugged.

What's the point? This is a pretty fucking good school. Some people would die to attend here. But I need to chill. I don't know this person at all.

"Not to sound like an ass, but why are you here if you don't want to be?" I asked as we got to the courtyard. "And by the way, this is the courtyard, where we have most school events. But continue."

"Haha, thanks for that information." He paused to finish laughing. Didn't think I was that funny. But god his laugh was beautiful. "And I'm here because my uncle thinks I have some kind of talent." He said looking down.

"And do you think you have talent?" I asked all of sudden really interested to know more about him.

He looked up and was about to answer and then stopped himself as if he had realized something.

"Why in the hell am I talking to you about this?" He scoffed and started walking away.

"Okay, I'm sorry for getting too personal with you, but we must finish this tour shouldn't we?"

"Nah, it's fine. I think I can find my way around."

"As much as I would love to leave you and go back to doing nothing, you're my responsibility. So come on blondey, let me show you the football field." I said leading him to the tiny football field towards the back of the school.

When we made it outside, Tristan pulled out a cigarette and stuck it into his mouth. I looked at him shocked.

"Please tell me that you are pulling an Augustus Waters and it's just a metaphor."

"Cute, but no." He bluntly said while pulling a lighter out of his pocket and lighting the roll of tobacco.

As soon as the cigarette was lighted, I pulled it out of his mouth and threw it on the ground stepping on it.

"What the hell?!" He said looking at me wide eyed.

"You're killing your lungs." I stated.

He pushed me back against the wall and was centimeters away from my face. Whoa.

"Cigarettes don't come cheap, understand. You don't have to be my friend and you sure as hell don't need to care about my health. But you will respect, are we clear?"

"Y-yeah, c-crystal clear." I stuttered out.

"Good. Now be a good boy and show me to my first period." What in the hell is going on?

"Yes sir." I said sarcastically breaking out of his spell and pushing pass him. I swear I heard Tristan growl or groan or something. I don't know, I could be imaging things.

"We actually have first period together. You'll be working in the office with me."

"What the actual fuck. Why?" He groaned.

"I have no idea. Maybe you need more extracurriculars on your record or something."

"Well I guess if I'll be working with you, it shouldn't too bad." He said winking at me and walking ahead of me.

Oh boy.

Vote and comment. Peace and love out :) 

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